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(() => {
let questions = {
'When will Clipper release a token?': "American company's can't comment on any token-related matters.",
"Who are the cofounders of Shipyard Software (Clipper's developers)?": "Mark Lurie + Abe Othman",
'How is Clipper governed?': "By a distributed autonomous organization (DAO).",
"How are Clipper's pool's funds secured?": "By a multisig contract.",
'Where can I see data about Clipper transactions?': "On Clipper.Exchange's data page",
'What is Clipper (the product)?': "A decentralized exchange",
'How does Clipper mitigate impermanent loss?': "Clipper uses the oracle Chainlink combined with a small pool to minimize slippage.",
'Which networks is Clipper on now?': "Ethereum and Polygon.",