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Last active February 4, 2022 06:07
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ACG AWS Challenges

Linkedin challenge from ACG on AWS

Hello there, I tried the challenges and found it a good way to jump onto serverless and ML services.

So here's a summary blog as some pros and cons tables anyone may find on the challenges.


Launch a static website on S3

Who doesn't love to have a website at the lowest rate?

Pros Cons
Storage cost can be almost insignificant compared to any server only for hosting the files Must use web framework that supports building a static frontend
Free SSL certs Origin updates can be slow

Use CloudFormation to Launch an Amazon EC2 Web Server

Never use the console to create resources and relax

Pros Cons
Manage resources natively with no cost Simple environments are straightforward, complex need steep learning curve
Cleanup is 100% guaranteed (no costs after deleting) Some resources will create extra outside the stack, but not this example
Automatic rollback to ensure life of the system Not pure IaC as it's more a configuration file than software, although some functions exist

Add a CI/CD pipeline to an Amazon S3 bucket

The ideal pipeline, were nothing goes wrong, as there are no tests XD. It's a nice intro to CodePipeline

Pros Cons
No cost for pipeline, as there's no build No CDN, but could do as the first challenge

Publish Amazon CloudWatch metrics to a CSV file using AWS Lambda

Other than CodePipeline/Build, Lambda can be almost the new Jenkins, just need to have no long running jobs.

Pros Cons
Nice intro to converting CW metric data Tutorial doesn't really cover the lambda deployment, but provides the code to get the csv, good prompt into Lambda!

Train and deploy a machine learning model using Amazon SageMaker

MLaaS, can't pronounce it but it's fun! A nice intro to understand that a machine learns from history and tries to do its best to predict with complex maths now available to everyone.

Pros Cons
It's fun to make a machine learn, especially when looking at the results The tutorial is very low cost, but beware of dangling resources as machines that learn need to be big to be fast (at least for now).

Create a chatbot that translates languages using Amazon Translate and Amazon Lex

Anyone can build this app now, amazing!

Pros Cons
AWS service integration sorts out a lot of hurdles Needs more CFN handle to create more resources
Serverless means it is not far away from production ready in reliability, scale and availability with low cost App still needs work on user management in case you are really trying to sell it!

Deploy a Simple React Web Application using AWS Amplify

A framework for full stack management of a web app.

Pros Cons
Can't get quicker to get a live webapp/API and safer than this Of course like all frameworks will be limited if you want to do fancy things differently
Another serverless scalable, etc gem Remember to avoid costs when free tier time ends

Create an Alexa Skill that provides study tips using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB

Getting deeper into AI, a skill is more about experience so you can get a functionality out but practice makes the master.

Pros Cons
The power of these tools at the palm of your hand (or mouse) is amazing As the doc says, it's an ongoing work if you're serious about it - "You can (and should) continue to work on your skill, enhancing its features, fixing any problems, and improving the experience for your end users."
Need to see videos for part of the tutorial

Recognize celebrities using Amazon Rekognition, AWS Lambda, and Amazon S3

Another quick serverless fun intro to ML, if you want to recognise other pictures, just need to continue with the SageMaker challenge

Pros Cons
Very quick and serverless Limited use case

Host a Dedicated Jenkins Server on Amazon EC2

The all time heavyweight champion of automation, made it to the cloud.

Pros Cons
Tutorial is straightforward The tutorial exposes you to security as mentioned, but doesn't tell you how to protect against the world
Security minimums are decent, and some extras are built in on AWS EC2 so you don't have to worry it burns in 10 minutes of exposure Need to learn about Jenkins if you haven't yet, to actually have a job running
Only an EC2 server to create on AWS, easy cleanup Challenge mentioned VPC, if you create your own, need more to cleanup but can make it more secure
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