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Last active September 30, 2023 18:40
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Code Katas suggestion list (JavaScript)


These are some code katas I have enjoyed solving. Higher kyu numbers are easier. Lower numbers get more complex or a lot more work to end result.

Code Kata Tips

  • Code Katas aren't always ideal problems but do use common coding skills: splitting, joining, data structures, etc.
  • There's lots of possible solutions to one problem, the easiest solution might not be the most ideal
  • Try refactoring after you have a working solution, you can fine tune your skills for clean code
  • Learn how to use common JS built-in methods off the top of your head: .split(), .join(), .map(), .filter(), .find(), etc.
  • Don't go for the shortest solution since you will probably not write production code like that
  • Regex is ok for a solution, but try solving without regex when developing coding skills
  • Try to account for varying data types, invalid user data, missing data, etc.

8 kyu (Easiest)

7 kyu

6 kyu

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