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Created September 29, 2015 13:36
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Save chauthai/ecfb28e99065d91cb1fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import _ from 'lodash';
import React from 'react';
import clamp from './clamp.js';
import dimensions from './dimensions.js';
class Scroller extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
onScroll: React.PropTypes.func,
onNearTop: React.PropTypes.func,
target: React.PropTypes.object,
edgeSpace: React.PropTypes.object,
onScrollbarSize: React.PropTypes.number,
className: React.PropTypes.string,
children: React.PropTypes.node,
componentWillMount() {
this._onScroll = _.throttle(this.onScroll, 100);
this._checkScroll = _.throttle(this.checkScroll, 150);
this._targetInView = false;
this._lastViewHeight = 0;
this._lastScrollHeight = 0;
this._lastScrollTop = 0;
this._anchor = null;
this._anchorPos = null;
this._waitingForUpdate = false;
this._lastTouch = 0;
this._animationFrames = {};
componentDidMount() {
this.scroll({forceTargetInView: true});
componentWillUnmount() {
onScroll() {
this._chromeRAFHack('onScroll', () => {
if (this.props.onScroll) {
onFocusCapture() {
// browser bugs and other difficult to account for shenanigans can cause
// unwanted scrolls when inputs get focus. :( FIGHT BACK!
// see
setImmediate(() => {
this.scroll({ignoreScrollDelta: true});
onUpdate() {
onTouchStart() {
this._lastTouch = true;
// prevent overscroll from bleeding out in Mobile Safari
if (!Heim.isiOS) {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
if (node.scrollTop === 0) {
node.scrollTop = 1;
} else if (node.scrollHeight === node.scrollTop + node.offsetHeight) {
node.scrollTop -= 1;
onTouchEnd() {
this._lastTouch = new Date();
getPosition() {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
if (!node.scrollHeight) {
return false;
const frac = node.scrollTop / (node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight);
return frac ? Math.round(frac * 100) / 100 : 1;
_isTouching() {
return this._lastTouch === true || new Date() - this._lastTouch < 100;
checkScroll() {
if (this._waitingForUpdate) {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
if (node.scrollHeight === 0) {
if (this.props.onNearTop && node.scrollTop < node.scrollHeight / 8) {
// since RAF doesn't execute while the page is hidden, scrolling in
// infinite scroll won't occur in Chrome if users are on another tab.
// this was causing an infinite loop: the log would continuously be
// fetched since the scrollTop remained at 0.
this._waitingForUpdate = true;
this._chromeRAFHack('checkScroll', this.props.onNearTop);
scroll(options = {}) {
// Scroll so our point of interest (target or anchor) is in the right place.
// Desired behavior:
// If options.forceTargetInView is set, ensure that the target is onscreen.
// If it is not, move it within edgeSpace of the top or bottom.
// If the target was previously in view, we want to ensure it still is. If
// we're at the bottom of the page, new content should be able to push the
// target up to edgeSpace. If we're jumping several rows, we want to make
// sure we end up within edgeSpace. Otherwise, movements that would take us
// past edgeSpace should scroll to keep the target within edgeSpace.
// If the target was not previously in view, maintain the position of the
// anchor element.
// Note: mobile Webkit does this funny thing where getting/setting
// scrollTop doesn't happen promptly during inertial scrolling. It turns
// out that setting scrollTop inside a requestAnimationFrame callback
// circumvents this issue.
this._chromeRAFHack('scroll', () => {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
const nodeBox = dimensions(node);
const viewTop =;
const viewHeight = nodeBox.height;
const scrollHeight = node.scrollHeight;
const target = node.querySelector(;
const canScroll = viewHeight < scrollHeight;
const edgeSpace = Math.min(this.props.edgeSpace, viewHeight / 2);
let posRef;
let oldPos;
if (target && (options.forceTargetInView || this._targetInView)) {
const viewShrunk = viewHeight < this._lastViewHeight;
const hasGrown = scrollHeight > this._lastScrollHeight;
const fromBottom = scrollHeight - (node.scrollTop + viewHeight);
const canScrollBottom = canScroll && fromBottom <= edgeSpace;
const targetBox = dimensions(target);
const targetPos = targetBox.bottom;
const clampedPos = clamp(viewTop + edgeSpace - targetBox.height, targetPos, viewTop + viewHeight - edgeSpace);
const movingTowardsEdge = Math.sign(targetPos - this._anchorPos) !== Math.sign(clampedPos - targetPos);
const pastEdge = clampedPos !== targetPos;
const movingPastEdge = movingTowardsEdge && pastEdge;
const jumping = Math.abs(targetPos - this._anchorPos) > 3 * target.offsetHeight;
const shouldHoldPos = hasGrown || (movingPastEdge && !jumping);
const shouldScrollBottom = hasGrown && canScrollBottom || viewShrunk;
posRef = target;
if (this._targetInView && shouldHoldPos && !shouldScrollBottom) {
oldPos = this._anchorPos;
} else {
if (options.forceTargetInView && !this._targetInView || shouldScrollBottom || jumping) {
oldPos = clampedPos;
} else if (this._anchor) {
// Otherwise, try to keep the anchor element in the same place it was when
// we last saw it via updateAnchorPos.
posRef = this._anchor;
oldPos = this._anchorPos;
if (posRef) {
const delta = dimensions(posRef, 'bottom') - oldPos;
if (delta && canScroll) {
const scrollDelta = options.ignoreScrollDelta ? 0 : node.scrollTop - this._lastScrollTop;
this._lastScrollTop = node.scrollTop += delta + scrollDelta;
}, options.immediate);
scrollToTarget(options = {}) {
options.forceTargetInView = true;
updateAnchorPos() {
// Record the position of our point of reference. Either the target (if
// it's in view), or the centermost child element.
const node = this.getDOMNode();
const nodeBox = dimensions(node);
const viewTop =;
const viewHeight = nodeBox.height;
const target = node.querySelector(;
let targetPos;
if (target) {
targetPos = dimensions(target, 'bottom');
this._targetInView = targetPos >= viewTop - 5 + target.offsetHeight && targetPos <= viewTop + viewHeight + 5;
} else {
this._targetInView = false;
let anchor;
if (this._targetInView) {
this._anchor = target;
this._anchorPos = targetPos;
} else {
const box = dimensions(this.getDOMNode());
const bodyBox = dimensions(uidocument.body);
const boxRight = Math.min(box.right, bodyBox.right);
anchor = uidocument.elementFromPoint(boxRight - 40, + box.height / 2);
if (!anchor) {
console.warn('scroller: unable to find anchor'); // jshint ignore:line
this._anchor = anchor;
this._anchorPos = anchor && dimensions(anchor, 'bottom');
this._lastScrollTop = node.scrollTop;
this._lastScrollHeight = node.scrollHeight;
this._lastViewHeight = viewHeight;
update() {
this._waitingForUpdate = false;
checkScrollbar() {
const node = this.getDOMNode();
if (this.props.onScrollbarSize) {
const scrollbarWidth = node.offsetWidth - node.clientWidth;
if (scrollbarWidth !== this.scrollbarWidth) {
this.scrollbarWidth = scrollbarWidth;
_chromeRAFHack(id, callback, immediate) {
if (!immediate && Heim.isChrome && Heim.isTouch) {
if (this._animationFrames[id]) {
this._animationFrames[id] = uiwindow.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this._animationFrames[id] = null;
} else {
render() {
return (
<div onScroll={this._onScroll} onFocusCapture={this.onFocusCapture} onTouchStart={this.onTouchStart} onTouchEnd={this.onTouchEnd} className={this.props.className}>
export default Scroller;
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