Dashing widget to display a random cute picture from http://reddit.com/r/aww
The display of the widget is heavily based on the Image widget, however it does not prepend the src with 'assets' which allows for external images.
You can set a placeholder image in the event that reddit is down, or otherwise unresponse. This is set at the top of random_aww.rb as follows:
placeholder = '/assets/nyantocat.gif'
This can be an image in /assets/images, or a full path to a remotely hosted image.
To use this widget, copy random_aww.html, random_aww.coffee, and random_aww.scss into the /widgets/random_aww directory. Put the random_aww.rb file in your /jobs folder.
To include the widget in a dashboard, add the following snippet to the dashboard layout file:
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="aww" data-view="RandomAww"></div>
Hi Chelsea! I made a few minor improvements here: https://gist.github.com/jwalton/6627849