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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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foo = # You now have an anonymous class, which is just an instance of the Class class.
# instance_exec sets `self` to the given instance (<foo>, in this case, our anonymous class)
# for the duration of the block
foo.instance_exec do
define_method :bar do
"Hello from an instance of foo! I am #{self.inspect}"
# Here, we're going to step into <foo>'s metaclass, which is the class which defines singleton instance methods for <foo>
class << self
def baz
"Hi from foo's metaclass, I am #{self.inspect}"
puts foo.baz
# => Hi from foo's metaclass, I am #<Class:0x649d209a>
# => Hello from an instance of foo! I am #<#<Class:0x649d209a>:0x6adca536>
You can see that <foo> is an instance of the anonymous metaclass <Class:0x649d209a>!
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