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Created November 24, 2015 04:28
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FastMail newsletter (November 2015)
<title>New FastMail features and other news</title>
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<div id="header"><a id="homepage" href=""><img src="" height="44" alt="FastMail"></a> Newsletter</div>
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<h1>CardDAV support, new iOS features and more!</h1>
<p>Dear Me</p>
<p>New feature support has recently been at the top of the FastMail to-do list.</p>
<p>Lately we’ve been working hard behind the scenes – or should that be interface? – to make the FastMail experience even better. </p>
<p>With CardDAV support for contacts, new features for iOS users and our JMAP project continuing to build momentum, there’s certainly been a lot going on! </p>
<li><a href="#carddavsupportforfastmail">CardDAV support for FastMail</a></li>
<li><a href="#ouriosappgets1passwordsupport">Our iOS app gets 1Password support</a></li>
<li><a href="#pushemailcomestoiosmail">Push email comes to iOS Mail</a></li>
<li><a href="#fastmailacquirespoboxandlistbox">FastMail acquires Pobox and Listbox</a></li>
<li><a href="#shuttingdownourxmppchatservice">Shutting down our XMPP chat service</a></li>
<li><a href="#genuinefastmailsupportisonlyavailablethoughfastmail">Genuine FastMail Support is only available though FastMail</a></li>
<li><a href="#newjmapprojects">New JMAP projects</a></li>
<li><a href="#couldyourbusinessfeatureinafastmailcasestudy">Could your business feature in a FastMail case study?</a></li>
<hr />
<h2 name="carddavsupportforfastmail">CardDAV support for FastMail</h2>
<p>With the release of CardDAV support in FastMail you’re now able to have your contacts everywhere you need them. This means you can access contacts on your mobile phone, tablet or even smart watch, with any changes you make kept in sync. You can think of it as the same way IMAP works with your email. </p>
<p>We’re quite proud of this achievement and even penned a short history of <a href="">how CardDAV came to be at FastMail</a> for our more technical-minded users. </p>
<p>This feature is available for all Full, Enhanced or Premier personal/family users, and all Standard, Professional or Enterprise business users. </p>
<p>CardDAV setup instructions for <a href="">iOS</a>, <a href="">Android</a>, <a href="">and more</a> can be found in our <a href="">help</a>. </p>
<h2 name="ouriosappgets1passwordsupport">Our iOS app gets 1Password support</h2>
<p>One of our most requested features for the FastMail iOS app was the <a href="">inclusion of 1Password support</a>. </p>
<p>As the name suggests, by using the <a href="">1Password</a> app you can consolidate all the passwords you use for websites, apps and services and just have the one master password. </p>
<p>If you have 1Password installed on your iOS device then look for the 1Password button in the log in screen of the FastMail iOS app. </p>
<p>Our latest <a href="">iOS app</a> release also fixes issues with pasting into fields and improves form handling when the keyboard is visible or device is rotated. </p>
<h2 name="pushemailcomestoiosmail">Push email comes to iOS Mail</h2>
<p>If you use the iOS Mail app to access your FastMail account then you can now <a href="">receive push notifications for new mail</a>. </p>
<p>We’ve enabled Push IMAP for all accounts, so new mail is ‘pushed’ straight to your inbox. If you haven’t set up mail on your iOS device you can <a href="">follow these instructions to get started.</a> </p>
<p>Thanks to our friends on the Apple mail teams for helping to make this possible. </p>
<h2 name="fastmailacquirespoboxandlistbox">FastMail acquires Pobox and Listbox</h2>
<p>We’re delighted to announce that <a href="">FastMail has recently acquired the email services Pobox and Listbox</a>.</p>
<p>FastMail will continue to operate <a href="">Pobox</a> – which provides email forwarding, filtering and domains services – and email service provider (ESP) <a href="">Listbox</a> as normal, with no significant changes planned for the immediate future.</p>
<p>A media release regarding this acquisition is available <a href="">here</a>.</p>
<h2 name="shuttingdownourxmppchatservice">Shutting down our XMPP chat service</h2>
<p>For many years we’ve supported XMPP, an open standards chat protocol, both for users in FastMail domains (e.g.,, etc) and for users bringing their own domains. Recently we’ve had to review this support, and after some internal discussion, we’ve decided to shut down the service from 31 January 2016. </p>
<p>For more detailed information <a href="">please read our recent blog post</a>.</p>
<h2 name="genuinefastmailsupportisonlyavailablethoughfastmail">Genuine FastMail Support is only available though FastMail</h2>
<p>Just a reminder that FastMail only offers support through direct contact with our <a href="">Support Team</a> or via <a href=""></a>. We don't currently offer <strong>any</strong> support via phone nor do we have a '888' number. Please be aware of fake sites or phishing attempts that promote FastMail technical support or password recovery. And remember that our staff will never ask you for your password. </p>
<p>Here are some simple tips you can follow to <a href="">help keep your account secure</a>. </p>
<h2 name="newjmapprojects">New JMAP projects</h2>
<p>JMAP is our effort to develop a new open protocol for mail, calendar and contact clients that’s faster and more powerful than the current standards. </p>
<p>Since we announced the JMAP project <a href="">last December</a>, we’ve continued to refine <a href="">the specification</a>, with other companies coming on board to <a href="">help build the future of email</a>. </p>
<p>We are proud to be open sourcing several new JMAP projects, all under the liberal MIT license. These include the <a href="">JMAP proxy</a>, <a href="">JavaScript client library</a> and <a href="">demo webmail</a>. </p>
<p>If you run your own email service and want to get involved with JMAP, you can find full details of the specification, implementation advice and a link to the code on the <a href="">JMAP website</a>. </p>
<p>For anyone else that would like to help us in finalising the spec – or if you have questions or comments about implementing JMAP – then please join the <a href="!forum/jmap-discuss">JMAP mailing list</a>. </p>
<h2 name="couldyourbusinessfeatureinafastmailcasestudy">Could your business feature in a FastMail case study?</h2>
<p>We’re a passionate bunch at FastMail when it comes to email technology and delight in the fact that we can provide a better email hosting experience to thousands of businesses around the globe. </p>
<p>We’d love to share some stories of how our business customers are using FastMail, and just as importantly learn more about the types of businesses our customers have. </p>
<p>If you’d like to take part in one of our case study customer stories, or find out more about what’s involved, then email: <a href=""></a> with the subject line: ‘Case Study’, including some brief details about your business. </p>
<p>The FastMail Team</p>
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