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Created September 4, 2014 23:53
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Heuristic Date Parsing in Haskell
module ParseDate where
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Newtype
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format
import System.Locale
defaultParseTime :: ParseTime t => String -> String -> Maybe t
defaultParseTime = parseTime defaultTimeLocale
data Error = NoParse String
deriving (Show)
data Date = LocalTimeMain LocalTime | TimeOfDayMain TimeOfDay
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
date :: (LocalTime -> a) -> (TimeOfDay -> a) -> Date -> a
date l t d =
case d of
LocalTimeMain lt -> l lt
TimeOfDayMain tod -> t tod
dateToUTC :: Date -> UTCTime
dateToUTC = date (localTimeToUTC utc) (const oldUTC)
fmapCompose :: (Functor f) => (b -> c) -> (a -> f b) -> a -> f c
fmapCompose f m x = f `fmap` m x
{- HH:Mm
- HH:MM:ss
- MM.DD.YY.HH:mm:ss
-- |Normally, ISO-8601 just defines YYYY-MM-DD
-- but we can add a time spec.
iso8601DateFormat :: Maybe String -> String
iso8601DateFormat mTimeFmt =
"%Y-%m-%d" ++ case mTimeFmt of
Nothing -> ""
Just fmt -> 'T' : fmt
-- TODO: brute force components of time with plist, feature to prefer dates in the past, present, "current", future
-- T is sometimes the separator instead of space between date and time
parseDate :: String -> Either Error Date
parseDate s =
let parses = map ($ s) parseFns
parseFns = [
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat),
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat2),
fmapCompose TimeOfDayMain (defaultParseTime hhmmFormat),
fmapCompose TimeOfDayMain (defaultParseTime hhmmssFormat),
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime mMDDYYHHmmssFormat),
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime mMDDYYHHmmssFormat3),
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime mMDDYYHHmmssFormat5),
fmapCompose LocalTimeMain (defaultParseTime dDMMYYYYHHmmFormat)
firstParse = ala First F.foldMap parses
hhmmFormat = "%R"
hhmmssFormat = "%T"
mMDDYYHHmmssFormat = "%m.%d.%y " ++ hhmmssFormat
mMDDYYHHmmssFormat3 = "%m.%d.%Y " ++ hhmmFormat
mMDDYYHHmmssFormat5 = "%m.%d.%y." ++ hhmmssFormat
yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat = "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat2 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat3 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"
yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat4 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z"
yYYYMMDDHHmmssFormat5 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
dDMMYYYYHHmmFormat = "%d.%m.%Y% %H:%M"
in maybe
(Left $ NoParse s)
oneYearAgo :: IO UTCTime
oneYearAgo =
let -- average seconds in a year
seconds = negate . fromIntegral . round $ 3.15e7
in addUTCTime seconds `fmap` getCurrentTime
oneMonthBeforeLT :: TimeZone -> LocalTime -> LocalTime
oneMonthBeforeLT = localTimeThroughUTC oneMonthBefore
localTimeThroughUTC :: (UTCTime -> UTCTime) -> TimeZone -> LocalTime -> LocalTime
localTimeThroughUTC f tz = utcToLocalTime tz . f . localTimeToUTC tz
oneWeekFuture :: UTCTime -> UTCTime
oneWeekFuture =
let -- average seconds in a day
seconds = fromIntegral 604800
in addUTCTime seconds
oneWeekUntil :: IO UTCTime
oneWeekUntil = oneWeekFuture `fmap` getCurrentTime
oneMonthBefore :: UTCTime -> UTCTime
oneMonthBefore =
let -- average seconds in a month
seconds = negate . fromIntegral . round $ 2.628e6
in addUTCTime seconds
oneMonthAgo :: IO UTCTime
oneMonthAgo = oneMonthBefore `fmap` getCurrentTime
colorEitherDate :: UTCTime -> Either Error Date -> (Int, Int, Int)
colorEitherDate today e =
(const black)
(\d -> date
(\localtime -> colorDate today localtime)
(const gray)
where black = (0, 0, 0)
gray = (128,128,128)
-- (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%c" . truncateToHour) `fmap` getCurrentTime
-- >>> "Sat Aug 30 00:00:00 UTC 2014"
truncateToHour :: UTCTime -> UTCTime
truncateToHour (UTCTime day seconds) =
let hour = (`div` 3600) . floor $ seconds
in UTCTime day (fromIntegral . (3600 *) $ hour)
truncateToHourLT :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
truncateToHourLT (LocalTime d (TimeOfDay hour _ _)) = LocalTime d (TimeOfDay hour 0 0)
oldUTC :: UTCTime
oldUTC = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) (secondsToDiffTime 0)
utcTimeInCurrentTimeZone :: IO (UTCTime -> LocalTime)
utcTimeInCurrentTimeZone = do
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToLocalTime tz
colorDate :: UTCTime -> LocalTime -> (Int, Int, Int)
colorDate today lt =
let red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
yellow = (255, 255, 0)
-- average seconds in a month
oneMonthAgoDiff = negate . fromIntegral . round $ 2.628e6
oneWeek = 604800
redThreshold = addUTCTime (oneMonthAgoDiff) today -- today - 1 months
yellowThreshold = addUTCTime oneWeek redThreshold -- today - 1 months + 1 week
blueThreshold = today -- today
dateUTC = localTimeToUTC utc lt
in if dateUTC < redThreshold then
else if dateUTC < yellowThreshold then
else if dateUTC < blueThreshold then
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