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Last active December 10, 2021 03:00
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Java class for parsing audio data
package com.charneykaye;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
Utilities for converting back and forth between a `double` and various `byte[]` for different bit-rates
a double is a single value for a channel of a frame of some audio.
public enum AudioSample {
// sample types
U8, // unsigned 8-bit integer
S8, // signed 8-bit integer
F32LSB, // 32-bit floating point, LSB order
F32MSB, // 32-bit floating point, MSB order
F64LSB, // 64-bit floating point, LSB order
F64MSB, // 64-bit floating point, MSB order
S16LSB, // 16-bit signed integer, LSB order
S16MSB, // 16-bit signed integer, MSB order
S24LSB, // 24-bit signed integer, LSB order
S24MSB, // 24-bit signed integer, MSB order
S32LSB, // 32-bit signed integer, LSB order
S32MSB, // 32-bit signed integer, MSB order
U16LSB, // 16-bit unsigned integer, LSB order
U16MSB; // 16-bit unsigned integer, MSB order
public static final int SIGNED_16BIT_MAX = 0x8000;
public static final int SIGNED_24BIT_MAX = 0x800000;
public static final int SIGNED_32BIT_MAX = 0x80000000;
public static final int SIGNED_8BIT_MAX = 0x80;
public static final int UNSIGNED_16BIT_MAX = 0xffff;
public static final int UNSIGNED_8BIT_MAX = 0xff;
// format encoding types
private static final AudioFormat.Encoding PCM_UNSIGNED = AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED;
private static final AudioFormat.Encoding PCM_SIGNED = AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED;
private static final AudioFormat.Encoding PCM_FLOAT = AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_FLOAT;
Convert output values into a ByteBuffer
@param fmt to write
@param samples output to convert
@return byte buffer of stream
public static ByteBuffer byteBufferOf(AudioFormat fmt, double[][] samples) throws Exception {
ByteBuffer outputBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(samples.length * fmt.getFrameSize());
for (double[] sample : samples)
for (double v : sample)
outputBytes.put(AudioSample.toBytes(v, AudioSample.typeOfOutput(fmt)));
return outputBytes;
Get the proprietary (to this class) type for output audio
which can be used later to quickly build sample bytes from `double` values
@param format of audio from which to extract proprietary sample format
@return proprietary sample format
@throws Exception if format is unsupported
public static AudioSample typeOfOutput(AudioFormat format) throws Exception {
return typeOf(format, true);
Get the proprietary (to this class) type for input audio
which can be used later to quickly build sample bytes from `double` values
@param format of audio from which to extract proprietary sample format
@return proprietary sample format
@throws Exception if format is unsupported
public static AudioSample typeOfInput(AudioFormat format) throws Exception {
return typeOf(format, false);
Get the proprietary (to this class) type
which can be used later to quickly build sample bytes from `double` values
@param format of audio from which to extract proprietary sample format
@param isOutput whether this format will be used for output (which affects rules)
@return proprietary sample format
@throws Exception if format is unsupported
private static AudioSample typeOf(AudioFormat format, boolean isOutput) throws Exception {
// switch based on frame size (bytes) and encoding
AudioFormat.Encoding encoding = format.getEncoding();
int sampleSizeInBits = format.getSampleSizeInBits();
switch (sampleSizeInBits) {
case 8:
if (!isOutput && encoding.equals(PCM_UNSIGNED)) {
return U8;
} else if (encoding.equals((PCM_SIGNED))) {
return S8;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported 8-bit " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + "encoding: " + encoding);
case 16:
if (!isOutput && encoding.equals(PCM_UNSIGNED)) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? U16MSB : U16LSB;
} else if (encoding.equals((PCM_SIGNED))) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? S16MSB : S16LSB;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported 16-bit " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + "encoding: " + encoding);
case 24:
if (!isOutput && encoding.equals(PCM_SIGNED)) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? S24MSB : S24LSB;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported 24-bit " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + "encoding: " + encoding);
case 32:
if (encoding.equals(PCM_SIGNED)) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? S32MSB : S32LSB;
} else if (encoding.equals((PCM_FLOAT))) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? F32MSB : F32LSB;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported 32-bit " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + "encoding: " + encoding);
case 64:
if (encoding.equals(PCM_FLOAT)) {
return format.isBigEndian() ? F64MSB : F64LSB;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported 64-bit " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + "encoding: " + encoding);
throw new Exception("Unsupported " + (isOutput ? "output " : "") + " sample size: " + sampleSizeInBits + " bits");
Convert a `double` value to output bytes based on its proprietary sample type
@param value to convert
@param type of sample
@return output bytes
public static byte[] toBytes(double value, AudioSample type) {
return switch (type) {
case S8 -> toBytesS8(value);
case S16LSB -> toBytesS16LSB(value);
case S16MSB -> toBytesS16MSB(value);
case S32LSB -> toBytesS32LSB(value);
case S32MSB -> toBytesS32MSB(value);
case F32LSB -> toBytesF32LSB(value);
case F32MSB -> toBytesF32MSB(value);
case F64LSB -> toBytesF64LSB(value);
case F64MSB -> toBytesF64MSB(value);
default -> new byte[0];
Convert input bytes to a `double` value based on its proprietary sample type
@param value to convert
@param type of sample
@return value
public static double fromBytes(byte[] value, AudioSample type) {
return switch (type) {
case U8 -> fromBytesU8(value);
case S8 -> fromBytesS8(value);
case U16LSB -> fromBytesU16LSB(value);
case U16MSB -> fromBytesU16MSB(value);
case S16LSB -> fromBytesS16LSB(value);
case S16MSB -> fromBytesS16MSB(value);
case S24LSB -> fromBytesS24LSB(value);
case S24MSB -> fromBytesS24MSB(value);
case S32LSB -> fromBytesS32LSB(value);
case S32MSB -> fromBytesS32MSB(value);
case F32LSB -> fromBytesF32LSB(value);
case F32MSB -> fromBytesF32MSB(value);
case F64LSB -> fromBytesF64LSB(value);
case F64MSB -> fromBytesF64MSB(value);
to bytes encoded as 8-bit signed int LSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesS8(double value) {
return new byte[]{(byte) (SIGNED_8BIT_MAX * value)};
to bytes encoded as 16-bit signed int LSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesS16LSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putShort((short) (SIGNED_16BIT_MAX * value)).array();
to bytes encoded as 16-bit signed int MSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesS16MSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(2).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).putShort((short) (SIGNED_16BIT_MAX * value)).array();
to bytes encoded as 32-bit signed int LSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesS32LSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putInt((int) (SIGNED_32BIT_MAX * value)).array();
to bytes encoded as 32-bit signed int MSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesS32MSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).putInt((int) (SIGNED_32BIT_MAX * value)).array();
to bytes encoded as 32-bit float LSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesF32LSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putFloat((float) value).array();
to bytes encoded as 32-bit float MSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesF32MSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).putFloat((float) value).array();
to bytes encoded as 64-bit float LSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesF64LSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).putDouble(value).array();
to bytes encoded as 64-bit float MSB
@param value to encode
@return encoded bytes
private static byte[] toBytesF64MSB(double value) {
return ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).putDouble(value).array();
from bytes encoded as 8-bit unsigned int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesU8(byte[] sample) {
return (double) (ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.get() & UNSIGNED_8BIT_MAX) / (double) SIGNED_8BIT_MAX - 1;
from bytes encoded as 8-bit signed int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS8(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.get() / (double) SIGNED_8BIT_MAX;
from bytes encoded as 16-bit unsigned int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesU16LSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) (ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() & UNSIGNED_16BIT_MAX) / (double) SIGNED_16BIT_MAX - 1;
from bytes encoded as 16-bit unsigned int MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesU16MSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) (ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() & UNSIGNED_16BIT_MAX) / (double) SIGNED_16BIT_MAX - 1;
from bytes encoded as 16-bit signed int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS16LSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() / (double) SIGNED_16BIT_MAX;
from bytes encoded as 16-bit signed int MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS16MSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() / (double) SIGNED_16BIT_MAX;
from bytes encoded as 24-bit signed int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS24LSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ((sample[2]) << 16 | (sample[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (sample[0] & 0xFF)) / (double) SIGNED_24BIT_MAX;
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() / (double) 0x8000;
from bytes encoded as 24-bit signed int MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS24MSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ((sample[0]) << 16 | (sample[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (sample[2] & 0xFF)) / (double) SIGNED_24BIT_MAX;
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getShort() / (double) 0x800000;
from bytes encoded as 32-bit signed int LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS32LSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getInt() / (double) SIGNED_32BIT_MAX;
from bytes encoded as 32-bit signed int MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesS32MSB(byte[] sample) {
return (double) ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
.getInt() / (double) SIGNED_32BIT_MAX;
from bytes encoded as 32-bit float LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesF32LSB(byte[] sample) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
from bytes encoded as 32-bit float MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesF32MSB(byte[] sample) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
from bytes encoded as 64-bit float LSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesF64LSB(byte[] sample) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
from bytes encoded as 64-bit float MSB
@param sample to decode
@return value
private static double fromBytesF64MSB(byte[] sample) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(sample)
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