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Created May 28, 2021 10:02
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Saraswati Enterprises

Saraswati Enterprises

This is the official website source code for the Saraswati Enterprises made on the top of the Django Framework with some python libraries like openpyxl, django-extension, django debugger and others too.

Features : -

  1. Theme based UI design.
  2. Mostly class based views has been used.
  3. Improved django queries running in the backend using django-debugger-toolbar.
  4. Admin panel with powerful dashboard.
  5. Admin controlled website , requires login for advanced features.
  6. Rest API build on the top of the Django WebApp.
  7. Cleaned and structured coding styles.
  8. Invoice generation and Management features has been implemented.
  9. Product Analysis has embedded in description page.
  10. Complete and detailed info provided for reference of Invoice.
  11. Private Data has been uploaded on Google Cloud Storage for security purposes. So data has been stored on files on local website url.

Libraries and Extensions : -

  1. Data Backup with django dumpdata, call_command and django-dbbackup
  2. ConvertAPI installed in backend to convert excel file to pdf.
  3. OpenPyXl is used for performing operation and writing file.
  4. Pdf and excel format available to download.
  5. Files are hosted on Google Drive using Custom Driver package with help of Google Drive API
  6. Rest API's are created using Django Rest Framework with open api documentation with the help of drf-yasg - Yet another Swagger generator
  7. Debugging has been done using the Django Debug Toolbar
  8. WebApp is hosted on Heroku using Github pipelines.
  9. WhiteNoise is a simplified static file serving for Python web apps in Productions.
  10. Logging features has been implemented for analysis the security bugs and threats with admin mailing system
  11. Mailing sytem has been added with send_mail from Django Core Mail.
  12. psycopg2-binary is used as Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter on Production Server.
  13. django-filter has been used for writing custom complex Rest API filters.
  14. django-extensions has been used for running scripts for loading data into database from raw excel sheet.
  15. django-cors-headers ffor handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
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