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Created September 3, 2019 17:37
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Universe inconsistency issue
module Sets
data Index : (xs : List a) -> Type where
Z : Index (x :: xs)
S : Index xs -> Index (x :: xs)
Uninhabited (Index []) where
uninhabited (Z) impossible
uninhabited (S _) impossible
total nth : {list:List a} -> Index list -> a
nth {list = []} Z impossible
nth {list = []} (S _) impossible
nth {list = (a :: _)} Z = a
nth {list = (_ :: xs)} (S x) = nth {list=xs} x
total top : Index (x::xs)
top = Z
total bot : Index (x::xs)
bot {xs = []} = Z
bot {xs = (x :: zs)} = S (bot {xs=zs})
data Enum : (t:Type) -> (t -> Type) -> Type where
All : (xs : List t)
-> ((x:t) -> p x -> (i:Index xs ** x = nth i))
-> ((x:t) -> (i:Index xs ** x = nth i) -> p x)
-> Enum t p
K : a -> Type
K _ = ()
index_first : Index (x::xs)
index_first = Z
index_weaken : Index xs -> Index (x::xs)
index_weaken = S
-- Obtaining universe inconsistency here
-- Old domain: (5,5)
-- New domain: (5,4)
htht : {xs:List a} -> (p : Index xs -> Type)
-> (prf : p q)
-> (g : (is : Index ss) -> p (nth is))
-> (v : Index (q :: ss)) -> p (nth v)
htht p prf g Z = ?htht_rhs_1
htht p prf g (S x) = ?htht_rhs_2
lemma_select : {xs:List a} -> (ys:List a)
-> (p:Index xs -> Type)
-> ((x:Index xs) -> Dec (p x))
-> (s:Index ys -> Index xs)
-> (ss:List (Index xs))
-> ((x:Index xs) -> p x -> Either (i : Index ss ** x = nth i) (y:Index ys ** x = (s y)))
-> ((is:Index ss) -> p (nth is))
-> Enum (Index xs) p
lemma_select [] p f s ss eh g = All ss
(\s, ps => case eh s ps of
Left a => a
Right (iy**p) => absurd iy)
(\_, (is ** pf) => rewrite pf in g is)
lemma_select (j :: js) p f s ss eh g = case f (s Z) of
(Yes prf) => lemma_select js p f (s . S) (s Z::ss)
(\ix, px => case eh ix px of
Left (xx**Refl) => Left (index_weaken xx ** Refl)
Right (Z**ya) => Left (index_first ** ya)
Right (S k**ya) => Right (k**ya))
(htht p prf g)
(No contra) => lemma_select js p f (s . S) ss ?fotuht ?fooo_2
select : (xs:List a)
-> (p:Index xs -> Type)
-> ((x:Index xs) -> Dec (p x))
-> Enum (Index xs) p
-- select xs p f = lemma_select xs p f id [] (\x => absurd x)
--select [] p f = All [] (\x => absurd x) (\x => absurd x)
--select (x :: xs) p f = lemma_select id p f
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