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Last active October 25, 2020 16:29
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Linux cheatsheet

Linux cheatsheet

Fill file with zeros

bash -c 'read blocks blocksize < <(stat -c "%b %B" "$1"); dd if=/dev/zero bs=${blocksize} count=${blocks} of="$1" conv=notrunc status=progress' - /FILE

Create swap file


# allocate file
sudo fallocate -l 512M "$SWAP_FILE"

# fill file with zeros
sudo bash -c 'read blocks blocksize < <(stat -c "%b %B" "$1"); dd if=/dev/zero bs=${blocksize} count=${blocks} of="$1" conv=notrunc status=progress' - "$SWAP_FILE"

sudo chmod 600 "$SWAP_FILE"

# Create
sudo mkswap "$SWAP_FILE"

# Activate
sudo swapon "$SWAP_FILE"

# Add swap load to fstab file
echo "$SWAP_FILE swap swap defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

# Check
sudo swapon --show
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