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Forked from federomero/wiki.rb
Created July 7, 2011 12:57
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Simple script for testing alltext trivia
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'graphviz'
target = 'Philosophy'
links = {}
def get_first_article(article)
base = ''
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(base+article, 'User-Agent' => 'ruby'))
doc.css('#bodyContent > p').each do |p|
link = Nokogiri::HTML(formatParagraph(p.to_s)).css('a').find{ |l| l['href'].match(/^\//) }
return link['href'].gsub(/^\/wiki\//, '') if link
def formatParagraph(text)
# remove parenthesis
r = /\(.[^\(]*?\)/
mark = '@#$'
while text.match r
text.gsub!(r) {|m| m.to_s.gsub(/<|>/, '').gsub('(', mark).gsub(')', mark.reverse)}
text.gsub(mark, '(').gsub(mark.reverse, ')')
def map_links(start, target, links)
puts "\nStarting new mapping"
current = start
while(current && current != target && !links[current])
puts current
last = current
current = links[current] = get_first_article(current).to_s
pages = [
# 'New_Frontier',
pages.each do |page|
links = map_links(page, target, links)
g = GraphViz::new( "structs", "type" => "graph" )
g[:rankdir] = "LR"
g.node[:color] = "#ddaa66"
g.node[:style] = "filled"
g.node[:shape] = "box"
g.node[:penwidth] = "1"
g.node[:fontname] = "Trebuchet MS"
g.node[:fontsize] = "8"
g.node[:fillcolor]= "#ffeecc"
g.node[:fontcolor]= "#775500"
g.node[:margin] = "0.0"
# set global edge options
g.edge[:color] = "#999999"
g.edge[:weight] = "1"
g.edge[:fontsize] = "6"
g.edge[:fontcolor]= "#444444"
g.edge[:fontname] = "Verdana"
g.edge[:dir] = "forward"
g.edge[:arrowsize]= "0.5"
pages = (links.keys + links.values).uniq.compact
pages.each do |page|
g.add_node(page).label = page
links.each do |source, link|
g.add_edge(source, link) if source && link
g.output( :path => '/opt/local/bin', :pdf => "philosophy.pdf" )
#if !current
# puts "We reached a dead end on #{last}"
#elsif current == target
# puts "We arrived from start #{start} to #{target} in #{links.size} steps"
# puts "We entered a loop starting on #{current}"
Copy link

That looks really nice!

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