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Created September 12, 2012 20:35
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Как поднять штангу (пособие для хаскелистов)
data LegHealth = Healthy | Broken deriving (Show)
data HumanLegs a = Legs a deriving (Show)
instance Functor HumanLegs where
fmap f (Legs st) = Legs $ f st
barbell :: LegHealth -> LegHealth
barbell _ = Broken -- playing with iron always ends very bad
useBarbell :: HumanLegs LegHealth -> HumanLegs LegHealth
useBarbell = fmap barbell -- yay, we lifted it!
main = do
let leg = Legs Healthy
case useBarbell leg of
Legs Healthy -> putStrLn "I'm ok!"
Legs Broken -> putStrLn "Oh noes :("
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