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Last active June 7, 2023 08:35
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chatGPT API cli
#!/usr/bin/env bb
;; You need to have an OpenAI API key and set it like:
;; export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key> in your .bashrc
;; Make sure you have babashka installed
;; One way to run this is to install bbin
;; and then run
;; bbin install
;; I need to use rlwrap to get it working how I like it
;; so after installing with bbin I created an alias in
;; my .bashrc: alias chat="rlwrap chatgpt-cli"
;; so I can just run this in my terminal with "chat"
;; Or you can just copy/paste this code into a file, make it executable:
;; chmod +x file
;; and run it with:
;; ./file
(require '[babashka.http-client :as client])
(require '[cheshire.core :as json])
(def api-key (System/getenv "OPENAI_API_KEY"))
(defonce messages (atom [{:role "system"
:content "You are a helpful assistant"}]))
(defn request [prompt]
(swap! messages conj {:role "user"
:content prompt})
(client/post ""
{:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Authorization" (str "Bearer " api-key)}
:body (json/generate-string
{:model "gpt-3.5-turbo"
:messages @messages})}))
(defn response [resp]
(let [resp (json/parse-string (:body resp) true)
content (get-in resp [:choices 0 :message :content])
_ (swap! messages conj {:role "assistant"
:content content})]
(println "Welcome to ChatGPT CLI")
(print "Please enter a prompt: ")
(loop [prompt (read-line)]
(let [resp (response (request prompt))]
(println "ChatGPT response:" resp)
(print "User: ")
(recur (read-line))))
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