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Fire2012 With Palette for two halves of a ring by Chemdoc77
//Fire2012 with Palette for two halves of a ring or strip by Chemdoc77
// Modified version of Fire2012withPalette by Mark Kriegsman at:
/* ===== Note ==========
Change line 83 to pick color of the flame
Change lines 129 and 134 to adjust the flame.
#include <FastLED.h>
#define LED_PIN 6
#define NUM_LEDS 72
#define BRIGHTNESS 60
bool gReverseDirection = false;
int mirror = NUM_LEDS/2;
// Fire2012 with programmable Color Palette
// This code is the same fire simulation as the original "Fire2012",
// but each heat cell's temperature is translated to color through a FastLED
// programmable color palette, instead of through the "HeatColor(...)" function.
// Four different static color palettes are provided here, plus one dynamic one.
// The three static ones are:
// 1. the FastLED built-in HeatColors_p -- this is the default, and it looks
// pretty much exactly like the original Fire2012.
// To use any of the other palettes below, just "uncomment" the corresponding code.
// 2. a gradient from black to red to yellow to white, which is
// visually similar to the HeatColors_p, and helps to illustrate
// what the 'heat colors' palette is actually doing,
// 3. a similar gradient, but in blue colors rather than red ones,
// i.e. from black to blue to aqua to white, which results in
// an "icy blue" fire effect,
// 4. a simplified three-step gradient, from black to red to white, just to show
// that these gradients need not have four components; two or
// three are possible, too, even if they don't look quite as nice for fire.
// The dynamic palette shows how you can change the basic 'hue' of the
// color palette every time through the loop, producing "rainbow fire".
CRGBPalette16 gPal;
void setup() {
delay(1000); // sanity delay
FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
//FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );
// This first palette is the basic 'black body radiation' colors,
// which run from black to red to bright yellow to white.
// gPal = HeatColors_p;
// These are other ways to set up the color palette for the 'fire'.
// First, a gradient from black to red to yellow to white -- similar to HeatColors_p
// gPal = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Black, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Yellow, CRGB::White);
// Second, this palette is like the heat colors, but blue/aqua instead of red/yellow
// gPal = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Black, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Aqua, CRGB::White);
// Third, here's a simpler, three-step gradient, from black to red to white
// gPal = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Black, CRGB::Red, CRGB::White);
void loop()
// Add entropy to random number generator; we use a lot of it.
random16_add_entropy( random(0,65535));
int palette_choice = 1; // set this to 0 for a red flame and to 1 for a blue flame.
switch (palette_choice){
case 0: gPal = HeatColors_p; break;
case 1: gPal = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Black, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Aqua, CRGB::White); break;
Fire2012WithPalette(); // run simulation frame, using palette colors; // display this frame
FastLED.delay(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
// Fire2012 by Mark Kriegsman, July 2012
// as part of "Five Elements" shown here:
// This basic one-dimensional 'fire' simulation works roughly as follows:
// There's a underlying array of 'heat' cells, that model the temperature
// at each point along the line. Every cycle through the simulation,
// four steps are performed:
// 1) All cells cool down a little bit, losing heat to the air
// 2) The heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little
// 3) Sometimes randomly new 'sparks' of heat are added at the bottom
// 4) The heat from each cell is rendered as a color into the leds array
// The heat-to-color mapping uses a black-body radiation approximation.
// Temperature is in arbitrary units from 0 (cold black) to 255 (white hot).
// This simulation scales it self a bit depending on NUM_LEDS; it should look
// "OK" on anywhere from 20 to 100 LEDs without too much tweaking.
// I recommend running this simulation at anywhere from 30-100 frames per second,
// meaning an interframe delay of about 10-35 milliseconds.
// Looks best on a high-density LED setup (60+ pixels/meter).
// There are two main parameters you can play with to control the look and
// feel of your fire: COOLING (used in step 1 above), and SPARKING (used
// in step 3 above).
// COOLING: How much does the air cool as it rises?
// Less cooling = taller flames. More cooling = shorter flames.
// Default 55, suggested range 20-100
#define COOLING 75
// SPARKING: What chance (out of 255) is there that a new spark will be lit?
// Higher chance = more roaring fire. Lower chance = more flickery fire.
// Default 120, suggested range 50-200.
#define SPARKING 90
void Fire2012WithPalette()
// Array of temperature readings at each simulation cell
static byte heat[NUM_LEDS];
// Step 1. Cool down every cell a little
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
heat[i] = qsub8( heat[i], random8(0, ((COOLING * 10) / NUM_LEDS) + 2));
// Step 2. Heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little
for( int k= NUM_LEDS - 1; k >= 2; k--) {
heat[k] = (heat[k - 1] + heat[k - 2] + heat[k - 2] ) / 3;
// Step 3. Randomly ignite new 'sparks' of heat near the bottom
if( random8() < SPARKING ) {
int y = random8(7);
heat[y] = qadd8( heat[y], random8(160,255) );
// Step 4. Map from heat cells to LED colors
for( int j = 0; j < mirror; j++) {
// Scale the heat value from 0-255 down to 0-240
// for best results with color palettes.
byte colorindex = scale8( heat[j], 240);
CRGB color = ColorFromPalette( gPal, colorindex);
int pixelnumber_right;
int pixelnumber_left;
if( gReverseDirection ) {
pixelnumber_right = j;
pixelnumber_left = (mirror-1) - j;
} else {
pixelnumber_right = j+mirror;
pixelnumber_left = mirror-j;
leds[pixelnumber_right] = color;
leds[pixelnumber_left] = color;
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