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Created May 30, 2012 09:19
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Save checko/2834954 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
logcat of enabling wifi hotspot
E/WifiService( 2407): ath: load Wi-Fi driver for AP mode.
set_cpu_freq, wp 0
I/wlan_tool( 3394): loadAPdriver+
I/wlan_tool( 3395): AP wifi loading
I/wlan_tool( 3399): Try to load AP driver with ifname=wlap0 devmode=ap
AR6000: configuration opcode 7 is only used for RTOS systems, not Linux systems
AR6K: ** HIF layer does not support scatter requests (17)
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, ifawmi_control_rx() : Unknown id 0x101e
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=1, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface added wlap0}
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceAdded :wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface getcfg wlap0} {null}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): InitialState.processMessage what=4
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
D/CommandListener( 2328): Setting iface cfg
D/Tethering( 2407): Tethering wlap0
E/Tethering( 2407): Tried to Tether an unknown iface :wlap0, ignoring
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [down broadcast multicast]}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [down broadcast multicast]}
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): rsp <213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [down broadcast multicast]>
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): flags <[down broadcast multicast]>
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface setcfg wlap0 up} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Interface configuration set}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Interface configuration set}
E/WifiService( 2407): Error tethering wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
I/wlan_tool( 3416): ar6000 AP driver loaded
I/wlan_tool( 3418): loadAPdriver-
D/SoftapController( 2328): Softap driver stop: 0
D/SoftapController( 2328): fwReloadSoftap: argv[2]:wlan0 argv[3]:AP
D/SoftapController( 2328)Add Filter 0 = 33:33:00:00:00:01
: Softap fwReload - Ok
D/NetdCoKeep Filter 0 = 33:33:00:00:00:01
nnector( 2407): SND -> {softap stop wlan0} {nullKeep Filter 0 = 33:33:00:00:00:01
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <Add Filter 1 = 01:00:5e:00:00:01
- {200 Softap operation succeedeADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlap0: link is not ready
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {softap fwreload wlan0 AP} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {softap start wlan0} {null}
D/SoftapController( 2328): Softap driver start: 0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {softap set wlan0 wlap0 "AndroidAP" wpa2-psk "50adf9393channel hint set to 2437
f8b"} {null}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
E/Tethering( 2407): attempting to remove unknown iface (wlap0), ignoring
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface removed wlap0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface added wlap0}
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceAdded :wlap0
E/hostapd ( 3419): Configuration file: /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
D/Tethering( 2407): InitialState.processMessage what=4
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
E/hostapd ( 3419): Using interface wlap0 with hwaddr 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 and ssid 'AndroidAP'
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
D/SoftapController( 2328): Softap set - Ok
W/Netd ( 2328): action=5, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, false
I/hostapd ( 3419): random: Only 19/20 bytes of strong ranADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlap0: link becomes ready
dom data available from /dev/random
I/hostapd (Keep Filter 0 = 33:33:00:00:00:01
3419): random: Not enough entroKeep Filter 1 = 01:00:5e:00:00:01
py pool available for secure opeAdd Filter 2 = 33:33:ff:be:f0:a0
I/hostapd ( 3419): WPA: Not enough entropy in random pool for secure operations - update keys later when the first station connects
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 down}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 1, 0, 0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {softap startap} {null}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Softap operation succeeded}
set_cpu_freq, wp 0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface getcfg wlap0} {null}
D/CommandListener( 2328): Setting iface cfg
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]}
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): rsp <213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]>
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): flags <[up broadcast running multicast]>
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface setcfg wlap0 up} {null}
D/Tethering( 2407): Tethering wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): InitialState.processMessage what=2
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Interface configuration set}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Interface configuration set}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {tether interface add wlap0} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/Tethering( 2407): Tethered wlap0
D/CommandListener( 2328): Setting iface cfg
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface getcfg wlap0} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]}
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): rsp <213 00:03:7f:be:f0:a0 [up broadcast running multicast]>
D/NetworkManagmentService( 2407): flags <[up broadcast running multicast]>
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface setcfg wlap0 up} {null}
D/Tethering( 2407): Tethering wlap0
E/Tethering( 2407): Tried to Tether an unavailable iface :wlap0, ignoring
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Interface configuration set}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Interface configuration set}
E/WifiService( 2407): Error tethering wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 1, 0
D/Tethering( 2407): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=1
D/Tethering( 2407): Tether Mode requested by wlap0 - TetheredState - Tethered - lastError =0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface list} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 lo}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 eth0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 usb0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 tunl0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 gre0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 lo}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 eth0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 usb0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 tunl0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 sit0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 wlap0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Interface list completed}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 gre0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 sit0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 wlap0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Interface list completed}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): List terminated with {200 Interface list completed}
D/Tethering( 2407): chooseUpstreamType(false), dunRequired =false, iface=null
D/Tethering( 2407): notifying tethered with iface =null
D/TetherController( 2328): Setting IP forward enable = 1
D/TetherController( 2328): Starting tethering services
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {ipfwd enable} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 ipfwd operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 ipfwd operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {tether start} {null}
D/TetherController( 2328): Tethering services running
D/TetherController( 2328): setDnsForwarders(0 = '')
D/TetherController( 2328): setDnsForwarders(1 = '')
D/TetherController( 2328): Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_dns:]
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {tether dns set} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Tether operation succeeded}
D/Tethering( 2407): TetheredState.processMessage what=12
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): started, version 2.51 cachesize 150
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): compile time options: no-IPv6 GNU-getopt no-DBus no-I18N DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP
W/dnsmasq ( 3420): warning: no upstream servers configured
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1h
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): read /etc/hosts - 1 addresses
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): using nameserver
I/dnsmasq ( 3420): using nameserver
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/dalvikvm( 2407): GC_CONCURRENT freed 845K, 54% free 4339K/9287K, external 2765K/3448K, paused 8ms+5ms
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): set_cpu_freq, wp 0
interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
set_cpu_freq, wp 0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tetherset_cpu_freq, wp 0
ing( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): inteset_cpu_freq, wp 0
rfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface lset_cpu_freq, wp 0
inkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface liset_cpu_freq, wp 0
nkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 upset_cpu_freq, wp 0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
D/Tethering( 2407): TetherModeAliveState.processMessage what=5
D/NetdConnector( 2407): SND -> {interface list} {null}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 lo}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 eth0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 lo}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 usb0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 eth0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 usb0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCset_cpu_freq, wp 0
V <- {110 tunl0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 tunl0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 gre0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 gre0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 sit0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 sit0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {110 wlap0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {110 wlap0}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {200 Interface list completed}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RSP <- {200 Interface list completed}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): List terminated with {200 Interface list completed}
D/Tethering( 2407): chooseUpstreamType(true), dunRequired =false, iface=null
D/Tethering( 2407): set_cpu_freq, wp 1
notifying tethered with iface =null
D/Tethering( 2407): TetheredState.processMessage what=12
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tetheringset_cpu_freq, wp 0
( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interset_cpu_freq, wp 0
faceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
D/NetlinkEvent( 2328): Unexpected netlink message. type=0x0
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/NetdConnector( set_cpu_freq, wp 0
2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
D/Tethering( 2407): interfaceLinkStatusChanged wlap0, true
D/NetdConnector( 2407): RCV <- {600 Iface linkstate wlap0 up}
set_cpu_freq, wp 1
set_cpu_freq, wp 2
W/Netd ( 2328): action=4, iface=wlap0
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