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Created March 18, 2018 17:45
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Finds the position of a substring in another string if available.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
Avoid using built-in functions to solve this challenge. Implement them yourself.
Implement a function that takes two strings, s and x, as arguments and finds the first occurrence of the string x in s. The function should return an integer indicating the index in s of the first occurrence of x. If there are no occurrences of x in s, return -1.
For s = "CodefightsIsAwesome" and x = "IA", the output should be
strstr(s, x) = -1;
For s = "CodefightsIsAwesome" and x = "IsA", the output should be
strstr(s, x) = 10.
[time limit] 20000ms (swift)
[input] string s
A string containing only uppercase or lowercase English letters.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ s.length ≤ 106.
[input] string x
String, containing only uppercase or lowercase English letters.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ x.length ≤ 106.
[output] integer
An integer indicating the index of the first occurrence of the string x in s, or -1 if s does not contain x.
- Take grab substrings
// This solution works, but is horribly slow with very large inputs.
// Best guess: Is that comparison of the entire substring is super inefficient with large inputs
func findFirstSubstringOccurrence_Slow(s: String, x: String) -> Int {
// Check for valid inputs.
guard s.count > 0 else { return -1 }
guard x.count > 0 else { return -1 }
// Check that the substring to be found is no
// larger than the source string to comparing against.
guard x.count <= s.count else { return -1 }
// Iterate through the positions in
// the source string.
for i in 0..<s.count {
// Check that we can still make
// a full substring of the length of the
// target. If not, we haven't found a
// matching substring.
if i + x.count > s.count {
// Our target range "slice" is now out of
// bounds of source string.
// Could also return -1 here.
let sourceSubstring = s[String.Index(encodedOffset: i)..<String.Index(encodedOffset: i + x.count)]
if sourceSubstring == x {
return i
// Return here if we never found
return -1
// Rather than comparing an entire string to some slice of another string,
// what if we looked at just the first character? If there is a match compare the next two characters
// and so on and so on until you have a full match of all the characters in the target string.
// We optimize away the full string comparison by only comparing the first few characters.
func findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: String, x: String) -> Int {
// Check for valid inputs.
guard s.count > 0 else { return -1 }
guard x.count > 0 else { return -1 }
// Check that the substring to be found is no
// larger than the source string to comparing against.
guard x.count <= s.count else { return -1 }
// Iterate through the positions in
// the source string.
for i in 0..<s.count {
var outerChar = s[i]
var outerCount = i;
for j in 0..<x.count {
let innerChar = x[j]
print("Does \(outerChar) match \(innerChar)?")
if outerChar == innerChar {
//print("\(outerChar) matches \(innerChar)")
if j == x.count - 1 {
// keep looping until an index "i" is found
// where all characters from i... to x.count match
return i
// Check outer-count against
outerCount += 1
print("getting next char in s")
outerChar = s[outerCount]
} else {
print("did not find match at index: \(i)")
// no match, break from the inner loop
// No match found
return -1
// Extension for taking an Integer as a subscript value (because today its of type String.Index
// Returns the Character at that index.
extension String {
subscript(i: Int) -> Character {
return self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: i)]
//findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "", x: "")
//findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "Something", x: "")
//findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "", x: "Something")
//findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "Code", x: "CodeIs")
//findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "CodefightsIsAwesome", x: "IA")
findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "CodefightsIsAwesome", x: "IsA")
findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "PIZZA", x: "IZZA")
findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "asdlfjo8781ljn,ba;lka;sldfkjbasldfjalkahvkhgiu87yiuhkjasbdfkjhhuhikka;lmxmnljbkajbsdf", x: "87yiuhkjasbdfk")
findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "asdlfjo8781ljn,ba;lka;sldfkjbasldfjalkahvkhgiu87yiuhkjasbdfkjhhuhikka;lmxmnljbkajbsdf", x: "87yiuhkjasbdfkjhhuhikka;lmxmnljbkajbsdfasdfasdfasdfaioiuoaidslfiasdknl1jbkuyiuy876817qtvjghvasdfjk,mnjbhjbiut7gavatvtcsjhvmcj1hvjhb1")
findFirstSubstringOccurrence(s: "ffbefbdbacbccecaceddcbcaeaebfedfcfdbeecffdbbf", x: "cb")
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