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Last active May 30, 2020 22:08
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Experiment, Optimal reduction with justification (and sausages)
module Linc where
import Data.STRef
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
data Structure = Structure
{ term :: Tm Int Int
, link_count :: Int
, opt_count :: Int
, cuts :: Cuts (Tm Int Int) }
deriving (Show, Eq)
norm :: Structure -> Structure
norm struct = runST $ do
(term, cuts) <- struct_eval struct
struct_cut_full cuts
struct_reify (term, [])
norm_nce :: Int -> Structure -> Structure
norm_nce n struct = runST $ do
(term, cuts) <- struct_eval struct
cuts' <- nest n struct_cut_once cuts
struct_reify (term, cuts')
struct_eval :: Structure -> ST s (STerm s, Cuts (STerm s))
struct_eval struct = do
link_env <- fresh (link_count struct)
opt_env <- fresh_opt (opt_count struct)
let ev = eval link_env opt_env
let prep (i,j) = (ev i, ev j)
pure (ev (term struct), fmap prep (cuts struct))
struct_cut_once :: Cuts (STerm s) -> ST s (Cuts (STerm s))
struct_cut_once [] = pure []
struct_cut_once ((x,y):oldcuts) = do
cuts <- cut x y
pure (cuts ++ oldcuts)
struct_cut_full :: Cuts (STerm s) -> ST s ()
struct_cut_full [] = pure ()
struct_cut_full cuts = struct_cut_once cuts >>= struct_cut_full
struct_reify :: (STerm s, Cuts (STerm s)) -> ST s Structure
struct_reify (sterm, cuts) = do
let renv = ([], [])
(tm, renv') <- readback sterm renv
(cs, renv'') <- readback_cuts cuts renv'
pure (Structure
{ term = tm
, link_count = length (fst renv'')
, opt_count = length (snd renv'')
, cuts = cs })
readback_cuts :: Cuts (STerm s) -> REnv s -> ST s (Cuts (Tm Int Int), REnv s)
readback_cuts [] renv = pure ([], renv)
readback_cuts ((x,y):xs) renv = do
(x', renv') <- readback x renv
(y', renv'') <- readback y renv'
(cs, renv''') <- readback_cuts xs renv''
pure ((x',y'):cs, renv''')
data J s
= Decided Bool
| Duplicated (Maybe (STRef s (J s))) (STRef s (J s)) (STRef s (J s))
| Erased
| Instantiated
| Rescoped (STRef s (J s)) (STRef s (J s))
| Unbound
data Tm a b
= Link a
| Opt b (Tm a b) (Tm a b)
| On b (Tm a b) (Tm a b)
| Exp b (Tm a b)
| At b (Tm a b)
| Fan b (Tm a b) (Tm a b)
| Pair (Tm a b) (Tm a b)
| Index Bool (Tm a b)
| Read (Tm a b)
| Drop
deriving (Show, Eq)
type STerm s = Tm (Box s) (STRef s (J s))
newtype Box s = Box (STRef s (Maybe (STerm s)))
eval :: [Box s] -> [STRef s (J s)] -> Tm Int Int -> Tm (Box s) (STRef s (J s))
eval env opt (Link i) = Link (env !! i)
eval env opt (Opt j x y) = Opt (opt !! j) (eval env opt x) (eval env opt y)
eval env opt (On j x y) = On (opt !! j) (eval env opt x) (eval env opt y)
eval env opt (Exp j x) = Exp (opt !! j) (eval env opt x)
eval env opt (At j x) = At (opt !! j) (eval env opt x)
eval env opt (Fan j x y) = Fan (opt !! j) (eval env opt x) (eval env opt y)
eval env opt (Pair x y) = Pair (eval env opt x) (eval env opt y)
eval env opt (Index b x) = Index b (eval env opt x)
eval env opt (Read x) = Read (eval env opt x)
eval env opt Drop = Drop
blank :: ST s (Box s)
blank = Box `fmap` newSTRef Nothing
unbound :: ST s (STRef s (J s))
unbound = newSTRef Unbound
fresh :: Int -> ST s [Box s]
fresh n = sequence (replicate n blank)
fresh_opt :: Int -> ST s [STRef s (J s)]
fresh_opt n = sequence (replicate n unbound)
type Cuts a = [(a, a)]
cut :: STerm s -> STerm s -> ST s (Cuts (STerm s))
cut a b = do
(x,c1) <- refine a
(y,c2) <- refine b
if priority x <= priority y
then do c3 <- slice x y
pure (c1++c2++c3)
else do c3 <- slice y x
pure (c1++c2++c3)
priority :: Tm a b -> Int
priority (Link _) = 0
priority Drop = 1
priority (Fan _ _ _) = 1
priority (Index _ _) = 2
priority (Read _) = 2
priority (Pair _ _) = 2
priority (Opt _ _ _) = 4
priority (On _ _ _) = 4
priority (Exp _ _) = 4
priority (At _ _) = 5
cut_refine :: STerm s -> Cuts (STerm s)
-> ST s (Tm (Box s) (STRef s (J s)), Cuts (STerm s))
cut_refine x cuts = do
(y,cuts') <- refine x
pure (y, cuts' ++ cuts)
refine :: STerm s -> ST s (Tm (Box s) (STRef s (J s)), Cuts (STerm s))
refine (Fan i x y) = do
Duplicated _ a b <- readSTRef i
b1 <- readSTRef a >>= erased
b2 <- readSTRef b >>= erased
case (b1,b2) of
(False,False) -> pure (Fan i x y, [])
(True, False) -> cut_refine y [(Drop,x)]
(False, True) -> cut_refine x [(Drop,y)]
(True, True) -> pure (Drop, [(Drop,x),(Drop,y)])
refine (Opt i x y) = do
status <- readSTRef i
case status of
Duplicated k a b -> do
c0 <- fmap Link blank
c1 <- fmap Link blank
c2 <- fmap Link blank
c3 <- fmap Link blank
cut_refine ((maybe Pair Fan k) (Opt a c0 c1) (Opt b c2 c3))
[(Fan i c0 c2, x), (Fan i c1 c3, y)]
Erased -> pure (Drop, [(Drop,x)])
Unbound -> pure (Opt i x y, [])
refine (On i x y) = do
status <- readSTRef i
case status of
Decided False -> cut_refine x [(Drop,y)]
Decided True -> cut_refine y [(Drop,x)]
Duplicated k a b -> do
c0 <- fmap Link blank
c1 <- fmap Link blank
c2 <- fmap Link blank
c3 <- fmap Link blank
cut_refine ((maybe Pair Fan k) (On a c0 c1) (On b c2 c3))
[(Fan i c0 c2, x), (Fan i c1 c3, y)]
Erased -> pure (Drop, [(Drop,x)])
Unbound -> pure (On i x y, [])
refine (Exp i x) = do
status <- readSTRef i
case status of
Duplicated k a b -> do
c0 <- fmap Link blank
c2 <- fmap Link blank
cut_refine ((maybe Pair Fan k) (Exp a c0) (Exp b c2))
[(Fan i c0 c2, x)]
Unbound -> pure (Exp i x, [])
refine (At i x) = do
status <- readSTRef i
case status of
Duplicated k a b -> do
c0 <- fmap Link blank
c2 <- fmap Link blank
cut_refine ((maybe Pair Fan k) (At a c0) (At b c2))
[(Fan i c0 c2, x)]
Erased -> pure (Drop, [(Drop,x)])
Instantiated -> refine x
Rescoped j k -> refine (At j (At k x))
Unbound -> pure (Exp i x, [])
refine others = pure (others, [])
slice :: STerm s -> STerm s -> ST s (Cuts (STerm s))
slice (Link (Box ref)) y = do
state <- readSTRef ref
case state of
Nothing -> writeSTRef ref (Just y) >> pure []
Just x -> pure [(x,y)]
slice Drop Drop = pure []
slice Drop (Fan _ x y) = pure [(Drop,x), (Drop,y)]
slice Drop (Index _ x) = pure [(Drop,x)]
slice Drop (Read x) = pure [(Drop,x)]
slice Drop (Pair x y) = pure [(Drop,x), (Drop,y)]
slice Drop (Opt i x y) = writeSTRef i Erased >> pure [(Drop,x), (Drop,y)]
slice Drop (On _ x y) = pure [(Drop,x), (Drop,y)]
slice Drop (Exp i x) = writeSTRef i Erased >> pure [(Drop,x)]
slice Drop (At i x) = pure [(Drop,x)]
slice (Fan i x y) (Fan j z w) | (i == j) = do (++) <$> slice x z <*> slice y w
slice (Fan i x y) (Fan j z w) = commute2x2 (Fan i) x y (Fan j) z w
slice (Fan i x y) (Index b z) = commute2x1 (Fan i) x y (Index b) z
slice (Fan i x y) (Read z) = commute2x1 (Fan i) x y Read z
slice (Fan i x y) (Pair z w) = commute2x2 (Fan i) x y Pair z w
slice (Fan i x y) (Opt j z w) = do
(p,q) <- duplicate (Just i) j
commute2x2D (Fan j) x y (Opt p) (Opt q) z w
slice (Fan i x y) (On j z w) = do
(p,q) <- duplicate (Just i) j
commute2x2D (Fan j) x y (On p) (On q) z w
slice (Fan i x y) (Exp j z) = do
(p,q) <- duplicate (Just i) j
commute2x1D (Fan j) x y (Exp p) (Exp q) z
slice (Fan i x y) (At j z) = do
(p,q) <- duplicate (Just i) j
commute2x1D (Fan j) x y (At p) (At q) z
slice (Index False z) (Opt i x y) = writeSTRef i (Decided False) >> pure [(z,x)]
slice (Index True z) (Opt i x y) = writeSTRef i (Decided True) >> pure [(z,y)]
slice (Read z) (Exp i x) = writeSTRef i Instantiated >> pure [(z,x)]
slice (Pair x y) (Pair z w) = pure [(x,z), (y,w)]
slice (Pair x y) (On i z w) = commute2x2 Pair x y (On i) z w
slice (Pair x y) (Exp j z) = do
(p,q) <- duplicate Nothing j
commute2x1D (Fan j) x y (Exp p) (Exp q) z
slice (Exp i x) (At j z) = do
a <- newSTRef Unbound
writeSTRef i (Rescoped j a)
pure [(Exp a x, z)]
slice x y = error (show (info x, info y))
info :: STerm s -> String
info (Link _) = "Link"
info (Drop) = "Drop"
info (Fan _ _ _) = "Fan"
info (Index _ _) = "Index"
info (Read _) = "Read"
info (Pair _ _) = "Pair"
info (Opt _ _ _) = "Opt"
info (On _ _ _) = "On"
info (Exp _ _) = "Exp"
info (At _ _) = "At"
commute2x2D f x y g h z w = do
a <- fmap Link blank
b <- fmap Link blank
c <- fmap Link blank
d <- fmap Link blank
pure [(x, f a b), (y, f c d), (g a c, z), (h b d, w)]
commute2x2 f x y g z w = commute2x2D f x y g g z w
commute2x1D f x y g h z = do
a <- fmap Link blank
b <- fmap Link blank
pure [(z, f a b), (g a, x), (h b, y)]
commute2x1 f x y g z = commute2x1D f x y g g z
commute1x1 f x g z = do
a <- fmap Link blank
pure [(z, f a), (g a, x)]
duplicate :: Maybe (STRef s (J s)) -> STRef s (J s)
-> ST s (STRef s (J s), STRef s (J s))
duplicate k i = do
a <- newSTRef Unbound
b <- newSTRef Unbound
writeSTRef i (Duplicated k a b)
pure (a,b)
erased :: J s -> ST s Bool
erased (Decided _) = pure False
erased (Duplicated _ x y) = (&&) <$> (readSTRef x >>= erased)
<*> (readSTRef y >>= erased)
erased Erased = pure True
erased Instantiated = pure False
erased Unbound = pure False
type REnv s = ([STRef s (Maybe (STerm s))], [STRef s (J s)])
readback_done :: (Tm Int Int, REnv s) -> (Tm Int Int, Int, Int)
readback_done (res, (e1,e2)) = (res, length e1, length e2)
readback :: STerm s -> REnv s -> ST s (Tm Int Int, REnv s)
readback structure env = refine structure >>= \(s,_) -> readback' s env
readback' :: STerm s -> REnv s -> ST s (Tm Int Int, REnv s)
readback' (Link (Box ref)) env = do
state <- readSTRef ref
case state of
Nothing -> let (i, env') = plot0 ref env
in pure (Link i, env')
Just y -> readback y env
readback' (Opt k x y) env = let (i, env') = plot1 k env
in do (x', env'') <- readback x env'
(y', env''') <- readback y env''
pure (Opt i x' y', env''')
readback' (On k x y) env = let (i, env') = plot1 k env
in do (x', env'') <- readback x env'
(y', env''') <- readback y env''
pure (On i x' y', env''')
readback' (Exp k x) env = let (i, env') = plot1 k env
in do (x', env'') <- readback x env'
pure (Exp i x', env'')
readback' (At k x) env = let (i, env') = plot1 k env
in do (x', env'') <- readback x env'
pure (At i x', env'')
readback' (Fan k x y) env = let (i, env') = plot1 k env
in do (x', env'') <- readback x env'
(y', env''') <- readback y env''
pure (Fan i x' y', env''')
readback' (Pair x y) env = do
(x', env') <- readback x env
(y', env'') <- readback y env'
pure (Pair x' y', env'')
readback' (Index b x) env = do
(x', env') <- readback x env
pure (Index b x', env')
readback' (Read x) env = do
(x', env') <- readback x env
pure (Read x', env')
readback' Drop env = pure (Drop, env)
plot0 :: Eq t1 => t1 -> ([t1], t) -> (Int, ([t1], t))
plot0 ref (e1,e2) = let (k,e1') = plot ref e1 in (k, (e1',e2))
plot1 :: Eq t1 => t1 -> (t, [t1]) -> (Int, (t, [t1]))
plot1 ref (e1,e2) = let (k,e2') = plot ref e2 in (k, (e1,e2'))
plot :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> (Int, [a])
plot y [] = (0,[y])
plot y (x:xs) | (x==y) = (0,x:xs)
plot y (x:xs) = let (k,zs) = plot y xs in (k+1, x:zs)
nest :: Monad f => Int -> (a -> f a) -> a -> f a
nest n f = foldr (>=>) pure (replicate n f)
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