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Ada simulation of an EPR-B experiment, showing that the correlations are due to polarization, not ‘entanglement’ or ‘non-locality’
-- This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-- Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
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-- In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
-- of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
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-- A simulation of an EPR-B experiment, demonstrating that ‘Bell’s
-- theorem’ assumes its conclusion and therefore is fallacious.
-- (
-- Bell’s conclusion is not proven. Indeed, because the proof is by
-- counterexample, the contrary IS proven: hidden variable theories
-- ARE possible. Therefore ‘Bell’s theorem’ is shown to be worthless,
-- even if it were not begging the question: its premises are
-- demonstrably false.
-- Let us list the references here, near the top:
-- [1] J. S. Bell, ‘Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality’,
-- preprint, CERN-TH-2926 (1980).
-- (Open access, CC BY 4.0)
-- [2] A. F. Kracklauer, ‘EPR-B correlations: non-locality or
-- geometry?’, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 11 (Supp.) 104–109
-- (2004). (Open
-- access, CC BY-NC)
-- The simulation is written in Ada—which, if carefully used, seems to
-- me a good language for conveying scientific algorithms. Also, a
-- free software Ada compiler is widely available: GCC. Many readers
-- can compile this program, optimized and with runtime checks, by
-- saving it in a file called ‘eprb_simulation.adb’ and then running
-- the command
-- gnatmake -O2 -gnata eprb_simulation
-- which will create an executable program called ‘eprb_simulation’.
-- Ada, simply put, seemed the best choice, among the programming
-- languages I felt comfortable using.
-- However, if you know another language, such as Fortran, Python, or
-- Common Lisp, it would be very useful for the reader’s understanding
-- to translate the program from Ada into the other language.
pragma ada_2012;
pragma wide_character_encoding (utf8);
with ada.exceptions;
with ada.text_io;
with ada.containers.ordered_sets;
with ada.numerics;
with ada.numerics.generic_elementary_functions;
procedure eprb_simulation is
subtype range_1_to_2 is integer range 1 .. 2;
type scalar is digits 15; -- double precision
type scalar_pair is array (range_1_to_2) of scalar;
use ada.text_io;
use ada.numerics;
package scalar_elementary_functions is
new ada.numerics.generic_elementary_functions (scalar);
use scalar_elementary_functions;
package scalar_io is new float_io (scalar);
use scalar_io;
π : constant scalar := pi;
π_2 : constant scalar := π / 2.0;
π_4 : constant scalar := π / 4.0;
π_8 : constant scalar := π / 8.0;
programmer_mistake : exception;
-- For the sake of reproducibility, let us write our own random
-- number generator. It will be a simple linear congruential
-- generator. The author has used one like it, in quicksorts and
-- quickselects to select the pivot. It is good enough for our
-- purpose.
type uint64 is mod 2 ** 64;
-- The multiplier lcg_a comes from Steele, Guy; Vigna, Sebastiano
-- (28 September 2021). ‘Computationally easy, spectrally good
-- multipliers for congruential pseudorandom number generators’.
-- arXiv:2001.05304v3 [cs.DS]
lcg_a : constant uint64 := 16#F1357AEA2E62A9C5#;
-- The value of lcg_c is not critical, but should be odd.
lcg_c : constant uint64 := 1;
seed : uint64 := 0;
function random_scalar
return scalar
with post => 0.0 <= random_scalar'result
and random_scalar'result < 1.0 is
randval : scalar;
-- Take the high 48 bits of the seed and divide it by 2**48.
randval := scalar (seed / (2**16)) / scalar (2**48);
-- Update the seed.
seed := (lcg_a * seed) + lcg_c;
return randval;
end random_scalar;
function random_1_or_2
return range_1_to_2 is
return (if random_scalar < 0.5 then 1 else 2);
end random_1_or_2;
-- The simulation is of a two-arm Clauser-Aspect type
-- experiment. See [2] for description of a closely related
-- simulation. We will be referring to equation numbers in that
-- paper.
-- The objects of our simulation are as follows.
-- There are light pulses that we shall call photons. These are
-- randomly generated in pairs, with either a vertically polarized
-- pulse to the left and a horizontally polarized pulse to the
-- right, or vice versa. Call the polarization state φ. In our
-- simulation, these photons are assumed also to carry ‘hidden
-- variables’ called ξ. A photon generated with vertical
-- polarization has ξ=ξa, and a photon with horizontal polarization
-- has ξ=ξb. Thus the following is our representation:
type ξ_value is (ξa, ξb, ξ_quiescent);
type photon is
φ : scalar; -- The current polarization angle, in radians.
ξ : ξ_value; -- The hidden variable. Either ξa or ξb.
end record;
-- The following are the only possible initial photons:
photon_vertical : constant photon := (φ => π_2, ξ => ξa);
photon_horizontal : constant photon := (φ => 0.0, ξ => ξb);
-- Later we will introduce special photodetectors that can measure
-- the value of a photon’s ξ. The quiescent state of such a
-- photodetector will be ξ_quiescent.
-- Please note something carefully here: by including a ‘hidden
-- variable’ in the simulation of a photon, we are contradicting an
-- assumption in [1], which Bell attempts to justify on pages 15 and
-- 16. To quote [1]: ‘[I]t may be that it is not permissible to
-- regard the experimental settings a and b in the analyzers as
-- independent variables, as we did.’ Merely imagining hidden
-- variables, along with photodetectors able to measure the hidden
-- variables, directly contradicts ‘regarding the experimental
-- settings a and b ... as independent variables’. That we can
-- imagine such hidden variables therefore proves beyond doubt that
-- Bell’s argument is founded on a false assumption! Thus his
-- argument as a whole fails.
-- So we have done enough already. But let us proceed with the
-- simulation, nonetheless. Doing so will help illustrate why simply
-- assuming the existence of a photon with hidden variables
-- contradicts Bell’s assumption—or, in other words, how Bell’s
-- argument is circular. Bell does the following:
-- 1. He assumes that a particle must be an ‘independent
-- variable’.
-- 2. This is equivalent to assuming that a particle has no
-- ‘hidden variables’.
-- 3. He performs various mathematical operations from this
-- assumption, concluding that a particle cannot have any hidden
-- variables.
-- It is a classic example of someone accidentally assuming the
-- conclusion, which is an informal fallacy. There is no deductive
-- error, and yet the conclusion remains unproven.
-- (Side note: the contrast is striking, between our simple disproof
-- by counterexample, and the sophistries at the top of page 16 of
-- [1]. Notable is Bell’s reliance on his physical intuitions,
-- employing no principles of logic and mathematics. Also he
-- overcomplicates the matter, seemingly in a struggle to visualize
-- the situation. All that one needs to visualize is a hidden
-- variable and a detector capable of measuring it! Bell obviously
-- did not realize he had to visualize a photon WITH a hidden
-- variable, rather than the photon WITHOUT a hidden variable that
-- he was used to imagining.)
-- Next after photons, there are two polarizing beam splitters (PBS)
-- (
-- These redirect photons in proportion to the Law of Malus
-- ('s_law_and_other_properties),
-- altering the photons’ polarization angles φ, but not their hidden
-- variables ξ.
type pbs is
θ : scalar; -- The angle of beam splitting.
end record;
-- These are the different PBS settings, in radians, making up four
-- pairs of (left,right) settings, chosen for maximum nominal CHSH
-- contrast (=2√2):
θ_left : constant scalar_pair := (π_4, 0.0);
θ_right : constant scalar_pair := (π_8, 3.0 * π_8);
-- Without loss of generality, we have specified the PBS angles in
-- the first quadrant. PBS geometry is actually a sort of ×, where
-- one of the two slopes represents one of the channels, and the
-- crossing slope represents the other.
-- Finally, there are four photodetectors
-- (
-- These are fancy new-model photodetectors: not only do they detect
-- incident photons without fail, but also they tell you the value
-- of the photon’s ξ. Their output is a ξ_value: the quiescent state
-- is ξ_quiescent, and they go to ξa or ξb to register a photon
-- detection. They can detect only one photon at a time, but the
-- experimental arrangement is such that they will encounter at most
-- one at a time.
-- Here is a procedure that generates a (left,right) pair of
-- photons.
procedure generate_photon_pair (photon_left : out photon;
photon_right : out photon) is
if random_1_or_2 = 1 then
photon_left := photon_vertical;
photon_right := photon_horizontal;
photon_left := photon_horizontal;
photon_right := photon_vertical;
end if;
end generate_photon_pair;
-- The following procedure decides towards which of two
-- photodetectors a PBS will transmit a given photon. The output of
-- the procedure is the outputs of the two photodetectors. The
-- photon will have its angle of polarization altered, but the
-- photodetectors cannot measure angle of polarization. The outputs
-- are of what the photodetectors CAN measure: hidden variable
-- values.
procedure split_beam (photon0 : photon;
pbs0 : pbs;
detector1 : out ξ_value;
detector2 : out ξ_value) is
detector1 := ξ_quiescent;
detector2 := ξ_quiescent;
-- We implement the Law of Malus this way, which I think is
-- clearer than if I wrote it in terms of differences of angles—
-- If the incident photon is polarized horizontally, then the
-- probability of transmission along channel 1 will be cos²(θ),
-- where θ is the pbs setting. Thus the probability it will
-- instead be transmitted along channel 2 is sin²(θ), and the
-- total probability of transmission is cos²(θ)+sin²(θ)=1.
-- On the other hand, if the incident photon is polarized
-- vertically, the roles of cosine and sine will be reversed.
-- (This role reversal results from application of the identities
-- cos(π/2-x)≡sin(x) and sin(π/2-x)≡cos(x).) The probability of
-- transmission along channel 1 is sin²(θ), along channel 2 is
-- cos²(θ).
if abs (photon0.φ) < π_4 * scalar'model_epsilon then
-- The photon is polarized horizontally.
if random_scalar < cos (pbs0.θ) ** 2 then
detector1 := photon0.ξ;
detector2 := photon0.ξ;
end if;
elsif abs (photon0.φ - π_2) < π_4 * scalar'model_epsilon then
-- The photon is polarized vertically.
if random_scalar < sin (pbs0.θ) ** 2 then
detector1 := photon0.ξ;
detector2 := photon0.ξ;
end if;
-- There should be only horizontally or vertically polarized
-- photons.
raise programmer_mistake;
end if;
end split_beam;
-- The function one_event, below, simulates an event of the
-- simulation: from generation of a pair of photons to their
-- measurement by four photodetectors. The settings of the two PBS
-- are chosen randomly and included in the output. The output is
-- gathered into a record and given a unique identifier (so it can
-- be stored in set objects).
current_identifier : long_integer := 1;
type event_record is
identifier : long_integer;
pbs_left_setting : range_1_to_2;
pbs_right_setting : range_1_to_2;
detector_left_1 : ξ_value;
detector_left_2 : ξ_value;
detector_right_1 : ξ_value;
detector_right_2 : ξ_value;
end record;
function one_event
return event_record is
ev : event_record;
pbs_left : pbs;
pbs_right : pbs;
photon_left : photon;
photon_right : photon;
ev.identifier := current_identifier;
current_identifier := current_identifier + 1;
ev.pbs_left_setting := random_1_or_2;
pbs_left.θ := θ_left(ev.pbs_left_setting);
ev.pbs_right_setting := random_1_or_2;
pbs_right.θ := θ_right(ev.pbs_right_setting);
generate_photon_pair (photon_left, photon_right);
split_beam (photon_left, pbs_left,
ev.detector_left_1, ev.detector_left_2);
split_beam (photon_right, pbs_right,
ev.detector_right_1, ev.detector_right_2);
return ev;
end one_event;
-- We wish to simulate some number of events, and to gather the
-- output records in a set. Here is where the set type is created.
function "<" (a, b : event_record)
return boolean is
return (a.identifier < b.identifier);
end "<";
package event_record_sets is
new ada.containers.ordered_sets (element_type => event_record);
-- The following function simulates a given number of events and
-- gathers the output records into a set.
function simulate_events (number_of_events : natural)
return event_record_sets.set is
events : event_record_sets.set;
for i in 1 .. number_of_events loop
event_record_sets.include (events, one_event);
end loop;
return events;
end simulate_events;
-- Now comes analysis.
procedure analyze (events : event_record_sets.set) is
use event_record_sets;
events_L1R1 : set;
events_L1R2 : set;
events_L2R1 : set;
events_L2R2 : set;
procedure separate_into_four_subsets_by_pbs_settings is
curs : cursor;
ev : event_record;
curs := first (events);
while has_element (curs) loop
ev := element (curs);
case ev.pbs_left_setting is
when 1 =>
case ev.pbs_right_setting is
when 1 => include (events_L1R1, ev);
when 2 => include (events_L1R2, ev);
end case;
when 2 =>
case ev.pbs_right_setting is
when 1 => include (events_L2R1, ev);
when 2 => include (events_L2R2, ev);
end case;
end case;
curs := next (curs);
end loop;
end separate_into_four_subsets_by_pbs_settings;
function estimate_correlation_coefficient (subset : set)
return scalar is
curs : cursor;
ev : event_record;
n, nLc, nLs, nRc, nRs : scalar;
cosL, sinL, cosR, sinR : scalar;
cosLR, sinLR : scalar;
-- We use equation (2.4) of [2] to estimate cosines and sines
-- for calculation of the correlation coefficient by equations
-- (2.3) and (2.5).
-- We take account of the hidden variable in this way: if ξ=ξa,
-- this indicates that the PBS followed the sine-squared law for
-- channel 1, rather than the cosine-squared law. For the hidden
-- variable tells us that the photon had a vertical angle of
-- polarization when it entered the PBS. We must, therefore,
-- count a ξ=ξa detection towards the sine estimate. By
-- contrast, and symmetrically, a ξ=ξb detection goes towards
-- the cosine estimate.
-- If ξ=ξ_quiescent then a detector did not receive a photon.
n := 0.0;
nLc := 0.0;
nLs := 0.0;
nRc := 0.0;
nRs := 0.0;
curs := first (subset);
while has_element (curs) loop
ev := element (curs);
if ev.detector_left_1 /= ξ_quiescent then
if ev.detector_left_1 = ξa then
nLs := nLs + 1.0;
nLc := nLc + 1.0;
end if;
elsif ev.detector_left_2 /= ξ_quiescent then
if ev.detector_left_2 = ξb then
nLs := nLs + 1.0;
nLc := nLc + 1.0;
end if;
-- The way the program currently works, this should not
-- happen.
raise programmer_mistake;
end if;
if ev.detector_right_1 /= ξ_quiescent then
if ev.detector_right_1 = ξa then
nRs := nRs + 1.0;
nRc := nRc + 1.0;
end if;
elsif ev.detector_right_2 /= ξ_quiescent then
if ev.detector_right_2 = ξb then
nRs := nRs + 1.0;
nRc := nRc + 1.0;
end if;
-- The way the program currently works, this should not
-- happen.
raise programmer_mistake;
end if;
n := n + 1.0;
curs := next (curs);
end loop;
cosL := sqrt (nLc / n);
sinL := sqrt (nLs / n);
cosR := sqrt (nRc / n);
sinR := sqrt (nRs / n);
-- Reference [2], Equation (2.3).
cosLR := (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL);
sinLR := (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL);
-- Reference [2], Equation (2.5).
return (cosLR ** 2) - (sinLR ** 2);
end estimate_correlation_coefficient;
κ_L1R1, κ_L1R2 : scalar;
κ_L2R1, κ_L2R2 : scalar;
κ_nominal : constant scalar := sqrt (0.5);
chsh_contrast : scalar;
chsh_nominal : constant scalar := 2.0 * sqrt (2.0);
chsh_difference : scalar;
relative_difference : scalar;
κ_L1R1 := estimate_correlation_coefficient (events_L1R1);
κ_L1R2 := estimate_correlation_coefficient (events_L1R2);
κ_L2R1 := estimate_correlation_coefficient (events_L2R1);
κ_L2R2 := estimate_correlation_coefficient (events_L2R2);
chsh_contrast := κ_L1R1 + κ_L1R2 + κ_L2R1 - κ_L2R2;
chsh_difference := chsh_contrast - chsh_nominal;
relative_difference := chsh_difference / chsh_nominal;
put_line (" =========================");
put_line (" no. of events: " &
event_record_sets.length (events)'image);
put_line (" =========================");
put_line (" correlation coefficients");
put (" kappa11");
put (κ_L1R1, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" kappa12");
put (κ_L1R2, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" kappa21");
put (κ_L2R1, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" kappa22");
put (κ_L2R2, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" nominal");
put (κ_nominal, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put_line (" =========================");
put (" CHSH contrast");
put (chsh_contrast, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" nominal");
put (chsh_nominal, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put_line (" --------------------");
put (" difference");
put (chsh_difference, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put (" relative diff");
put (relative_difference, 4, 5, 0);
put_line ("");
put_line (" =========================");
end analyze;
-- Finally, the main program.
number_of_events : natural := 0;
-- Simulate many events.
seed := 12345;
number_of_events := 1000000;
analyze (simulate_events (number_of_events));
end eprb_simulation;
-- The condition for supposed demonstration of ‘non-locality’ is CHSH
-- contrast greater than 2. The nominal value predicted by quantum
-- mechanics is 2√2≅2.82843. Here is the program’s output for
-- seed=12345, number_of_events=1000000:
-- =========================
-- no. of events: 1000000
-- =========================
-- correlation coefficients
-- kappa11 0.70739
-- kappa12 0.70775
-- kappa21 0.70710
-- kappa22 -0.70741
-- nominal 0.70711
-- =========================
-- CHSH contrast 2.82965
-- nominal 2.82843
-- --------------------
-- difference 0.00123
-- relative diff 0.00043
-- =========================
-- As you can see, the CHSH contrast is essentially that which is
-- predicted by quantum mechanics, and certainly exceeds the value of
-- 2, which supposedly is impossible for a ‘local realistic’ model to
-- achieve. We have disproven that ‘impossibility’, by counterexample.
-- (One might object this is a random simulation, not closed
-- expressions. But closed expressions can be written by analogy to
-- the simulation. One might write them as an exercise.)
-- However, let us go deduce further. Let us imagine that the photons
-- actually do NOT have ξ values, and that the photodetectors merely
-- detect photons without fail. Does anything change in the pattern of
-- their detections? Not one bit. A PBS reacts only to a photon’s φ,
-- its polarization angle. Therefore the correlations are exactly the
-- same. We get the exact same results we did above.
-- It turns out that ξ was merely a fiction introduced so we could
-- include the initial angles of polarization in the analysis stage,
-- and yet make it so we were using only information actually measured
-- in the experiment. We never actually needed that fiction at all,
-- but could simply have included the initial angles of polarization
-- in the event records.
-- Recall the quote from [1]: ‘[I]t may be that it is not permissible
-- to regard the experimental settings a and b in the analyzers as
-- independent variables, as we did.’ In other words, it may be that
-- one must regard Bell’s a and b as functions of the initial angles
-- of polarization. This is exactly what we have shown: that one must
-- regard a and b as FUNCTIONS, and that the initial angle of
-- polarization of one of the photons of the pair may be regarded as
-- the sole independent variable.
-- Furthermore, we showed this by inventing a method whereby the
-- ACTUAL independent variable is converted into a fictitious
-- experimental ‘hidden variable’. Thus it is shown that assuming a
-- and b must be the independent variables is equivalent to assuming
-- there can be no such hidden variable. Bell has assumed away the
-- ability to construct what (by ignoring his assumption) we succeeded
-- in constructing: a ‘locally realistic’ hidden variable theory.
-- Note one thing more: we have shown that there is nothing necessary
-- to obtain the correlations but that the light be
-- polarized. ‘Entanglement’, at least in this case, is simply an
-- artifact of quantum mechanics notation.
-- (Indeed, classical electromagnetic wave theory predicts the same
-- correlations. See [2].)
-- Some instructions for the Emacs text editor.
-- local variables:
-- mode: indented-text
-- tab-width: 2
-- end:
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