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Created March 14, 2017 00:02
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class Game extends Model {
public $name = 'Game';
public $belongsTo = array(
'HomeTeam' => array(
'className' => 'Franchise',
'AwayTeam' => array(
'className' => 'Franchise')
public $sequence = 'games_id_seq';
public $actAs = array('Containable');
* Build result set for editing in the admin
public function getByWeek($week)
$this->scheduleTable = Configure::read('Schedule.table');
$this->teamsTable = Configure::read('Team.table');
$sql = "
ScheduleHomeTeam.ibl AS HomeTeamIbl,
ScheduleHomeTeam.code AS HomeTeamCode,
ScheduleAwayTeam.ibl AS AwayTeamIbl,
ScheduleAwayTeam.code AS AwayTeamCode
FROM {$this->scheduleTable} AS Schedule
LEFT JOIN {$this->teamsTable} AS ScheduleHomeTeam ON ScheduleHomeTeam.code = Schedule.home
LEFT JOIN {$this->teamsTable} AS ScheduleAwayTeam ON ScheduleAwayTeam.code = Schedule.away
WHERE Schedule.week = {$week}
ORDER BY ScheduleHomeTeam.ibl, ScheduleAwayTeam.ibl";
$results = $this->query($sql);
* Loop through the schedue for the week and grab scores
* if they already exist
foreach ($results as $idx => $result) {
// Need the ID's of the teams
$sql = "SELECT id FROM franchises WHERE nickname = '{$result[0]['hometeamibl']}' LIMIT 1";
$data = $this->query($sql);
$homeTeamId = $data[0][0]['id'];
$sql = "SELECT id FROM franchises WHERE nickname = '{$result[0]['awayteamibl']}' LIMIT 1";
$data = $this->query($sql);
$awayTeamId = $data[0][0]['id'];
$gameResults = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Game.week' => $week,
'Game.home_team_id' => $homeTeamId,
'Game.away_team_id' => $awayTeamId),
'fields' => array(
'recursive' => -1
if ($gameResults) {
$awayScores = array();
$homeScores = array();
foreach ($gameResults as $gameResult) {
$awayScores[] = $gameResult['Game']['away_score'];
$homeScores[] = $gameResult['Game']['home_score'];
$results[$idx]['gamescores'] = array(
'awayScores' => $awayScores,
'homeScores' => $homeScores,
'awayTeamId' => $awayTeamId,
'homeTeamId' => $homeTeamId
return $results;
* Return maximum week from database
* @return int
public function getMaxWeek()
$result = $this->query('
SELECT MAX(week) AS week
$maxWeek = 1;
if (isset($result[0][0]['week'])) {
$maxWeek = $result[0][0]['week'];
return $maxWeek;
* Group games according to series
* @param integer $week
* @return array
public function getSeries($week, $awayTeam, $homeTeam)
$this->recursive = -1;
$results = $this->find('all', array('week' => $week, 'home_team_id' => $homeTeam,'away_team_id' => $awayTeam), array('id', 'home_score', 'away_score')
$homeScores = array();
$awayScores = array();
$gameId = array();
$idx = 1;
foreach ($results as $game) {
$homeScores[$idx] = $game['Game']['home_score'];
$awayScores[$idx] = $game['Game']['away_score'];
$gameId[$idx] = $game['Game']['id'];
return array(
'week' => $week,
'gameId' => $gameId,
'homeTeam' => $homeTeam,
'awayTeam' => $awayTeam,
'homeScores' => $homeScores,
'awayScores' => $awayScores
public function getWeeklyResult($week)
return array_merge($this->_weeklyResults($week, 'AC'), $this->_weeklyResults($week, 'NC'));
* Get series that are missing from a particular week
* @param integer $week
* @return array
public function getMissing($week)
$results = $this->query("SELECT f.nickname FROM franchises AS f, games AS g WHERE NOT IN (SELECT home_team_id FROM games WHERE week = {$week}) GROUP BY f.nickname ORDER BY f.nickname");
$teams = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$teams[] = $result[0]['nickname'];
return implode(', ', $teams);
public function _weeklyResults($week, $conference)
$conditions = array('Game.week' => $week, 'HomeTeam.conference' => $conference);
$order = array('HomeTeam.nickname', '' => 'ASC');
$results = $this->find('all', compact('conditions', 'order'));
$home_scores = array();
$away_scores = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$teams = $result['AwayTeam']['nickname'] . '@' . $result['HomeTeam']['nickname'];
if (!isset($home_scores[$teams])) {
$home_scores[$teams] = '';
if (!isset($away_scores[$teams])) {
$away_scores[$teams] = '';
$home_scores[$teams] .= str_pad($result['Game']['home_score'], 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$away_scores[$teams] .= str_pad($result['Game']['away_score'], 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$series = array();
foreach ($home_scores as $teams => $home_score) {
list($away_team, $home_team) = split('@', $teams);
$series[] = array('home_team' => $home_team,
'away_team' => $away_team,
'home_scores' => $home_score,
'away_scores' => $away_scores[$teams]);
return $series;
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