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Created August 14, 2022 05:44
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syndicate game (10th grade project)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SyndicateV2 {
ArrayList <Player> players;
ArrayList <String> placeNames;
ArrayList <Place> board;
ArrayList <Stock> StockMarket;
ArrayList <Seat> Parliament;
ArrayList <Party> parties;
String[] colours = new String[] {"BROWN", "LIGHT BLUE", "PINK", "ORANGE", "RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "DARK BLUE", "N/A"};
Dice diceOne = new Dice();
Dice diceTwo = new Dice();
int numPlayers;
int turnCount;
int numTotalSeats;
int totalInfluence;
totalInfluence = 0;
turnCount = 0;
Parliament = new ArrayList <Seat>();
parties = new ArrayList <Party>();
StockMarket = new ArrayList <Stock>();
players = new ArrayList<Player>();
placeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
board = new ArrayList<Place>();
class Player
int money;
String name;
int position;
boolean imprisoned;
int prisonTerm;
boolean lose;
ArrayList <OwnedStock> stockPairs = new ArrayList <OwnedStock>();
ArrayList <Place> owned = new ArrayList<Place>();
money = 1500;
int val = players.size() + 1;
String a = Integer.toString(val);
String p = "P";
name = p.concat(a);
void move(int numSteps)
int value = this.position + numSteps;
if (value < board.size())
position = value;
value -= board.size();
position = value;
money += 200;
System.out.println ("You passed Go and earned 200");
void stockMenu()
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
System.out.println ("1)Buy Stock");
System.out.println ("2)Sell Stock");
int choice = in.nextInt();
if (choice == 1)
System.out.println ("MARKET INDEX");
for (int i = 0; i < StockMarket.size(); i++)
System.out.print (i + ") ");
System.out.println ("Enter the index of industry.");
int indexID = in.nextInt();
System.out.println ("Enter number of stocks to buy");
int buyStockNum = in.nextInt();
if (StockMarket.get(indexID).availShares < buyStockNum || money <= (StockMarket.get(indexID).marketValue * buyStockNum))
System.out.println ("You have asked for too many stocks!");
OwnedStock pOwn = new OwnedStock (this, StockMarket.get(indexID), buyStockNum);
StockMarket.get(indexID).availShares -= buyStockNum;
money -= (StockMarket.get(indexID).marketValue * buyStockNum);
if (choice == 2)
for (int i = 0; i < stockPairs.size(); i++)
System.out.print(i + " ");
System.out.println ("Enter the index of industry.");
int indexID = in.nextInt();
OwnedStock temp1 = stockPairs.get(indexID);
System.out.println ("Enter number of stocks to sell");
int sellStockNum = in.nextInt();
if (sellStockNum > temp1.numStocksOwned)
System.out.println ("You don't have that many stocks to sell!");
int temp2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < StockMarket.size(); i++)
if (temp1.stock.industryName == StockMarket.get(i).industryName)
temp2 = i;
money += (stockPairs.get(indexID).numStocksOwned) * (stockPairs.get(indexID).stock.marketValue);
stockPairs.get(indexID).numStocksOwned -= sellStockNum;
StockMarket.get(temp2).availShares += sellStockNum;
void election()
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
System.out.println ("It's election season!");
System.out.println ("Here's a view of the current parliament.");
System.out.println ("Which party do you want to send your lobbyist to?");
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
System.out.print (i + " ");
System.out.println (parties.get(i).name);
int pCh = in.nextInt();
int fullStockValue()
int val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stockPairs.size(); i++)
val += stockPairs.get(i).numStocksOwned;
return val;
void mortgageMenu()
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
System.out.println ("1)Mortgage a place.");
System.out.println ("2)Pay mortgages for a place.");
int randIn = in.nextInt();
if (randIn == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < owned.size(); i++)
if (owned.get(i).mortgaged == false)
System.out.print (i + " ");
System.out.println ("Mortgage a place? (y/n)");
char randCh =;
if (randCh == 'y'||randCh == 'Y')
System.out.println ("Enter the index of the place to mortgage.");
int r = in.nextInt();
money += owned.get(r).cost;
else if (randIn == 2)
for (int i = 0; i < owned.size(); i++)
if (owned.get(i).mortgaged == true)
System.out.print (i + " ");
System.out.println ("Pay mortgages (y/n)?");
char randCh =;
if (randCh == 'y'|| randCh == 'Y')
System.out.println ("Enter index of property to pay mortgage");
int q = in.nextInt();
if (owned.get(q).mortgageAmt >= money){
System.out.println ("You can't afford to pay the mortgages of this place.");
System.out.println ("However, if you use the local Mafia, the mortgages will be paid.");
System.out.println ("1) Pay 20 and use Mafia (WARNING: 5 turn prison sentence)");
System.out.println ("2) Back to menu");
int mafiaChoice = in.nextInt();
if (mafiaChoice == 1)
imprison (5);
money -= 20;
System.out.println ("You paid 0 in mortgages.");
System.out.println ("You paid 20 to the mafia.");
System.out.println ("Using the mafia is against the law. You are under arrest for 5 turns.");
if (mafiaChoice == 2)
int randVal = owned.get(q).mortgageAmt;
money -= owned.get(q).mortgageAmt;
System.out.println ("You have paid " + randVal + " in mortgages!");
void singleTurn()
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
boolean endTurn = false;
if (turnCount % 5 == 0)
while (!endTurn)
System.out.println ("You have " + money);
if (!imprisoned)
endTurn = playNotPrison();
System.out.println ("1)Pay fee and roll dice");
System.out.println ("2)Wait " + prisonTerm + " days");
int n = in.nextInt();
switch (n)
case 1:
imprisoned = false;
prisonTerm = 0;
money -= 100;
System.out.println("Dice rolls");
int a = diceOne.roll();
int b = diceTwo.roll();
System.out.println ("Dice one shows " + a + " and dice two shows " + b);
int val = a + b;
this.move (val);
endTurn = true;
case 2:
prisonTerm --;
System.out.println ("Your prison term is " + prisonTerm);
if (prisonTerm < 1)
imprisoned = false;
endTurn = true;
endTurn = true;
if (endTurn)
void imprison (int numTurns)
this.imprisoned = true;
this.prisonTerm = numTurns;
this.position = 7;
boolean playNotPrison()
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
boolean endTurn = false;
System.out.println ("1) View places");
System.out.println ("2) Roll Dice");
System.out.println ("3) Buy house");
System.out.println ("4) View mortgages");
System.out.println ("5) View stock exchange");
System.out.println ("6) View House of Commons.");
int n = in.nextInt();
switch (n)
case 1:
for (int i = 0; i<owned.size(); i++)
case 2:
System.out.println ("Dice roll");
int a = diceOne.roll();
int b = diceTwo.roll();
System.out.println ("Dice one shows " + a + " and dice two shows " + b);
int val = a + b;
this.move (val);
System.out.println ("You are at :");
if (board.get(this.position).reserved == false)
if (board.get(this.position).owned)
if (board.get(this.position).mortgaged == true)
System.out.println ("This place is under mortgage. No rent.");
return true;
int temp = 0;
int rentCash = 0; -= board.get(this.position).rent;
for (int i = 0; i<players.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j<players.get(i).owned.size(); j++)
if (board.get(this.position) == players.get(i).owned.get(j))
players.get(i).money += board.get(this.position).rent;
rentCash = board.get(this.position).rent;
temp = i;
System.out.println ("You just paid " + rentCash + " rent to " + players.get(temp).name);
endTurn = true;
return true;
System.out.println("1)Buy place");
int ch = in.nextInt();
switch (ch)
case 1:
money -= board.get(position).cost;
owned.add (board.get(position));
board.get(position).owned = true;
System.out.println ("You just bought " + board.get(position).name + " for " + board.get(position).cost);
return true;
case 2:
return true;
else if (board.get(this.position).reserved == true)
System.out.println ("You are at a reserved location.");
if (this.position == 0)
return (true);
if (this.position == 7)
return (true);
if (this.position == 14)
money += 100;
System.out.println ("You made 100!");
if (this.position == 21)
return (true);
if (this.position == 3)
money -= 50;
System.out.println ("You lost 50 by income tax");
return (true);
if (this.position == 12)
money -= 100;
System.out.println ("You lost 100 by super tax");
return (true);
if (this.position == 18)
money += 120;
System.out.println ("Lottery! You made 120");
return (true);
if (this.position == 23)
money += 60;
System.out.println ("You made 60 through estate investment");
return (true);
case 3:
int y;
System.out.println("Are you sure you want to buy a house?");
System.out.println ("1)Yes");
System.out.println ("2)No");
if (y==1){
endTurn = true;
case 4:
if (imprisoned == false)
case 5:
case 6:
System.out.println ("Here's the view of House of Commons.");
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
if (parties.get(i).formingGovernment == true)
if (parties.get(i).endorsing.contains(this))
System.out.println ("The party you endorsed (" + parties.get(i).name + ") is forming the government.");
System.out.println ("A party you didn't endorse (" + parties.get(i).name + ") is forming the government.");
System.out.println("Wrong choice");
return false;
class Place
String name;
int cost;
int rent;
String colour;
boolean owned;
boolean mortgaged;
int position;
int numHouses;
int rentIncPerHouse;
boolean reserved;
int mortgageAmt;
Place(String n, int c, int r, int colVal, int pos, boolean res)
name = n;
cost = c;
rent = r;
rentIncPerHouse = (int)((10/100) * cost) + ((1/2) * r);
colour = colours[colVal];
position = pos;
reserved = res;
mortgaged = false;
mortgageAmt = 0;
board.add(position, this);
boolean checkHouse (Place a, Player p)
int count1 = 0;
int count2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < board.size(); i++)
if (board.get(i).colour == a.colour)
for (int i = 0; i < p.owned.size(); i++)
if (p.owned.get(i).colour == a.colour)
if (count1 == count2)
return true;
return false;
void mortgage()
mortgaged = true;
mortgageAmt = (int) (110/100) * cost;
void payMortgage()
mortgaged = false;
mortgageAmt = 0;
void details()
System.out.println ("NAME\t\tCOLOUR\tHOUSES\tRENT\tPRICE\tMORTGAGE");
System.out.println (name + " " + colour + " " + numHouses + " " + rent + " " + cost + " " + mortgageAmt);
String print()
ArrayList<String>staying = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i<players.size(); i++)
if (players.get(i).position == position)
return (name + staying);
class Dice
int roll()
int total;
total = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*6);
return total;
class Seat {
char displayChar;
Party incumbent;
Seat (Party i)
incumbent = i;
displayChar =;
class Party {
String name;
int influence;
int variationFactor;
int numSeats;
boolean formingGovernment;
ArrayList <Player> endorsing = new ArrayList <Player>();
Party (String n, int vF, int nS)
name = n;
influence = 0;
variationFactor = vF;
numSeats = nS;
void endorsement (Player p)
endorsing.add (p);
influence += p.owned.size() + 1;
totalInfluence += influence;
void influenceVariation()
int fact = (int) Math.random() * 2;
if (fact == 1)
fact = -1;
fact = 1;
influence += variationFactor * fact;
if (influence <= 0)
influence = 0;
class Stock {
String industryName;
int availShares;
int faceValue;
int marketValue;
int variationFactor;
int dividend;
Stock (String iN, int fV, int mV, int vF, int d, int aS)
industryName = iN;
faceValue = fV;
marketValue = mV;
variationFactor = vF;
dividend = d;
availShares = aS;
void factorChange()
int factor = (int)Math.random()*2;
if (factor == 1)
factor = 1;
if (factor == 2)
factor = -1;
marketValue = marketValue + (factor*variationFactor);
if (marketValue <= 0)
marketValue = 0;
void display()
System.out.println ("INDUSTRY\tSHARE FV\tSHARE MV\tDIVIDEND(%)");
System.out.println (industryName + "\t\t" + faceValue + "\t\t" + marketValue + "\t\t" + dividend);
class OwnedStock{
Player owner;
Stock stock;
int numStocksOwned;
OwnedStock (Player p, Stock s, int nSO)
owner = p;
stock = s;
numStocksOwned = nSO;
void generalElections()
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
parties.get(i).numSeats = (int)(parties.get(i).influence/totalInfluence)*300;
Party compParty = parties.get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
int max = compParty.numSeats;
if (parties.get(i).numSeats > max)
compParty = parties.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
if (parties.get(i) == compParty)
parties.get(i).formingGovernment = true;
void viewParliament()
for (int i = 0; i < Parliament.size(); i++)
System.out.println (Parliament.get(i).displayChar);
if (i%30 == 0)
void refreshSeats()
for (int i = 0; i < Parliament.size(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < parties.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < parties.get(i).numSeats; j++)
Parliament.add(new Seat(parties.get(i)));
void stockValueChanges()
for (int i = 0; i < StockMarket.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < players.size(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < players.get(j).stockPairs.size(); k++)
Player t = players.get(j);
players.get(j).money += ((t.stockPairs.get(k).stock.dividend)*(t.stockPairs.get(k).numStocksOwned)*(t.stockPairs.get(k).stock.faceValue))/100;
void printBoard()
int z=19;
for (int i = 0; i<=7; i++)
System.out.print(board.get(i).print() + "\t");
for (int j = 8; j<14; j++)
System.out.println(board.get(j+z).print() + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + board.get(j).print());
for (int k = 21; k>=14; k--)
System.out.print(board.get(k).print() + "\t");
void setValues()
for (int i = 0; i<numPlayers; i++)
players.add(new Player());
//Setting all places, i.e., those on which you can stand.
Place go = new Place("GO ", -200, 0, 8, 0, true);
Place okr= new Place("Kent Rd ",60,2,0,1,false);
Place wr= new Place ("White Rd ",60,4,0,2,false);
Place fp1 =new Place("INC. TAX ", 0, 0, 8, 3, true);
Place ai= new Place("Angel Str",100,6,1,4,false);
Place pr= new Place("Penton Rd",120,8,1,5,false);
Place pm= new Place("Pall Mall",140,10,2,6,false);
Place prison=new Place("JAIL ", 0, 0, 8, 7, true);
Place wh= new Place("Whitehall",140,10,2,8,false);
Place na= new Place("North Avn.",160,12,2,9,false);
Place bs= new Place("Bow Str. ",180,14,3,10,false);
Place ms= new Place("Marl Str.",180,14,3,11,false);
Place fp2 = new Place("SUPER TAX", 0, 0, 8, 12, true);
Place vs= new Place("Vine Str.",200,16,3,13,false);
Place free = new Place("FREE PARK", 0, 0, 8, 14, true);
Place ts= new Place("Strand ",220,18,4,15,false);
Place fs= new Place("Flee Str.",220,18,4,16,false);
Place tsq= new Place("Traf Sq. ",240,20,4,17,false);
Place fp3 = new Place ("LOTTERY ", 0, 0, 8, 18, true);
Place lsq= new Place("Lester Sq",260,22,5,19,false);
Place cs= new Place("Oven Str.",260,22,5,20,false);
Place goToJail = new Place ("GOTO JAIL", 0, 0, 8, 21,true);
Place py= new Place("Picadilly",280,24,5,22,false);
Place fp4 = new Place ("ESTATE ", 0, 0, 8, 23, true);
Place rs= new Place("Reg. Str.",300,26,6,24,false);
Place bos= new Place("Bond Str.",320,28,6,25,false);
Place pl= new Place("Park Lane",350,35,7,26,false);
Place mf= new Place("Mayfair ",400,50,7,27,false);
Stock auto = new Stock("Automobiles", 80, 120, 8, 5, 10);
Stock ironsteel = new Stock("Iron Steel", 100, 150, 15, 7, 10);
Stock pharma = new Stock("Pharmaceuticals", 70, 50, 30, 4, 10);
Stock it = new Stock ("Information Tech", 130, 140, 10, 6, 10);
Stock edu = new Stock ("Education", 50, 40, 10, 10, 10);
Stock petro = new Stock ("Petrochemicals", 200, 230, 30, 12, 10);
Stock agro = new Stock ("Agriculture", 120, 100, 15, 6, 10);
Stock film = new Stock ("Film & TV", 170, 200, 20, 10, 10);
Stock text = new Stock ("Textiles", 90, 100, 5, 10, 10);
Party conservative = new Party ("Conservative Party", 10 , 60);
Party labour = new Party ("Labour Party", 5, 60);
Party socialist = new Party ("Socialist Party", 15, 60);
Party green = new Party ("Green Party", 5, 60);
Party reform = new Party ("Reform Party", 10, 60);
int menu()
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("How many players?(2 or more)");
int a = sc.nextInt();
return (a);
public static void main(String[]args)
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
SyndicateV2 mon = new SyndicateV2();
int b =;
if (b <= 1)
System.out.println("Nice try. More than one player please...");;
mon.numPlayers = b;
boolean gameOver = false;
while (!gameOver)
mon.turnCount += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mon.players.size(); i++)
System.out.println ("It's " + mon.players.get(i).name + "'s turn");
if (mon.turnCount % 5 == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < mon.players.size(); j++)
if (mon.players.get(j).money <= 0)
System.out.println ("Sadly, " + mon.players.get(j).name + " has lost.");
if (mon.players.size() <= 1)
System.out.println ("The game has ended.");
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