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Last active October 11, 2020 13:49
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Sample PHPUnit test showing how to test actual queries
require_once '../lib/LieMapper.php';
require_once '../lib/LieEntity.php';
require_once './PDOMock.php';
class LieMapperTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @test
public function returnsLieCollection()
* Given I have a collection of expected lies
* When I create a database connection
* And pass it to my LieMapper
* When I execute getAll()
* Then I get my expected collection of lies
// Create our collection of Lies
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'Second test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'Third test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 0
// Create collection of Lie objects based on array info
$expectedLies = array();
$expectedLies[0] = new LieEntity();
$expectedLies[1] = new LieEntity();
$expectedLies[2] = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $idx => $details) {
$expectedLies[$idx]->id = $details['id'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->date = $details['date'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->description = $details['description'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->user_id = $details['user_id'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->valid = $details['valid'];
// Mock out our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetchAll'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM'))
// create LieMapper, passing it our mocked DB
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
// ask it to get all the Lies
$lies = $lieMapper->getAll();
// assert that collections are the same
"LieMapper::getAll() did not return expected collection"
* @test
public function getOneRecord()
// Create our raw Lie info
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
// Create a LieEntity object based on info
$expectedLie = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $key => $value) {
$expectedLie->{$key} = $value;
// Mock our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
// create LieMapper, passing it our mocked DB
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$lie = $lieMapper->get($lieInfo['id']);
// assert that collections are the same
"LieMapper::getAll() did not return expected collection"
* @test
public function getCorrectlyHandlesNotFindingLie()
// Mock our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
// create LieMapper, passing it our mocked DB
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$response = $lieMapper->get(uniqid());
* @test
public function getValidLies()
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'Second test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
// Create collection of Lie objects based on array info
$expectedLies = array();
$expectedLies[0] = new LieEntity();
$expectedLies[1] = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $idx => $details) {
$expectedLies[$idx]->id = $details['id'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->date = $details['date'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->description = $details['description'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->user_id = $details['user_id'];
$expectedLies[$idx]->valid = $details['valid'];
// Mock our query object
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetchAll'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with("SELECT * FROM lies WHERE valid = 1")
// create LieMapper, passing it our mocked DB
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
// ask it to get all the Lies
$lies = $lieMapper->getAllValid();
// assert that collections are the same
"LieMapper::getAll() did not return expected collection"
* @test
public function createNewLie()
* Create a new LieEntity in a known state
* Create a new LieMapper
* Pass in a mocked DB object
* Pass the LieEntity to a create() method
* Verify via get() that our LieEntity matches
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
// Create a LieEntity based on $lieInfo
$expectedLie = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $key => $value) {
$expectedLie->{$key} = $value;
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('INSERT INTO lies'))
// create LieMapper, passing it our mocked DB
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$response = $lieMapper->create($expectedLie);
* @test
public function deleteKnownCreatedEntity()
* Given a known entity ID
* Tell me if it was actually deleted
// Create our raw Lie info
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
// Create a LieEntity object based on info
$expectedLie = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $key => $value) {
$expectedLie->{$key} = $value;
// Mock our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$sth2 = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'rowCount'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
->with($this->stringContains('DELETE FROM lies WHERE id ='))
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$response = $lieMapper->delete($expectedLie->id);
"Deleted expected row"
* @test
public function deleteCorrectlyHandlesNullLieEntityId()
$lieMapper = new LieMapper(new stdClass);
$response = $lieMapper->delete(null);
* @test
public function deleteHandlesNoDeletedRowsCorrectly()
// Create our raw Lie info
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'First test lie',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
// Create a LieEntity object based on info
$expectedLie = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $key => $value) {
$expectedLie->{$key} = $value;
// Mock our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$sth2 = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'rowCount'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
->with($this->stringContains('DELETE FROM lies WHERE id ='))
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$response = $lieMapper->delete(uniqid());
* @test
public function deleteHandlesMissingEntityCorrectly()
* Create an entity ID
* Mock a response from the database that returns false
* pass mocked DB into LieMapper
* assert delete() returned false
$lieEntityId = uniqid();
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
"LieMapper::delete() did not handle case where row for entity was not found"
public function updateDataProvider()
return array(
array(1, true),
array(12, false)
* @test
* @dataProvider updateDataProvider
* @param integer $rowCount
* @param boolean $expectedResponse
public function updateKnownEntity($rowCount, $expectedResponse)
$lieInfo = array(
'id' => uniqid(),
'date' => time(),
'description' => 'Lie to update',
'user_id' => uniqid(),
'valid' => 1
$lie = new LieEntity();
foreach ($lieInfo as $field => $value) {
$lie->{$field} = $value;
// Mock our PDO statement
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$sth2 = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'rowCount'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
->with($this->stringContains('UPDATE lies'))
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
$response = $lieMapper->update($lie);
"Did not get expected response from LieMapper::update()"
* @test
public function updateCorrectlyHandlesBadLieEntity()
$lie = new LieEntity();
$lieMapper = new LieMapper(new stdClass);
$response = $lieMapper->update($lie);
* @test
public function updateCorrectlyHandlesRejectingWrongLieUpdate()
* Create a lie entity
* Mock query response to return false
* pass DB object into LieMapper
* assert that we get back false response
$lie = new LieEntity();
$lie->id = uniqid();
$sth = $this->getMockBuilder('stdClass')
->setMethods(array('execute', 'fetch'))
$db = $this->getMockBuilder('PDOMock')
->with($this->stringContains('SELECT id, date, description, user_id, valid FROM lies WHERE id ='))
$lieMapper = new LieMapper($db);
"LieMapper::update() did not reject attempt to update non-existant entity"
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