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Last active June 1, 2016 19:55
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Corrected Fluid Video Embeds to handle Playlists on YouTube
Plugin Name: Fluid Video Embeds
Plugin URI:
Description: Makes your YouTube and Vimeo auto-embeds fluid/full width.
Author: jamie3d
Version: 1.2.9
Author URI:
Text Domain: fluid-video-embeds
Domain Path: /languages
// Include constants file
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/constants.php' );
class FluidVideoEmbed{
static $available_providers = array(
function __construct() {
$this->namespace = 'fluid-video-embeds';
$this->friendly_name = 'Fluid Video Embeds';
$this->cache_duration = 2880;
$this->try_to_get_youtube_max_image = false;
// Name of the option_value to store plugin options in
$this->option_name = '_' . $this->namespace . '--options';
// Set default options
$this->defaults = array(
'fve_style' => 'iframe',
'fve_max_width' => '0',
'fve_alignment' => 'left',
'fve_responsive_hyperlink' => false,
'fve_force_youtube_16_9' => false,
'fve_force_vimeo_16_9' => false,
'fve_disable_css' => false,
'fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq' => '@media screen and (max-device-width: 768px)',
// Autoload the Max Width option
$this->fve_max_width = (string) $this->get_option( 'fve_max_width' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_max_width ) ) {
$this->fve_max_width = $this->defaults['fve_max_width'];
// Autoload the Alignment option
$this->fve_alignment = (string) $this->get_option( 'fve_alignment' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_alignment ) ) {
$this->fve_alignment = $this->defaults['fve_alignment'];
// Autoload the Responsive Hyperlink options
$this->fve_responsive_hyperlink = (bool) $this->get_option( 'fve_responsive_hyperlink' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_responsive_hyperlink ) ) {
$this->fve_responsive_hyperlink = $this->defaults['fve_responsive_hyperlink'];
$this->fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq = (string) $this->get_option( 'fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq ) ) {
$this->fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq = $this->defaults['fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq'];
// Autoload 16:9 options
$this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 = (bool) $this->get_option( 'fve_force_youtube_16_9' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 ) ) {
$this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 = $this->defaults['fve_force_youtube_16_9'];
$this->fve_force_vimeo_16_9 = (bool) $this->get_option( 'fve_force_vimeo_16_9' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_force_vimeo_16_9 ) ) {
$this->fve_force_vimeo_16_9 = $this->defaults['fve_force_vimeo_16_9'];
// Autoload disable CSS option
$this->fve_disable_css = (bool) $this->get_option( 'fve_disable_css' );
if ( empty( $this->fve_disable_css ) ) {
$this->fve_disable_css = $this->defaults['fve_disable_css'];
$this->iframe_before_src = '<iframe src="';
$this->iframe_after_src = '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>';
load_plugin_textdomain( 'fluid-video-embeds', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/');
* Add in various hooks
* Place all add_action, add_filter, add_shortcode hook-ins here
private function _add_hooks() {
// Filter the oEmbed response
add_filter('embed_oembed_html', array( &$this, 'filter_video_embed' ), 16, 3);
// Add the Fluid Video Embeds Stylesheets
if( !$this->fve_disable_css ) {
add_action('wp_head', array( &$this, 'add_head_css' ) );
// Options page for configuration
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'admin_menu' ) );
// Output the styles for the admin area.
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'admin_print_styles' ) );
// Register admin JavaScripts for this plugin
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this, 'wp_register_admin_scripts' ), 1 );
// Route requests for form processing
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'route' ) );
// Enqueue the public scripts
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'enqueue_public_scripts' ) );
// Add a settings link next to the "Deactivate" link on the plugin listing page.
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', array( &$this, 'plugin_action_links' ), 10, 2 );
// Register all JavaScripts for this plugin
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'wp_register_scripts' ), 1 );
// Register all Stylesheets for this plugin
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, 'wp_register_styles' ), 1 );
// Add the default stylesheet to the editor
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( &$this, 'add_editor_styles' ) );
// Admin 'Ajax' view for showing calculated CSS.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_fve_show_css', array( &$this, 'show_css' ) );
// Add the fve shortcode
add_shortcode( 'fve', array( &$this, 'shortcode' ) );
* Adds the default FVE stylesheet to the
* WYSIWYG editor so the shortcode executes correctly.
function add_editor_styles() {
add_editor_style( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_URLPATH . "/stylesheets/main.css" );
* Adds the Style tag to the head of the page.
* I'm trying it this way because it might be easier than loading an
* additional file for a small amount of CSS. We'll see...
function add_head_css() {
echo '<!-- Start Fluid Video Embeds Style Tag -->' . "\n";
echo '<style type="text/css">' . "\n";
echo '</style>' . "\n";
echo '<!-- End Fluid Video Embeds Style Tag -->' . "\n";
* Echoes the generated CSS for the plugin
function head_css() {
include( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_DIRNAME . '/stylesheets/main.css' );
// Additional styles for maximum width
if( $this->fve_max_width != '0' ) {
echo '.fve-max-width-wrapper{' . "\n";
echo ' max-width: ' . $this->fve_max_width . ';' . "\n";
// Additional styles for alignment
switch( $this->fve_alignment ) {
case 'left':
echo ' margin-left: 0;' . "\n";
echo ' margin-right: auto;' . "\n";
case 'center':
echo ' margin-left: auto;' . "\n";
echo ' margin-right: auto;' . "\n";
case 'right':
echo ' margin-left: auto;' . "\n";
echo ' margin-right: 0;' . "\n";
echo "}" . "\n";
// Additional styles for responsive hyperlink
if( $this->fve_responsive_hyperlink ) {
echo $this->fve_responsive_hyperlink_mq . ' {' . "\n";
echo ' .fve-video-wrapper iframe, .fve-video-wrapper object, .fve-video-wrapper embed { display: none; }' . "\n";
echo ' .fve-video-wrapper a.hyperlink-image { display: block; }' . "\n";
echo '}' . "\n";
* Process update page form submissions
* @uses self::sanitize()
* @uses wp_redirect()
* @uses wp_verify_nonce()
private function _admin_options_update() {
// Verify submission for processing using wp_nonce
if( wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], "{$this->namespace}-update-options" ) ) {
$data = array();
* Loop through each POSTed value and sanitize it to protect against malicious code. Please
* note that rich text (or full HTML fields) should not be processed by this function and
* dealt with directly.
foreach( $_POST['data'] as $key => $val ) {
$data[$key] = $this->_sanitize( $val );
// Add a dimension if the user forgot
if( !empty( $data['fve_max_width'] ) && !preg_match( '/px|em|%/i', $data['fve_max_width'] ) ) {
$data['fve_max_width'] .= 'px';
// Update the options value with the data submitted
update_option( $this->option_name, $data );
// Redirect back to the options page with the message flag to show the saved message
wp_safe_redirect( $_REQUEST['_wp_http_referer'] );
* Sanitize data
* @param mixed $str The data to be sanitized
* @uses wp_kses()
* @return mixed The sanitized version of the data
private function _sanitize( $str ) {
if ( !function_exists( 'wp_kses' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/kses.php' );
global $allowedposttags;
global $allowedprotocols;
if ( is_string( $str ) ) {
$str = wp_kses( $str, $allowedposttags, $allowedprotocols );
} elseif( is_array( $str ) ) {
$arr = array();
foreach( (array) $str as $key => $val ) {
$arr[$key] = $this->_sanitize( $val );
$str = $arr;
return $str;
* Define the admin menu options for this plugin
* @uses add_action()
* @uses add_options_page()
function admin_menu() {
$page_hook = add_options_page( $this->friendly_name, $this->friendly_name, 'administrator', $this->namespace, array( &$this, 'admin_options_page' ) );
// Add print scripts and styles action based off the option page hook
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-' . $page_hook, array( &$this, 'admin_print_scripts' ) );
* The admin section options page rendering method
* @uses current_user_can()
* @uses wp_die()
function admin_options_page() {
if( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
wp_die( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page' );
$namespace = $this->namespace;
$page_title = $this->friendly_name . ' ' . __( 'Settings', 'fluid-video-embeds' );
$fve_style = $this->get_option( 'fve_style' );
include( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_DIRNAME . "/views/options.php" );
* Load JavaScript for the admin options page
* @uses wp_enqueue_script()
function admin_print_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( "{$this->namespace}-admin" );
* Load Stylesheet for the admin options page
* @uses wp_enqueue_style()
function admin_print_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( "{$this->namespace}-admin" );
wp_enqueue_style( "{$this->namespace}-main" );
* Sets a WordPress Transient. Returns a boolean value of the success of the write.
* @param string $name The name (key) for the file cache
* @param mixed $content The content to store for the file cache
* @param string $time_from_now time in minutes from now when the cache should expire
* @uses set_transient()
* @return boolean
function cache_write( $name = "", $content = "", $time_from_now = 30 ) {
$duration = $time_from_now * 60;
$name = FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_CACHE_PREFIX . md5( $name );
return set_transient( $name, $content, $duration );
* Reads a file cache value and returns the content stored,
* or returns boolean(false)
* @param string $name The name (key) for the transient
* @uses get_transient()
* @return mixed
function cache_read( $name = "" ) {
$name = FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_CACHE_PREFIX . md5( $name );
return get_transient( $name );
* Deletes a WordPress Transient Cache
* @param string $name The name (key) for the file cache
* @uses delete_transient()
function cache_clear( $name = "" ) {
delete_transient( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_CACHE_PREFIX . $name );
* [fve] shortcode for embedding in a template
function shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'nothing' => 'here yet',
), $atts ) );
// If the embed is supported it returns HTML, if not, false.
$supported_embed = $this->fluid_video_embed_from_url( $content );
if( $supported_embed ) {
return $supported_embed;
return "";
* Runs a simple MySQL query that clears any option from the wp_options table
* that contains '_fve-cache-'
static function clear_caches() {
global $wpdb;
// Delete all the fve transients that contain '_fve-cache-'
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE %s AND option_name LIKE %s", '%_fve-cache-%', '%_transient_%' ) );
* Enqueue public scripts used by this plugin for enqueuing elsewhere
* @uses wp_register_script()
function enqueue_public_scripts() {
// Admin JavaScript
wp_enqueue_script( "{$this->namespace}-public" );
* Creates the fulid video embed from a URL
* @param string $url the video URL
* @return string the fluid video embed
function fluid_video_embed_from_url( $url ) {
$iframe_url = '';
// Get the provider slug and see if it's supported...
$this->provider_slug = $this->get_video_provider_slug_from_url( $url );
// If it is, then this is the point of processing.
if( in_array( $this->provider_slug, self::$available_providers ) ){
// Get the meta for the video (this is cached)
$this->meta = $this->get_video_meta_from_url( $url );
switch ( $this->provider_slug ) {
case 'playlist':
* YouTube doesn't seem to provide width and or height for
* their videos. They only provide a 'widescreen' property if the
* video is widescreen-ish. So this is likely the best we can do for now.
$wrapper_padding = '56.25%';
$iframe_url = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
$iframe_url = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_playlist_iframe_url', $iframe_url, $this->meta );
$permalink = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
$permalink = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_playlist_permalink', $permalink, $this->meta );
$thumbnail = isset( $this->meta['full_image'] ) ? $this->meta['full_image'] : '';
case 'youtube':
* YouTube doesn't seem to provide width and or height for
* their videos. They only provide a 'widescreen' property if the
* video is widescreen-ish. So this is likely the best we can do for now.
$wrapper_padding = '75%';
if( isset( $this->meta['aspect'] ) && $this->meta['aspect'] == 'widescreen' ) {
$wrapper_padding = '56.25%';
$iframe_url = '//' . $this->meta['id'] . '?wmode=transparent&modestbranding=1&autohide=1&showinfo=0&rel=0';
$iframe_url = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_iframe_url', $iframe_url, $this->meta );
$permalink = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
$permalink = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_permalink', $permalink, $this->meta );
$thumbnail = isset( $this->meta['full_image'] ) ? $this->meta['full_image'] : '';
case 'vimeo':
$wrapper_padding = ( $this->meta['aspect'] * 100 ) . '%';
$iframe_url = '//' . $this->meta['id'] . '?portrait=0&byline=0&title=0';
$iframe_url = apply_filters( 'fve_vimeo_iframe_url', $iframe_url, $this->meta );
$permalink = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
$permalink = apply_filters( 'fve_vimeo_permalink', $permalink, $this->meta );
$thumbnail = isset( $this->meta['full_image'] ) ? $this->meta['full_image'] : '';
include( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_DIRNAME . '/views/elements/_iframe_embed.php' );
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
return false;
* Filter the Video Embeds
* This filters Wordpress' built-in embeds and catches the URL if
* it's one of the whitelisted providers. I'm only supporting YouTube and
* Vimeo for now, but if demand is high, I might add more.
* @uses $this->is_feed()
* @return string filtered or unfiltered $html
function filter_video_embed($html, $url, $attr) {
* If the content is being accessed via a RSS feed,
* let's just enforce the default behavior.
if( $this->is_feed() ) return $html;
// If the embed is supported it returns HTML, if not, false.
$supported_embed = $this->fluid_video_embed_from_url( $url );
if( $supported_embed ) {
return $supported_embed;
// Return the default embed.
return $html;
* Retrieve the stored plugin option or the default if no user specified value is defined
* @param string $option_name The name of the option you wish to retrieve
* @uses get_option()
* @return mixed Returns the option value or false(boolean) if the option is not found
function get_option( $option_name, $reload = false ) {
// If reload is true, kill the existing options value so it gets fetched fresh.
if( $reload )
$this->options = null;
// Load option values if they haven't been loaded already
if( !isset( $this->options ) || empty( $this->options ) ) {
$this->options = get_option( $this->option_name, $this->defaults );
if( isset( $this->options[$option_name] ) ) {
return $this->options[$option_name]; // Return user's specified option value
} elseif( isset( $this->defaults[$option_name] ) ) {
return $this->defaults[$option_name]; // Return default option value
return false;
* Get Video Provider Slug From URl
* @param string $url of a (standard) video from YouTube, Dailymotion or Vimeo
* @return string The slug of the video service.
function get_video_provider_slug_from_url( $url ){
if( preg_match( '/(list=)/i', $url ) ){
return 'playlist';
// Return a youtube reference for a URL
if( preg_match( '/(youtu\.be)/i', $url ) ){
return 'youtube';
// Detect the dotcoms normally.
preg_match( '/((youtube|vimeo|dailymotion)\.com)/i', $url, $matches );
// If nothing was detected...
if( !isset( $matches[2] ) )
return false;
$domain = (string) $matches[2];
return $domain;
* Get a video's thumbnail
* Extract's a video's ID and provider from the URL and retrieves the URL for the
* thumbnail of the video from its video service's thumbnail service.
* @param string $video_url The URL of the video being queried
* @uses is_wp_error()
* @uses cache_read()
* @uses cache_write()
* @uses get_video_id_from_url()
* @uses get_video_provider_slug_from_url()
* @uses wp_remote_get()
* @return string
function get_video_thumbnail( $video_url ){
$video_id = $this->get_video_id_from_url( $video_url );
$video_provider = $this->get_video_provider_slug_from_url( $video_url );
$thumbnail_url = '';
switch( $video_provider ){
case 'youtube':
$thumbnail_url = '' . $video_id . '/mqdefault.jpg';
case 'dailymotion':
$thumbnail_url = '' . $video_id;
case 'vimeo':
// Create a cache key
$cache_key = $video_provider . $video_id . 'vimeo-thumbs';
// Attempt to read the cache
$_thumbnail_url = $this->cache_read( $cache_key );
// if cache doesn't exist
if( !$_thumbnail_url ){
$response = wp_remote_get( '' . $video_id . '.json' );
if( !is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$response_json = json_decode( $response['body'] );
$video = reset( $response_json );
$thumbnail_url = $video->thumbnail_medium;
// Write the cache
$this->cache_write( $cache_key, $thumbnail_url, $this->cache_duration );
return $thumbnail_url;
* Get Video ID From URL
* @param string $url of a (standard) video from YouTube, Dailymotion or Vimeo
* @return string The ID of the video for the service detected.
function get_video_id_from_url( $url ){
preg_match( '/(youtube\.com|youtu\.be|vimeo\.com|dailymotion\.com)/i', $url, $matches );
$domain = $matches[1];
$video_id = "";
switch( $domain ){
case '':
if( preg_match( '/list=(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
$video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
} elseif( preg_match( '/^[^v]+v.(.{11}).*/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
$video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
} elseif( preg_match( '/\/user\/(.*)\/(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
$video_id = $youtube_matches[2];
case '':
if( preg_match( '/list=(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
$video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
} elseif( preg_match( '/\/(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
$video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
case '':
preg_match( '/(clip\:)?(\d+).*$/i', $url, $vimeo_matches );
$video_id = $vimeo_matches[2];
return $video_id;
* Get video meta from a video source URL
* Parses a video URL and extracts its associated id, service and API meta data
* @param string $url The video source URL
* @uses is_wp_error()
* @uses cache_read()
* @uses cache_write()
* @uses get_video_provider_slug_from_url()
* @uses get_video_id_from_url()
* @uses wp_remote_get()
* @return array
function get_video_meta_from_url( $url ) {
$service = $this->get_video_provider_slug_from_url( $url );
$video_id = $this->get_video_id_from_url( $url );
$video_meta = array(
'id' => $video_id,
'service' => $service
// Create a cache key
$cache_key = "video-meta-{$service}{$video_id}";
// Attempt to read the cache for the response
$response = $this->cache_read( $cache_key );
if( !$response ) {
switch( $service ) {
case "playlist":
$url = '';
$url.= '&part=contentDetails,snippet';
$url.= '&userIp=' . (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : '') ;
$url.= '&id=' . $video_id;
case "youtube":
$url = '';
$url.= '&part=contentDetails,snippet';
$url.= '&userIp=' . (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : '') ;
$url.= '&id=' . $video_id;
case "vimeo":
$url = '' . $video_id . '.json';
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'sslverify' => false ) );
// Only update the cache if this is not an error
if( !is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$this->cache_write( $cache_key, $response, $this->cache_duration );
if( !is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$response_json = json_decode( $response['body'] );
if( !empty( $response_json ) ) {
switch( $service ){
case 'playlist':
if( $response_json->pageInfo->totalResults == 0 ) break;
$video_meta['title'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
$video_meta['permalink'] = '' . $video_id;
$video_meta['description'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
$video_meta['thumbnail'] = '' . $video_id . '/mqdefault.jpg';
$video_meta['full_image'] = $this->get_youtube_max_thumbnail( $video_id );
$video_meta['created_at'] = strtotime( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->publishedAt );
$video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition ) ) {
$video_meta['aspect'] = ( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition === 'hd' ) ? 'widescreen' : 'standard';
// Allow the widescreen option to be overriden
if( $this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 ) {
$video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
$video_meta['duration'] = $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->duration;
if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle ) ) {
$video_meta['author_name'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle;
$video_meta['author_url'] = "" . $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelId;
case 'youtube':
if( $response_json->pageInfo->totalResults == 0 ) break;
$video_meta['title'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
$video_meta['permalink'] = '' . $video_id;
$video_meta['description'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
$video_meta['thumbnail'] = '' . $video_id . '/mqdefault.jpg';
$video_meta['full_image'] = $this->get_youtube_max_thumbnail( $video_id );
$video_meta['created_at'] = strtotime( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->publishedAt );
$video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition ) ) {
$video_meta['aspect'] = ( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition === 'hd' ) ? 'widescreen' : 'standard';
// Allow the widescreen option to be overriden
if( $this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 ) {
$video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
$video_meta['duration'] = $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->duration;
if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle ) ) {
$video_meta['author_name'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle;
$video_meta['author_url'] = "" . $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelId;
case 'vimeo':
$video = reset( $response_json );
$video_meta['title'] = $video->title;
$video_meta['permalink'] = '' . $video_id;
$video_meta['description'] = $video->description;
$video_meta['thumbnail'] = $video->thumbnail_medium;
$video_meta['full_image'] = $video->thumbnail_large;
$video_meta['author_name'] = $video->user_name;
$video_meta['author_url'] = $video->user_url;
$video_meta['author_avatar'] = $video->user_portrait_small;
$video_meta['aspect'] = $video->height / $video->width;
$video_meta['duration'] = $video->duration;
// Allow the widescreen option to be overriden
if( $this->fve_force_vimeo_16_9 ) {
$video_meta['aspect'] = 1080/1920; // 16:9
return $video_meta;
* Get Maximum YouTube Thumbnail
* YouTube maked it both easy and difficult to
* get the highest resolution image for their videos.
* Here we try to get the max resolution thumbnail and
* if it returns a 404, then we simply serve the
* medium quality version.
* @param string $video_id
* @return string The largest image we can get for this video
function get_youtube_max_thumbnail( $video_id ) {
if( $this->try_to_get_youtube_max_image ) {
// The URL of the maximum resolution YouTube thumbnail
$max_res_url = '' . $video_id . '/maxresdefault.jpg';
$cache_key = $max_res_url . 'max_res_test';
$cache_duration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 2; // Two days
// Attempt to read the cache for the response.
$response_code = $this->cache_read( $cache_key );
if( !$response_code ) {
// Ask YouTube for the maximum resolution image.
$response = wp_remote_get( $max_res_url, array( 'sslverify' => false ) );
// If the response is good, cache the response code.
if( !is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
if( isset( $response['response']['code'] ) ) {
$this->cache_write( $cache_key, (string) $response['response']['code'], $cache_duration );
// If the response code is not 404
if( $response_code != '404' ) {
return $max_res_url;
return '' . $video_id . '/mqdefault.jpg';
* Initialization function to hook into the WordPress init action
* Instantiates the class on a global variable and sets the class, actions
* etc. up for use.
static function instance() {
global $fve;
// Only instantiate the Class if it hasn't been already
if( !isset( $fve ) ) $fve = new FluidVideoEmbed();
* Is Feed?
* An extension of the is_feed() function.
* We first check WWordPress' built in method and if it passes,
* then we say yes this is a feed. If it fails, we try to detect FeedBurner
* @return boolean
function is_feed(){
if( is_feed() ){
return true;
}elseif( preg_match( '/feedburner/', strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) ){
return true;
return false;
* Hook into plugin_action_links filter
* Adds a "Settings" link next to the "Deactivate" link in the plugin listing page
* when the plugin is active.
* @param object $links An array of the links to show, this will be the modified variable
* @param string $file The name of the file being processed in the filter
function plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) {
if( $file == plugin_basename( FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_DIRNAME . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) {
$old_links = $links;
$new_links = array(
"settings" => '<a href="options-general.php?page=' . $this->namespace . '">' . __( 'Settings', $this->namespace ) . '</a>'
$links = array_merge( $old_links, $new_links );
return $links;
* Route the user based off of environment conditions
* This function will handling routing of form submissions to the appropriate
* form processor.
* @uses self::_admin_options_update()
function route() {
$protocol = isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ? 'https' : 'http';
$hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$url = "{$protocol}://{$hostname}{$uri}";
$is_post = (bool) ( strtoupper( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) == "POST" );
// Check if a nonce was passed in the request
if( isset( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
$nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
// Handle POST requests
if( $is_post ) {
if( wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, "{$this->namespace}-update-options" ) ) {
// Handle GET requests
else {
// Nothing here yet...
* Admin Ajax function to simply show the generated CSS
* @uses head_css()
* @uses wp_die()
function show_css() {
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
* Register admin scripts used by this plugin for enqueuing elsewhere
* @uses wp_register_script()
function wp_register_admin_scripts() {
// Admin JavaScript
// We may need this later on
//wp_register_script( "{$this->namespace}-admin", FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_URLPATH . "/javascripts/admin.js", array( 'jquery' ), FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_VERSION, true );
* Register scripts used by this plugin for enqueuing elsewhere
* @uses wp_register_script()
function wp_register_scripts() {
// Admin JavaScript
// We may need this later on
//wp_register_script( "{$this->namespace}-public", FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_URLPATH . "/javascripts/public.js", array( 'jquery' ), FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_VERSION, true );
* Register styles used by this plugin for enqueuing elsewhere
* @uses wp_register_style()
function wp_register_styles() {
// Admin Stylesheet
wp_register_style( "{$this->namespace}-admin", FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_URLPATH . "/stylesheets/admin.css", array(), FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_VERSION, 'screen' );
// Default Stylesheet
wp_register_style( "{$this->namespace}-main", FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_URLPATH . "/stylesheets/main.css", array(), FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_VERSION, 'screen' );
******************** Activation and De-Activation **********************
* Static WordPress activation function.
* (Do not depend on this being fired when upgrading)
static function activate() {
* Static WordPress de-activation function.
* (Do not depend on this being fired when upgrading)
static function deactivate() {
if( !isset( $fve ) ) {
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array('FluidVideoEmbed', 'activate') );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array('FluidVideoEmbed', 'deactivate') );
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gianpaj commented Jun 1, 2016

For anybody interested, here is the patch/diff with version 1.2.9:

diff --git a/wp-content/plugins/fluid-video-embeds/fluid-video-embeds.php b/wp-content/plugins/fluid-video-embeds/fluid-video-embeds.php
index 5f20981..68ba37a 100644
--- a/wp-content/plugins/fluid-video-embeds/fluid-video-embeds.php
+++ b/wp-content/plugins/fluid-video-embeds/fluid-video-embeds.php
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/constants.php' );

 class FluidVideoEmbed{
     static $available_providers = array(
+        'playlist',
@@ -406,6 +407,21 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{
             $this->meta = $this->get_video_meta_from_url( $url );

             switch ( $this->provider_slug ) {
+                case 'playlist':
+                    /**
+                     * YouTube doesn't seem to provide width and or height for
+                     * their videos. They only provide a 'widescreen' property if the
+                     * video is widescreen-ish. So this is likely the best we can do for now.
+                     */
+                        $wrapper_padding = '56.25%';
+                    $iframe_url = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
+                    $iframe_url = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_playlist_iframe_url', $iframe_url, $this->meta );
+                    $permalink = '//' . $this->meta['id'];
+                    $permalink = apply_filters( 'fve_youtube_playlist_permalink', $permalink, $this->meta );
+                    $thumbnail = isset( $this->meta['full_image'] ) ? $this->meta['full_image'] : '';
+                    break;
                 case 'youtube':
                      * YouTube doesn't seem to provide width and or height for
@@ -508,6 +524,11 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{
      * @return string The slug of the video service.
     function get_video_provider_slug_from_url( $url ){
+        if( preg_match( '/(list=)/i', $url ) ){
+            return 'playlist';
+        }
         // Return a youtube reference for a URL
         if( preg_match( '/(youtu\.be)/i', $url ) ){
             return 'youtube';
@@ -594,7 +615,11 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{

         switch( $domain ){
             case '':
-            if( preg_match( '/^[^v]+v.(.{11}).*/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
+            if( preg_match( '/list=(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
+                $video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
+                break;
+            } elseif( preg_match( '/^[^v]+v.(.{11}).*/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
                 $video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
             } elseif( preg_match( '/\/user\/(.*)\/(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
                 $video_id = $youtube_matches[2];
@@ -602,7 +627,10 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{

             case '':
-            if( preg_match( '/\/(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
+            if( preg_match( '/list=(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
+                $video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
+                break;
+            } elseif( preg_match( '/\/(.*)$/i', $url, $youtube_matches ) ) {
                 $video_id = $youtube_matches[1];
@@ -650,6 +678,14 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{

         if( !$response ) {
             switch( $service ) {
+                case "playlist":
+                    $url = '';
+                    $url.= '?key=' . FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_YOUTUBE_API_KEY;
+                    $url.= '&part=contentDetails,snippet';
+                    $url.= '&userIp=' . (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : '') ;
+                    $url.= '&id=' . $video_id;
+                break;
                 case "youtube":
                     $url = '';
                     $url.= '?key=' . FLUID_VIDEO_EMBEDS_YOUTUBE_API_KEY;
@@ -676,6 +712,32 @@ class FluidVideoEmbed{

             if( !empty( $response_json ) ) {
                 switch( $service ){
+                    case 'playlist':
+                    if( $response_json->pageInfo->totalResults == 0 ) break;
+                    $video_meta['title'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
+                    $video_meta['permalink'] = '' . $video_id;
+                    $video_meta['description'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->title;
+                    $video_meta['thumbnail'] = '' . $video_id . '/mqdefault.jpg';
+                    $video_meta['full_image'] = $this->get_youtube_max_thumbnail( $video_id );
+                    $video_meta['created_at'] = strtotime( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->publishedAt );
+                    $video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
+                    if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition ) ) {
+                        $video_meta['aspect'] = ( $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->definition === 'hd' ) ? 'widescreen' : 'standard';
+                    }
+                    // Allow the widescreen option to be overriden
+                    if( $this->fve_force_youtube_16_9 ) {
+                        $video_meta['aspect'] = 'widescreen';
+                    }
+                    $video_meta['duration'] = $response_json->items[0]->contentDetails->duration;
+                    if( isset( $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle ) ) {
+                        $video_meta['author_name'] = $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelTitle;
+                        $video_meta['author_url'] = "" . $response_json->items[0]->snippet->channelId;
+                    }
+                    break;
                     case 'youtube':

                     if( $response_json->pageInfo->totalResults == 0 ) break;
@@ -929,4 +991,4 @@ if( !isset( $fve ) ) {
 register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array('FluidVideoEmbed', 'activate') );
 register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array('FluidVideoEmbed', 'deactivate') );

\ No newline at end of file

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chazzzzy commented Jun 1, 2016

gianpaj ,
How do I get your final code for the php file? I'm not 100% familiar with github.


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