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Last active February 3, 2021 05:12
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Graph Analytics HW1 Sample Codes
import networkx as nx
# Degree distribution
# Input: A graph
# Output: find degrees and plot their distribution
def Degree_Distribution(G):
degree =
degree = [ deg for (v,deg) in degree ]
plot_distribution(degree, xlabel='Degree ($k$)',
ylabel='Number of nodes with degree $k$ ($N_k$)', title='Degree distributions')
# Connected components analysis
# Input: A graph
# Find the sizes of all connected components and plot the distribution
def CC_Distribution(G):
cc_sorted = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
# print statistics of the top 5 components (if exist)
topcc = min(len(cc_sorted), 5)
for i in range(topcc):
cc = cc_sorted[i]
cc_graph = G.subgraph(cc)
n = cc_graph.number_of_nodes()
m = cc_graph.number_of_edges()
n_percent = (n/G.number_of_nodes()) * 100
print("Largest component #", i+1)
print("Number of vertices:", n, " (", n_percent, ")", "\nNumber of edges: ", m, "\n")
cc_sizes = [len(c) for c in cc_sorted]
plot_distribution(cc_sizes, xlabel='Weakly connected component size',
ylabel='Count', title='Connected component size distributions')
# Clustering coefficient analysis
# Input: A graph
# Find the local clustering coefficient of all vertices and plot distribution
def Clustering_Analysis(G):
clust = nx.clustering(G)
local_clust_coefficient = [ v for v in clust.values() ]
avg_clust_coefficient = sum(local_clust_coefficient)/G.number_of_nodes()
print("Average clustering coefficient: ", avg_clust_coefficient)
#plot the distribution of clustering coefficient
plot_distribution(local_clust_coefficient, xlabel='Clustering coefficient',
ylabel='Number of vertices', title='Clustering coefficient distributions',
xlog=False, ylog=True, showLine=False)
# Shortest path analysis
# Input: A graph
# Find shortest paths in the largest 5 componets and plot distribution
def ShortestPaths_Analysis(G):
cc_sorted = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
# find shortest paths in top 5 components
topcc = min(len(cc_sorted), 5)
for i in range(topcc) :
cc = cc_sorted[i]
cc_graph = G.subgraph(cc)
print("This component is too large. Using ten single-source shortest paths.")
cc = list(cc)
cc_graph = G.subgraph(cc)
shortest_path_lens = []
for i in range(10):
length = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(cc_graph, cc[i])
shortest_path_lens += [ v for v in length.values() ]
all_shortest_path_dict = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(cc_graph))
shortest_path_lens = []
for val1 in all_shortest_path_dict.values():
for val in val1.values():
plot_distribution(shortest_path_lens, xlabel='Shortest path lengths (hops)',
ylabel='Number of paths', title='Shortest path lengths distributions',
xlog=False, ylog=False, showLine=True, intAxis=True)
# Helper functions for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator'ggplot')'seaborn-ticks')'seaborn-notebook')
def plot_distribution (data, xlabel='', ylabel='', title='', xlog = True, ylog= True, showLine=False, intAxis=False) :
counts = {}
for item in data :
if item not in counts :
counts [ item ] = 0
counts [ item ] += 1
counts = sorted ( counts.items () )
fig = plt.figure ()
ax = fig.add_subplot (111)
ax.scatter ([ k for (k , v ) in counts ] , [ v for (k , v ) in counts ])
if(len(counts)<20): # for tiny graph
if showLine==True:
ax.plot ([ k for (k , v ) in counts ] , [ v for (k , v ) in counts ])
if xlog == True:
ax.set_xscale ( 'log')
if ylog == True:
ax.set_yscale ( 'log')
if intAxis == True:
gca = fig.gca()
ax.set_xlabel ( xlabel)
ax.set_ylabel ( ylabel )
plt.title ( title )
#fig.savefig ( "degree_distribution.png" )
def plot_degree_bar (G) :
degs = {}
for n in G.nodes () :
deg = ( n )
if deg not in degs :
degs [ deg ] = 0
degs [ deg ] += 1
items = sorted ( degs.items () )
fig = plt.figure ()
ax = fig.add_subplot (111)
print(items)[ k for (k , v ) in items ] , [ v for (k , v ) in items ])
ax.set_xlabel ( 'Degree ($k$)')
ax.set_ylabel ( 'Number of nodes with degree $k$ ($N_k$)')
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