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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Provision a vm with a provisioning script
# Create CCI with provisioning script
# ©Copyright IBM Corporation 2014.
# gems used:
# rubygems, softlayer-api
require 'rubygems'
require 'softlayer_api'
$SL_API_USERNAME = "xxxxx"
$SL_API_KEY = "xxxx"
# These are the services we'll be using
softlayer_product_package ="SoftLayer_Product_Package");
softLayer_product_item_price ="SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price");
softLayer_product_order = "SoftLayer_Product_Order");
Virtual_Guest_Package_ID = 46
$product_order = {
'complexType' => 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest', # a constant that will tell the server what type of thing we're sending it.
'quantity' => 1, # We only want 1 virtual guest.
'virtualGuests' => [
'hostname' => 'test', # in your own code you would replace this with your own hostname
'domain' => '' # in your own code you would replace this with your own domain name
# These are fields we'll fill in below with more explaination
'location' => location,
'packageId' => Virtual_Guest_Package_ID,
'prices' => nil,
'sshKeys' => 'test',
'useHourlyPricing'=> 1,
'provisionScripts'=>['']##the script must be available on a server were the ip is
#$product_order["packageId"] = Virtual_Guest_Package_ID
# This creates a proxy of the product package service with the virtual guest package ID already
# "integrated" into it.
$virtual_guest_package = softlayer_product_package.object_with_id(Virtual_Guest_Package_ID)
$product_order["prices"] = [
{ "id" => 26125 }, # 1640 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Cores [Computing Instance]
{ "id" => 27884 }, # 1645 -- 2 GB [Ram]
{ "id" => 23070 }, # 905 -- Reboot / Remote Console [Remote Management]
{ "id" => 26737 }, # 273 -- 100 Mbps public & private networks - default
{ "id" => 34183 }, # 22505 1800 36 613 -- 1000 GB Bandwidth for Public bandwidth - default..1800 due to incopatibility..
{ "id" => 34807 }, # 21 -- 1 IP Address [Primary IP Addresses]
{ "id" => 24013}, # 13899 -- First disk: 25 GB
{ "id" => 28309 }, # 17446 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)
{ "id" => 34241 }, # 55 -- Host Ping [Monitoring] and tcp
{ "id" => 32500 }, # 57 -- Email and Ticket [Notification]
{ "id" => 32627 }, # 58 -- Automated Notification [Response]
{ "id" => 33483 }, # 420 -- Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account [VPN Management - Private Network]
{ "id" => 35310 }, # 418 -- Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting [Vulnerability Assessments & Management]
{ "id" => 32139 } # 22429 -- Advanced monitoring
puts $product_order.inspect
result = softLayer_product_order.verifyOrder($product_order)
puts "The order was verified successfully"
# softLayer_product_order.placeOrder($product_order)
rescue => error_reason
puts "The order could not be verified by the server #{error_reason}"
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