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Last active April 20, 2023 13:59
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xpc functions fix - IDA
# Created to make RE-ing XPC a bit easier (in a shitty way)
# yes, somethings are hard-coded but I've done it because I don't want to spend more time on this
# created by Abraham Masri @cheesecakeufo
import re
import idaapi
import idautils
paths = ["/usr/include/xpc/xpc.h",
all_headers = ''
def imp_cb(ea, name, ord):
if not name and len(name) < 4:
return True
# get the actual address of the function
func_address = LocByName(name)
# check if the address we have is valid
if (func_address & 0xffffffffffffffff == 0xffffffffffffffff):
return True # skip. invalid.
# fix anything that starts with '_xpc'
if(name[:4] == '_xpc'):
name = name[1:]
type_line = None
function_definition = None
last_line = None
for line in all_headers.split('\n'):
if function_definition is not None and line[:1] != '#':
function_definition = function_definition + ' ' + line.strip()
regex = re.match(r'^({})'.format(name), line)
if regex is not None:
function_definition = (type_line + ' ' + line).replace('\n', '')
type_line = line.strip()
if function_definition is None:
print ("[ERROR]: skipping '{}'. no match in headers.".format(name))
return True # not found :/
function_definition = function_definition.replace('_Nullable', '').replace('_Nonnull', '').replace('XPC_NONNULL_ARRAY', '')
print("[INFO]: found matching function '{}'.".format(name))
return True
# define XPC objects first
ParseTypes("typedef void * CFArrayRef;")
ParseTypes("typedef void * xpc_object_t;")
ParseTypes("typedef xpc_object_t xpc_connection_t;")
ParseTypes("typedef xpc_object_t xpc_endpoint_t;")
ParseTypes("typedef xpc_object_t xpc_activity_t;")
ParseTypes("typedef void (*xpc_handler_t)(xpc_object_t object);")
ParseTypes("typedef long xpc_activity_state_t;");
ParseTypes("typedef void (*xpc_activity_handler_t)(xpc_activity_t activity);");
ParseTypes("typedef const struct _xpc_type_s * xpc_type_t;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_connection;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_endpoint;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_null;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_bool;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_int64;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_uint64;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_double;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_date;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_data;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_string;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_uuid;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_fd;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_shmem;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_array;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_dictionary;")
ParseTypes("const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_error;")
# private def (not found in headers)
ParseTypes('typedef struct {unsigned int val[8];} audit_token_t;')
ParseTypes('void xpc_connection_get_audit_token(xpc_connection_t, audit_token_t*);')
ParseTypes('xpc_object_t xpc_copy_entitlement_for_token(const char *, audit_token_t *);')
ParseTypes('CFArrayRef _CFXPCCreateCFObjectFromXPCObject(xpc_object_t);')
# combine all headers into one for faster reading
for path in paths:
for line in open(path):
all_headers += line
# fix functions
for i in xrange(0, idaapi.get_import_module_qty()):
name = idaapi.get_import_module_name(i)
if name:
idaapi.enum_import_names(i, imp_cb)
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