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Last active June 11, 2016 11:12
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Node.js script to load .txt files from a set of URLs asynchronously and combine results in order of URLs using default modules (and with non-default modules)
// Task using default Node.js packages
var http = require('http');
var urls = ['',
var responses = [];
var completedRequests = 0;
* Given a 'url', it returns a JSON object of the form
* {"url": <someUrl>, body: <textFileContentAtUrl>}
function httpGet(url, callback) {
var returnVal = {url: url};
http.get(url, function(response) {
var output = '';
response.on('data', function(chunk){
output += chunk;
response.on('end', function(){
returnVal['body'] = output.trim();
function httpHelper(urls, callback) {
for (var index = 0; index < urls.length; index++) {
httpGet(urls[index], function(body) {
if (completedRequests == urls.length) {
httpHelper(urls, function(responses) {
var outputArray = [];
for (var index in responses) {
var urlIndex = urls.indexOf(responses[index].url);
outputArray.splice(urlIndex, 0, responses[index].body);
var outputString = outputArray.join();
// Additional Method using non-default Node.js packages: 'async' & 'request'
var async = require('async');
var request = require('request');
function httpGet(url, callback) {
const options = {
url : url,
json : true
function(err, res, body) {
callback(err, body);
}, httpGet, function (err, res){
if (err) return console.log(err);
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