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Last active April 22, 2024 16:34
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  • Save checkdigits/f910e3c4b308a25b31b9a5c1f23c5461 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save checkdigits/f910e3c4b308a25b31b9a5c1f23c5461 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Download and execute with the following:
# curl -L | bash
echo "Updating the local package directory"
sudo apt update
echo "Upgrading any outdated packages"
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
echo "Install new packages necessary for Delphi & FMXLinux"
sudo apt install joe python3 libpython3-dev wget p7zip-full curl libgtk-3-dev openssh-server build-essential zlib1g-dev libgtk-3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libncurses5 xorg libgl1-mesa-dev libosmesa-dev libgtk-3-bin -y
echo "Clean-up unused packages"
sudo apt autoremove -y
cd ~
echo "Downloading Linux PAServer for Athens 12.0 (23.0)"
echo "Setting up directories to extract PA Server into"
mkdir PAServer
mkdir PAServer/23.0
rm PAServer/23.0/*
tar xvf LinuxPAServer23.0.tar.gz -C PAServer/23.0 --strip-components=1
# This fixes the Python 3.6 dependency - Comment this if not required
ln -sf `ls -1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.*.so.1.0 | tail -1` ~/PAServer/23.0/lldb/lib/
rm LinuxPAServer23.0.tar.gz
echo \#\!\/bin\/bash >
echo # >>
echo ~/PAServer/23.0/paserver >>
chmod +x
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo " To launch PAServer type ~/"
echo "-----------------------------------"
# ~/
Copy link

From the terminal you can enter:

curl -L | bash

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