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Created October 17, 2016 21:42
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created_at: '2016-10-17T00:33:03Z',
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body: 'JSON parse not working correctly, test #7' },
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body: 'was selecting body data incorrectly, should have been json.comment.body, test #8' },
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body: '!gitvid ---> attempt to select the first word out of the body doc. test #9' },
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created_at: '2016-10-17T01:03:25Z',
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body: '!gitvid ---> test #11, integration should post comment on this issue' },
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created_at: '2016-10-17T01:06:42Z',
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body: '!gitvid ---> test #12, comment failed because POST request did not contain a \'user-agent\' header option. Included now.' },
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body: '!gitvid ---> testing the POST request endpoint' },
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created_at: '2016-10-17T01:15:12Z',
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body: '!gitvid ---> was not including /issues/ in endpoint url' },
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created_at: '2016-10-17T01:15:31Z',
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body: 'Server responded with: {"message":"Requires authentication","documentation_url":"\r\n/v3"}'
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created_at: '2016-10-17T05:00:15Z',
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body: '!gitvid --> not getting integration info in webhook payload, should it? Trying out a couple other endpoints with this test' },
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created_at: '2016-10-17T21:37:30Z',
updated_at: '2016-10-17T21:37:30Z',
body: '!gitvid' } ]
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