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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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AppleScript to forward emails to Zendesk
set target_string to "\\"
set zendeskAddress to ""
-- This script forwards an email from Outlook 2011 to your Zendesk support address, provided above.
-- Specifically, it checks your clipboard for a Zendesk message ID and adds it to the subject line if one is there.
-- If there isn't a Zendesk ID in the format [XXXX-XXXX] somewhere on your clipboard, it asks for one.
-- It adds the original sender of the email as the ticket's #requester and marks it a private #note on the ticket.
-- Presently it doesn't forward attachments.
-- To do: have it remove the agent's signature from the message.
-- Chase Roden <>
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set selectedMessages to current messages
if selectedMessages is {} then
display dialog "Please select a message first and then run this script." with icon 1
end if
repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
-- get the information from the message, and store it in variables
set theSubject to subject of theMessage
set theCategory to category of theMessage
set theSender to sender of theMessage
set senderAddress to address of theSender
if has html of theMessage then
set theContent to content of theMessage
set theContent to plain text content of theMessage
end if
end repeat
-- Checks the clipboard to see if there's a Zendesk email ID in there, returns 0000 if not
set cbContents to the clipboard
set checkClipboardCommand to "echo -e " & quoted form of cbContents & " | grep -oe \\\\[....\\-....\\\\] || echo '0000'"
set clipboardNumber to (do shell script checkClipboardCommand)
-- Uses the ID from the clipboard in the subject of a new message or asks for an ID
if clipboardNumber is not "0000" then
set newSubject to theSubject & " " & clipboardNumber
set newHeaders to "#note<br>"
display dialog "Enter ticket ID" default answer ""
set ticketID to text returned of result
set newSubject to theSubject & " " & ticketID
if ticketID = "" then
set newHeaders to "#note<br>#requester " & senderAddress & "<br><br>"
set newHeaders to "#note<br>"
end if
end if
set newContent to newHeaders & theContent
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:newSubject, content:newContent}
make new recipient of newMessage with properties {email address:{address:zendeskAddress}}
open newMessage
end tell
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