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chebee7i / statements.rst
Last active November 28, 2018 00:33
MySQL Locks

Metadata Locks

If an InnoDB table is being accessed at all via SELECT or DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), you should rightly expect a metadata lock.

According to the MySQL Documentation on MetaData Locking (

To ensure transaction serializability, the server must not permit one session to perform a data definition language (DDL) statement on a table that is used in an uncompleted transaction in another session. The server achieves this by acquiring metadata locks on tables used within a transaction and deferring release of those locks until the transaction ends. A metadata lock on a table prevents changes to the table's structure. This locking approach has the implication that a table that is being used by a transaction within one session cannot be used in DDL statements by other sessions until the transaction ends.

SELECTs will obtain a shared metadata lock, while DML and DDL will obtain an exclusive metadata lock. So an uncommitted

#!/usr/bin/env python
Module to generate a stand-alone PDF of a tikz picture.
Any lines in the TikZ fragment that begin with "%tikzpic " are preprocessor
directives to this file. Presently, only two preprocessor commands are
supported. They are detailed through the examples below.
1) To input code into the stand-alone LaTeX before compilation:
chebee7i /
Created June 8, 2015 16:27
Multinomial Confidence Intervals
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
def multinomial_ci(counts, alpha):
Calculate a simultaneous (1-alpha) * 100 percent confidence interval.
chebee7i /
Created March 2, 2015 21:14
Using GraphMatcher to find a subgraph.
Example demonstrating how to modify the GraphMatcher class so that
subgraph_is_isomorphic() will determine whether G2 is a subgraph (with
an identity isomorphism).
import networkx as nx
G = nx.karate_club_graph()
chebee7i /
Created February 23, 2015 08:31
Naive and Aware Datetime Deltas
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import pytz
paris = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')
utc = pytz.utc
before_naive = datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 31, 1, 59)
before_paris = paris.localize(before_naive)
chebee7i /
Last active May 11, 2022 12:07
Tableau Colors
Categorical color palettes from Tableau.
For example:
palettes = [
# Long name, short name
('Tableau 10', 'T 10'),
('Tableau 10 Light', 'T 10 L'),
chebee7i / _cydefordereddict.pyx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
from collections import Callable
from cyordereddict import OrderedDict
class DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict):
# Source:
def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw):
if (default_factory is not None and
not isinstance(default_factory, Callable)):
raise TypeError('first argument must be callable')
OrderedDict.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
I've wrapped Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura's code in a namespace
so it's better encapsulated. Now you can have multiple random number generators
and they won't stomp all over eachother's state.
If you want to use this as a substitute for Math.random(), use the random()
method like so:
var m = new MersenneTwister();
# original XML at
# XSL for conversion:
unicode_to_latex = {
u"\u0020": "\\space ",
u"\u0023": "\\#",
u"\u0024": "\\textdollar ",
u"\u0025": "\\%",
u"\u0026": "\\&",
chebee7i /
Last active September 10, 2018 09:25
Some functions related to Bayesian networks.
Some functions related to Bayesian networks (DAGs).
Most of this was pulled from:
import networkx as nx