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In the wake of the pandemic and online conferences,
some of the presentations and talks are asked to be pre-recorded for the event.
Last year’s PyCon was the first time I ever saw a professional stenographer at each of the talks.
This is important because not only do you get live closed captions during the presentation,
they also accurately transcribe technical jargon and terms.
I’ve seen some Twitch streamers add closed captioning on their streams recently,
and after seeing people request for captions in a recent webinar,
I decided to see how I can add captions to a conference video submission.
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In the wake of the pandemic and online conferences,
some of the presentations and talks are asked to be pre-recorded for the event.
Last year’s PyCon was the first time I ever saw a professional stenographer at each of the talks.
This is important because not only do you get live closed captions during the presentation,
they also accurately transcribe technical jargon and terms.
I’ve seen some Twitch streamers add closed captioning on their streams recently,
and after seeing people request for captions in a recent webinar,
I decided to see how I can add captions to a conference video submission.
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<h1 itemprop="name">Creating and Adding Subtitles to your Videos</h1>
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<p>The tools I used:</p>
<li>Audio/Video Capture: <a href="">OBS</a></li>
<li>Captioning: <a href="">Web Captioner</a>
<li>I had a script so my words were already transcribed</li>
<li>Video editor: <a href="">kdenlive</a></li>
<li>Subtitle creation: <a href="">Aegisub</a></li>
<li>“Burning” the captions to the video: <a href="">FFmpeg</a></li>
<div id="capturing-the-audiovideo" class="section level5">
<h5>Capturing the audio/video</h5>
<p>Each one of the tools have a lot of resources.
I have a machine setup for Twitch streaming, so my OBS setup is mainly setup already to record.
I really love and recommend the
<a href="">Gaming Careers</a>
page if you want to get OBS setup for streaming (or just know how to setup OBS in general).</p>
<p>If you do not have a script you definetly want to capture your microphone and do a realtime
transcribe so you don’t have to type everything you’re saying, and only need to make edits (see below).</p>
<p>I record my videos using <code>.mkv</code> so if something happens and the recording application (OBS) crashes,
the video file itself is still usable and not corrupted.</p>
<div id="captioning" class="section level5">
<p>People on Twitch have started puting caption overlays in their stream using
<a href="">Web Captioner</a>.
This system lets you save out the text so you have something to work with in post.</p>
<p>If you are talking from a script, then you can skip this step.
But it’s a good resource to know of when you’re doing online presentations.
Google slides, for example, also has their own built-in captioning system,
but I don’t know how it works if you’re on a panel presentation as I don’t think these systems
capture system audio, just the microphone.
In general, these auto captioning systems do not handle technical jargon and terms well.</p>
<div id="editing-the-video" class="section level5">
<h5>Editing the video</h5>
<p>As far as conference talks go, video editing is pretty minimal.
You’ll mainly be cutting and trimming the beginning and end of the clip and probably letting it play
There are things like contrast and saturation you can do to make the image not as bland,
but that’s personal preference.
I do a bunch of photography work, and have some experience with NLE programs like kdenlive,
so making picture changes for the entire clip wasn’t too bad for me.</p>
<p>You’ll probably be watching the video anyway,
so when you open it in a video editor you can get the <em>exact</em> timestame and frame,
which is used to sync a captions file.</p>
<p>You can render (i.e., export) a video into mp4 for sharing.</p>
<div id="subtitles" class="section level5">
<p>Kdenlive doesn’t support captioning or importing a captions files.
This is different from adding a text overlay to a video.
A caption file is a specifically formatted text file that has start and end frames
along with the text to be displayed.</p>
<p>I used <a href="">Aegisub</a> to create my subtitle file by using the timestamps from kdenlive.
I already had a script, but this is where your text transcription fill be used.
From there it’s add timestamps, copy, and paste.</p>
<p><img src="aegisub.PNG" width="453" /></p>
<p><em>Figure 1: Screenshot of Aegisub application which is used to create subtitle file timings.</em></p>
<div id="adding-the-captions" class="section level5">
<h5>Adding the captions</h5>
<p>At the end you’ll have an <code>.ass</code> subtitle file, and a <code>.mp4</code> video file.
Some video players (e.g., VLC) can accept a subtitle file as it plays a video and the subtitles will be automatically displayed.
However, for pre-recoreded videos, you may want to have the captions permanetly “burned” into the video itself.
You can use <code>ffmpeg</code> for this task.</p>
<p>The magical line of code (confirmed to work windows too!):</p>
<pre class="bash"><code>ffmpeg -i &lt;path_to_input_file&gt; -vf ass=&lt;path_to_subtitle_file.ass&gt; &lt;path_to_output_file&gt;</code></pre>
<p>for me it was:</p>
<pre class="bash"><code>ffmpeg -i cropped_video.mp4 -vf ass=subtitles.ass daniel_chen-subtitled.mp4</code></pre>
<p>Now you’ll have a video with captions on the bottom!</p>
<p>Obligatory: Follow me on twitch! I’ll start streaming my dissertation work and some games after I move late September, <a href="" class="uri"></a> :D</p>
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Note: This is a very condensed re-post of the original blog article (hopefully with the same url).
I must've clobbered the original entry with a git push somewhere...
1. OBS: Record the screen and/or webcam,
2. Web Captioner: Transcriping the audio during recording,
3. Kdenlive: Trim and edit the video,
4. Aegisub: Time the captions and output a subtitle file,
5. FFMpeg: Optional if you want to "burn" the subtitles to the video
Web Captioner gives you the option to export out the captions as a plain text file.
You can then use Aegisub to take the text and time them to the video:
This image shows a snapshot of Aegisub with the video on the top left corner,
and what the timing and text for the subtitles look like.
The numbers highligted in red under the CPS column,
are signifies that too many words may be used in a particular time block.
Once you have the video and the subtitle file (.srt or .ass),
you can use ffmpeg to "burn" in the subtitles so it shows in the video all the time.
Link to the ffmpeg wiki on how to do this:
ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf "ass=subtitle.ass" output.avi
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