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Last active October 9, 2015 05:17
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Safe lists in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module SafeList where
data Nat :: * where
Z :: Nat
S :: Nat -> Nat
data Vector :: Nat -> * -> * where
VNil :: Vector Z a
VCons :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector (S n) a
instance (Show a) => Show (Vector length a) where
show VNil = "VNil"
show (VCons x VNil) = "VCons " ++ (show x) ++ " VNil"
show (VCons y ys) = "VCons " ++ (show y) ++ " (" ++ (show ys) ++ ")"
instance Functor (Vector length) where
fmap _ VNil = VNil
fmap f (VCons x xs) = VCons (f x) (fmap f xs)
headV :: Vector (S n) a -> a
headV (VCons x xs) = x
tailV :: Vector (S n) a -> Vector n a
tailV (VCons x xs) = xs
foldrV :: (a -> b -> b) -> Vector n a -> b -> b
foldrV f VNil d = d
foldrV f (VCons x xs) d = f x (foldrV f xs d)
-- | zipWith for Vectors
-- >>> zipWithV (,) (VCons 1 (VCons 2 (VCons 3 VNil))) (VCons 'a' (VCons 'b' (VCons 'c' VNil)))
-- VCons (1,'a') (VCons (2,'b') (VCons (3,'c') VNil))
zipWithV :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector n a -> Vector n b -> Vector n c
zipWithV _ VNil VNil = VNil
zipWithV f (VCons x xs) (VCons y ys) = VCons (f x y) (zipWithV f xs ys)
-- appendV :: Vector n a -> Vector m a -> Vector (n + m) a
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