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Created December 5, 2023 13:11
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Simple dependently typed evaluator
module Bwd where
data Bwd a = Empty
| Bwd a :> a
instance Functor Bwd where
fmap f Empty = Empty
fmap f (xs :> x) = fmap f xs :> f x
instance Eq a => Eq (Bwd a) where
Empty == Empty = True
(xs :> x) == (ys :> y) = (xs == ys) && x == y
_ == _ = False
deriving instance Show a => Show (Bwd a)
instance Foldable Bwd where
foldMap f Empty = mempty
foldMap f (xs :> x) = foldMap f xs <> f x
instance Traversable Bwd where
traverse f Empty = pure Empty
traverse f (xs :> x) = (:>) <$> traverse f xs <*> f x
hd :: Bwd a -> a
hd (_ :> x) = x
tl :: Bwd a -> Bwd a
tl (xs :> _) = xs
nth :: Int -> Bwd a -> a
nth 0 (xs :> x) = x
nth i (xs :> x) = nth (i - 1) xs
fromList :: [a] -> Bwd a
fromList = foldl (\acc x -> acc :> x) Empty
toList :: Bwd a -> [a]
toList = foldr (:) []
module Simple where
import Bwd
data Tms
= Idt
| Comp Tms Tms
| Epsilon
| TCons Tms Tm
| Fst Tms
deriving (Show)
data Tm
= Snd Tms
| Sub Tm Tms
| Lam Tm
| App Tm
| ElU
| ElPi Tm Tm
| ElSig Tm Tm
| ElUnit
| Pair Tm Tm
| Proj1 Tm
| Proj2 Tm
| Constant
deriving (Show)
tm_app :: Tm -> Tm -> Tm
tm_app f u = Sub (App f) (TCons Idt u)
class Repr a where
repr :: a -> Tm
instance Repr Int where
repr 0 = Snd Idt
repr n = Sub (repr (n-1)) (Fst Idt)
data Val
= Susp Int (Bwd XElim)
| Clos (Val -> Val)
| VU
| VPi Val (Val -> Val)
| VSig Val (Val -> Val)
| VUnit
| VPair Val Val
| VConstant
data XElim
= XApp Val
| XProj1
| XProj2
type Env = Bwd Val
eval :: Tm -> Env -> Val
eval (Snd s) p = hd (evals s p)
eval (Sub u s) p = eval u (evals s p)
eval (Lam u) p = Clos (\v -> eval u (p :> v))
eval (App u) (p :> v) = apply (eval u p) v
eval ElU p = VU
eval (ElPi a b) p = VPi (eval a p) (\v -> eval b (p :> v))
eval (ElSig a b) p = VSig (eval a p) (\v -> eval b (p :> v))
eval ElUnit p = VUnit
eval (Pair a b) p = VPair (eval a p) (eval b p)
eval (Proj1 u) p = proj1 (eval u p)
eval (Proj2 u) p = proj2 (eval u p)
eval Constant p = VConstant
evals :: Tms -> Env -> Env
evals Idt p = p
evals (Comp s w) p = evals s (evals w p)
evals Epsilon p = Empty
evals (TCons s u) p = (evals s p) :> (eval u p)
evals (Fst s) p = tl (evals s p)
apply :: Val -> Val -> Val
apply (Clos f) v = f v
apply (Susp h e) v = Susp h (e :> XApp v)
proj1 :: Val -> Val
proj1 (VPair t u) = t
proj1 (Susp h e) = Susp h (e :> XProj1)
proj2 :: Val -> Val
proj2 (VPair t u) = u
proj2 (Susp h e) = Susp h (e :> XProj2)
data Nf
= Neu Int (Bwd Elim)
| NLam Nf
| NU
| NPi Nf Nf
| NSig Nf Nf
| NUnit
| NPair Nf Nf
| NConstant
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Elim
= EApp Nf
| EProj1
| EProj2
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Repr Nf where
repr (Neu h e) = foldl repr_apply (repr h) e
repr (NLam f) = Lam (repr f)
repr NU = ElU
repr (NPi a b) = ElPi (repr a) (repr b)
repr (NSig a b) = ElSig (repr a) (repr b)
repr NUnit = ElUnit
repr (NPair a b) = Pair (repr a) (repr b)
repr NConstant = Constant
repr_apply :: Tm -> Elim -> Tm
repr_apply t (EApp u) = tm_app t (repr u)
repr_apply t EProj1 = Proj1 t
repr_apply t EProj2 = Proj2 t
quote :: Int -> Val -> Nf
quote d (Susp h e) = Neu (d - h - 1)
(fmap (quote_elim d) e)
quote d (Clos f) = NLam (quote (d+1) (f (Susp d Empty)))
quote d VU = NU
quote d (VPi a b) = NPi (quote d a)
(quote (d+1) (b (Susp d Empty)))
quote d (VSig a b) = NSig (quote d a)
(quote (d+1) (b (Susp d Empty)))
quote d VUnit = NUnit
quote d (VPair a b) = NPair (quote d a) (quote d b)
quote d VConstant = NConstant
quote_elim :: Int -> XElim -> Elim
quote_elim d (XApp u) = EApp (quote d u)
quote_elim d XProj1 = EProj1
quote_elim d XProj2 = EProj2
idenv :: Int -> Env
idenv 0 = Empty
idenv n = idenv (n-1) :> Susp (n-1) Empty
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