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Last active May 19, 2023 02:18
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Fail2Ban action configuration for Cloudflare. The current one that ships, by default, with Fail2Ban uses IP Access rules at User level. This one restricts it to a specific Zone (domain).
# Fail2Ban action configuration file for CloudFlare REST API V4 using Authorization Bearer Token
# Author: Dale Rider
# This action depends on curl, python, jq, and xargs.
# To get your CloudFlare Authorization Bearer Token:
# Your Authorization Bearer Token must have read-write-delete access to your firewall rules.
# CloudFlare API firewall rules documentation:
# How to use:
# Add your CloudFlare bearer token, Zone ID and the action call to the [DEFAULT] section of your jail.local file:
# cftoken = c2547eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483cc5cfdda41
# cfzone = eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483
# action_cf_token = cloudflare-zone-ip-access[cfkey="%(cftoken)s",cfzoneid="%(cfzone)s"]
# Set the default action in the [DEFAULT] section, or override the default action in a jail:
# action = %(action_cf_token)s
# Option: actionstart
# Notes.: command executed once at the start of Fail2Ban.
# Values: CMD
actionstart =
# Option: actionstop
# Notes.: command executed once at the end of Fail2Ban
# Values: CMD
actionstop =
# Option: actioncheck
# Notes.: command executed once before each actionban command
# Values: CMD
actioncheck =
# Option: actionban
# Notes.: command executed when banning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: <ip> IP address
# <failures> number of failures
# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time
# Values: CMD
actionban = curl -s -X POST<cfzoneid>/firewall/access_rules/rules \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <cfkey>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"mode":"block","configuration":{"target":"ip","value":"<ip>"},"notes":"Fail2Ban by Zone"}'
# Option: actionunban
# Notes.: command executed when unbanning an IP. Take care that the
# command is executed with Fail2Ban user rights.
# Tags: <ip> IP address
# <failures> number of failures
# <time> unix timestamp of the ban time
# Values: CMD
actionunban = curl -s -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer <cfkey>' \<cfzoneid>/firewall/access_rules/rules/$(curl -s -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <cfkey>' \
'<cfzoneid>/firewall/access_rules/rules?mode=block&configuration_target=ip&configuration_value=<ip>&page=1&per_page=1&notes=Fail2Ban by Zone&match=all' | jq -r '.result[] | .id')
# Declare your CloudFlare Authorization Bearer Token in the [DEFAULT] section of your jail.local file.
# Example:
# cftoken = c2547eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483cc5cfdda41
cfkey =
cfzoneid =
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