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Created August 17, 2012 23:44
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Rationals in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Main where
import Data.Ratio
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple
data Tree :: * -> * where
Node :: a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
deriving (Show)
nodeValue :: Tree a -> a
nodeValue (Node x _ _) = x
children :: Tree a -> [Tree a]
children (Node _ x y) = [x, y]
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList t = map nodeValue (concat (iterate (concatMap children) [t]))
sternBrocotTree :: Tree Rational
sternBrocotTree = sternBrocotTreeHelp (Rat [1])
where sternBrocotTreeHelp :: Rat -> Tree Rational
sternBrocotTreeHelp r@(Rat l) = Node (ratToRational r) left right
where c1 = sternBrocotTreeHelp (Rat ((init l) ++ [last l + 1]))
c2 = sternBrocotTreeHelp (Rat ((init l) ++ [last l - 1, 2]))
(left, right) = (if odd k then id else swap) (c1, c2)
k = length l + 1
positiveRationals :: [Rational]
positiveRationals = 0 : toList sternBrocotTree
-- Continued fractions
data Rat :: * where
Rat :: [Int] -> Rat
ratToRational :: Rat -> Rational
ratToRational (Rat []) = 0
ratToRational (Rat [x]) = fromIntegral x
ratToRational (Rat (x : xs)) = (fromIntegral x) + (1 / (ratToRational (Rat xs)))
interloc :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interloc xs ys = concat $ zipWith (\x y -> [x, y]) xs ys
ints :: [Int]
ints = 0 : interloc [1..] (map negate [1..])
rationals :: [Rational]
rationals = 0 : l
where l = interloc ll (map negate ll)
ll = toList sternBrocotTree
intRat :: Int -> Rational
intRat n = rationals !! n
ratInt :: Rational -> Int
ratInt r = fromJust (findIndex (== r) rationals)
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
plus x y = ratInt (intRat x + intRat y)
minus :: Int -> Int -> Int
minus x y = x `plus` (negate y)
mult :: Int -> Int -> Int
mult x y = ratInt (intRat x * intRat y)
dive :: Int -> Int -> Int
dive x y = x `mult` (inverse y)
negatee :: Int -> Int
negatee 0 = 0
negatee n = if odd n then n + 1 else n - 1
inverse :: Int -> Int
inverse 0 = error "division by zero"
inverse x = f 0 rationals
where f :: Int -> [Rational] -> Int
f n (a : as) = if x `mult` (ratInt a) == 1 then n else f (n + 1) as
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ negatee 0
print $ negatee 1
print $ negatee 42
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