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Created January 20, 2023 17:26
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  • Save charterchap/a2c73efbffda9c19a2fc6ed86ff04e74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# ~/.config/starship.toml
# format = "$username$all$directory$character"
# [┌──$username─────────────────](bold green)
format = """
[\ue0b6$env_var\ue0b0](bold #039dfc)
[$python](bold green)[$username](bold green)$git_branch $git_status $character"""
[character] # The name of the module we are configuring is "character"
success_symbol = "[>](bold green)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green"
error_symbol = "[✗](bold red)" # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green"
format="[$env_value](bold bg:#039dfc)"
style_user = "white bold"
style_root = "black bold"
format = "[$user]($style): "
disabled = false
show_always = false
format="[$symbol$branch(:$remote_branch)]($style) "
symbol = "🐍 "
pyenv_version_name = true
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