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Forked from DominikSerafin/01_info
Last active May 4, 2018 18:58
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Django Google Chat Logger
from django.conf import settings
import requests
import json
from copy import copy
from django.utils.log import AdminEmailHandler
from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter
class ChatExceptionHandler(AdminEmailHandler):
# replacing default django emit (
def emit(self, record, *args, **kwargs):
# original AdminEmailHandler "emit" method code (but without actually sending email)
request = record.request
subject = '%s (%s IP): %s' % (
('internal' if request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in settings.INTERNAL_IPS
else 'EXTERNAL'),
except Exception:
subject = '%s: %s' % (
request = None
subject = self.format_subject(subject)
# Since we add a nicely formatted traceback on our own, create a copy
# of the log record without the exception data.
no_exc_record = copy(record)
no_exc_record.exc_info = None
no_exc_record.exc_text = None
if record.exc_info:
exc_info = record.exc_info
exc_info = (None, record.getMessage(), None)
reporter = ExceptionReporter(request, is_email=True, *exc_info)
message = "%s\n\n%s" % (self.format(no_exc_record), reporter.get_traceback_text())
html_message = reporter.get_traceback_html() if self.include_html else None
trace_data = reporter.get_traceback_data()
# construct chat card fields
card = {
"cards": [
"header": {
"title": subject,
"subtitle": "Django Error",
"sections": [
"widgets": [
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Level",
"content": record.levelname,
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Method",
"content": request.method if request else 'No Request',
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Path",
"content": request.path if request else 'No Request',
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "User",
"content": ((request.user.username + ' (' + str( + ')'
if request.user.is_authenticated else 'Anonymous')
if request else 'No Request'),
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Status Code",
"content": str(record.status_code),
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "UA",
"content": (request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
if request and request.META else 'No Request'),
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "GET Params",
"content": json.dumps(request.GET) if request else 'No Request',
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "POST Data",
"content": json.dumps(request.POST) if request else 'No Request',
"iconUrl": ""
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Exception Type",
"content": str(trace_data['exception_type']),
"contentMultiline": "false",
"iconUrl": "",
"keyValue": {
"topLabel": "Exception Value",
"content": str(trace_data['exception_value']),
"contentMultiline": "false",
"iconUrl": "",
# Google Chat room
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}
# Send card message
response =, data=json.dumps(card), headers=headers, json=True)
# Load data as JSON response
data = json.loads(response.text)
# Grab the traceback frames
trace_frames = reporter.get_traceback_frames()
# Begin the traceback string
error_info = "*Traceback*:"
# Format the frame data similar to the DEBUG html
for frame in trace_frames:
error_info += str("\nFile {} in {}".format(frame['filename'], frame['function']))
error_info += str("\n{}{}".format(frame['lineno'], frame['context_line']))
# Compose bot_message with the thread from the previous message
bot_message = {
'text': error_info,
'thread': data['thread']
# Send traceback in thread
thread_response =, data=json.dumps(bot_message), headers=headers, json=True)
from django.utils.log import DEFAULT_LOGGING
LOGGING['handlers']['chat_admins'] = {
'level': 'ERROR',
'filters': ['require_debug_false'],
'class': 'myapp.chat_logger.ChatExceptionHandler',
LOGGING['loggers']['django'] = {
'handlers': ['console', 'chat_admins'],
'level': 'INFO',
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