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Created April 3, 2013 16:33
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A snippet from ScalaTest of 7 languages in 7 weeks Scala day 1
class BoardSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter {
var board : Board = _
before {
board = new Board
test("A board is initialized to blank") {
board.moves.foreach(row => row.foreach(box => assert(box === Player.B)))
test("Making the first move is marked X") {
board.move(1, 1)
assert(board.moves(1)(1) === Player.x)
test("Making the second move is marked o") {
board.move(1, 1)
board.move(1, 2)
assert(board.moves(2)(1) === Player.o)
test("Cant use the same place twice") {
board.move(1, 1)
intercept[RuntimeException] {
otherPlayersMove(1, 1)
test("No winner after no moves") {
val winner = board.winner()
assert(winner === Player.B)
test("Win vertical line on left") {
assert(Player.x === board.winner)
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