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Last active December 26, 2015 18:54
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RPython crash, a bug or user-error?
# compile with:
# PYTHONPATH=./pypy-4.0.1-src/ python pypy-4.0.1-src/rpython/bin/rpython
# This thing produces inconsistent results that seem like stack corruption.
from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated, keepalive_until_here
from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config
from rpython.rlib.rstacklet import StackletThread
import time
config = get_combined_translation_config(translating=True)
config.translation.continuation = True
class GlobalState(object):
sthread = None
cont = None
eventloop = None
ev_queue = None
ev_sleepers = None
origin = None
target = None
error = None
g = GlobalState()
def entry_point(raw_argv):
g.ev_queue = []
g.ev_sleepers = []
g.sthread = sthread = StackletThread(config)
g.cont = None = Greenlet(None, [])
g.eventloop =
rno = 0
return rno
def schedule(argv):
if len(argv) > 0 and isinstance(argv[0], Greenlet):
c = argv.pop(0)
assert isinstance(c, Greenlet)
c.argv += argv
c = Greenlet(g.eventloop, argv)
return c
class Suspended(object):
def __init__(self, wakeup, greenlet):
assert isinstance(greenlet, Greenlet), "suspended object must be a greenlet"
self.wakeup = wakeup
self.greenlet = greenlet
def sleep_greenlet(duration):
if == g.eventloop:
print 'target is eventloop'
assert False, "bad context for greenlet sleep"
print 'counting wakeup time'
wakeup = time.time() + duration
print 'adding suspended sleeper'
assert g.ev_sleepers is not None
print 'sleepers in queue', len(g.ev_sleepers)
if is None:
print ' is None'
print ' is something else'
print 'sleep setup, goin sleep'
return switch([g.eventloop])
class Greenlet(object):
def __init__(self, parent, argv):
self.parent = parent
self.handle = None
self.argv = argv
def new_greenlet(head, arg):
cont = Continuation.entry(g, head, arg)
g.origin.handle, self = cont,
g.origin = None
argv, self.argv = self.argv, []
print "greenlet received arguments"
print "hello in greenlet"
result = sleep_greenlet(1.0)#space.Float(1.0))
parent = self.parent
while parent and parent.handle.is_empty(): # note that non-initiated or non-activated parent is invalid.
parent = parent.parent
assert parent is not None
g.origin = self = parent
self.handle, parent.handle = parent.handle, self.handle
return self.handle.exit() # XXX: note that the handle must not be null for this to work.
def switch(argv):
print "switch"
assert len(argv) > 0
target = argv.pop(0)
self =
if not isinstance(target, Greenlet):
assert False
if is target:
argv, self.argv = self.argv, []
if target.handle and target.handle.is_empty():
assert False
print "amount of arguments given:", len(target.argv)
g.origin = self = target
g.error = None
print "amount of arguments in eventloop:", len(g.eventloop.argv)
if self is g.eventloop:
print "switch from eventloop"
if target.handle:
self.handle, target.handle = target.handle, self.handle
else:, new_greenlet) # the side that can permute without error will do so.
g.origin = None
print "switch returned"
if self is None:
print "wtf, self is None"
if self.argv is None:
print "self.argv is None, will crash"
if self is g.eventloop:
print "switch into eventloop"
print "amount of arguments in eventloop:", len(g.eventloop.argv)
print "amount of returned args", len(self.argv)
assert len(self.argv) == 0
argv, self.argv = self.argv, []
# Continuation represents either live or empty continuation.
# It is never 'blank'
class Continuation(object):
def __init__(self, sthread, h, gate):
self.sthread = sthread
self.h = h
self.gate = gate
def is_empty(self):
return self.sthread.is_empty_handle(self.h) or not self.gate
def new(context, callback):
assert context.cont is None
sthread = context.sthread
context.cont = cont = Continuation(sthread, sthread.get_null_handle(), False)
cont.h =
return cont
def entry(context, h, arg):
this = context.cont
this.h = h
this.gate = True
context.cont = None
return this
def exit(self):
assert not self.is_empty(), "fatal error: empty return continuation"
self.gate = False
return self.h
def switch(self):
assert not self.is_empty(), "not so fatal error: empty switch continuation"
self.gate = False
self.h = self.sthread.switch(self.h)
def target(*args):
return entry_point, None
if __name__=='__main__':
# This small change is enough that it doesn't crash.
from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config
from rpython.rlib import rgc
from rpython.rlib.rstacklet import StackletThread
config = get_combined_translation_config(translating=True)
config.translation.continuation = True
class Process:
sthread = None
proc = Process()
def entry_point(argv):
print "creating stacklet thread"
proc.sthread = sthread = StackletThread(config)
print "entering a new stacklet"
h =
print "success"
return 0
def do_gc(head, _):
print "doing GC collect inside stacklet thread"
print "done with GC collect"
return head
def target(*args):
return entry_point, None
if __name__=='__main__':
import sys
# The following code results in Segmentation fault on ubuntu 15.10, when compiled like this:
# PYTHONPATH=./pypy-4.0.1-src/ python pypy-4.0.1-src/rpython/bin/rpython
# Segmentation fault results before the "success" -message prints out.
from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config
from rpython.rlib import rgc
from rpython.rlib.rstacklet import StackletThread
config = get_combined_translation_config(translating=True)
config.translation.continuation = True
def entry_point(argv):
print "creating stacklet thread"
sthread = StackletThread(config)
print "entering a new stacklet"
h =
print "success"
return 0
def do_gc(head, _):
print "doing GC collect inside stacklet thread"
print "done with GC collect"
return head
def target(*args):
return entry_point, None
if __name__=='__main__':
import sys
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