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Last active December 11, 2022 08:00
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 11
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
type Parser a = Parsec Void String a
unsafeParse :: Parser a -> String -> a
unsafeParse p s = fromJust <| parseMaybe p s
sc :: Parser ()
sc = space1 empty empty
integer :: Parser Int
integer = L.signed sc L.decimal
data Operation = Add Int | Multiply Int deriving (Show, Eq)
data Monkey = Monkey
{ inspectItems :: Int
, startingItems :: [Int]
, operation :: Operation
, testDivisibleBy :: Int
, throwTo :: (Int, Int)
deriving (Show, Eq)
old :: Int
old = -1
solve :: Int
solve =
|> repeats 10000 (monkeysInspectItems 0)
|> fmap inspectItems
|> sort
|> reverse
|> (\(a : b : _) -> a * b)
allMonkeys = unsafeParse (sepBy1 pMonkey eol) input
repeats :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
repeats 0 _ a = a
repeats n f a =
repeats (n - 1) f (f a)
monkeysInspectItems :: Int -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
monkeysInspectItems i monkeys =
if i == length monkeys
then monkeys
else monkeysInspectItems (i + 1) (monkeyInspectItems i monkeys)
monkeyInspectItems :: Int -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
monkeyInspectItems from monkeys =
let monkey = monkeys !! from
in if length monkey.startingItems == 0
then monkeys
let to = (if inspectItem monkey then fst else snd) monkey.throwTo
in monkeyInspectItems from (throwItem from to monkeys)
inspectItem :: Monkey -> Bool
inspectItem monkey =
|> worryLevel
|> (`isDivisible` monkey.testDivisibleBy)
isDivisible :: Int -> Int -> Bool
isDivisible a b =
a `rem` b == 0
allDivisibleBy :: Int
allDivisibleBy = product <| fmap testDivisibleBy allMonkeys
worryLevel :: Monkey -> Int
worryLevel monkey =
let (item : _) = monkey.startingItems
in case monkey.operation of
-- avoid overflow by dividing the product of all monkeys' testDivisibleBy
Add n -> (item + n) `mod` allDivisibleBy
Multiply (-1) -> (item * item) `mod` allDivisibleBy
Multiply n -> (item * n) `mod` allDivisibleBy
throwItem :: Int -> Int -> [Monkey] -> [Monkey]
throwItem from to monkeys =
let f = monkeys !! from
t = monkeys !! to
_ : rest = f.startingItems
f' = f{startingItems = rest, inspectItems = f.inspectItems + 1}
t' = t{startingItems = t.startingItems <> [worryLevel f]}
in monkeys
|> setAt from f'
|> setAt to t'
pId :: Parser ()
pId = do
_ <- string "Monkey "
_ <- integer
_ <- string ":"
return ()
pStartingItems :: Parser [Int]
pStartingItems = do
_ <- string "Starting items: "
sepBy1 integer (string ", ")
pOp :: Parser (Int -> Operation)
pOp = do
c <- printChar
<| if c == '+'
then Add
else Multiply
pOperation :: Parser Operation
pOperation = do
_ <- string "Operation: new = old "
op <- pOp
_ <- space1
a <- try (old <$ string "old") <|> integer
return <| op a
pTest :: Parser Int
pTest = do
_ <- string "Test: "
_ <- string "divisible by "
pThrowTo :: Parser (Int, Int)
pThrowTo = do
_ <- string "If true: throw to monkey "
a <- integer
_ <- eol
_ <- string "If false: throw to monkey "
b <- integer
return <| (a, b)
pMonkey :: Parser Monkey
pMonkey = do
_ <- pId
_ <- eol
items <- pStartingItems
_ <- eol
operation <- pOperation
_ <- eol
test <- pTest
_ <- eol
throwTo <- pThrowTo
_ <- eol
return <| Monkey 0 items operation test throwTo
input :: String
input =
"Monkey 0:\n\
\Starting items: 53, 89, 62, 57, 74, 51, 83, 97\n\
\Operation: new = old * 3\n\
\Test: divisible by 13\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 1\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 5\n\
\Monkey 1:\n\
\Starting items: 85, 94, 97, 92, 56\n\
\Operation: new = old + 2\n\
\Test: divisible by 19\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 5\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 2\n\
\Monkey 2:\n\
\Starting items: 86, 82, 82\n\
\Operation: new = old + 1\n\
\Test: divisible by 11\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 3\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 4\n\
\Monkey 3:\n\
\Starting items: 94, 68\n\
\Operation: new = old + 5\n\
\Test: divisible by 17\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 7\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 6\n\
\Monkey 4:\n\
\Starting items: 83, 62, 74, 58, 96, 68, 85\n\
\Operation: new = old + 4\n\
\Test: divisible by 3\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 3\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 6\n\
\Monkey 5:\n\
\Starting items: 50, 68, 95, 82\n\
\Operation: new = old + 8\n\
\Test: divisible by 7\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 2\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 4\n\
\Monkey 6:\n\
\Starting items: 75\n\
\Operation: new = old * 7\n\
\Test: divisible by 5\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 7\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 0\n\
\Monkey 7:\n\
\Starting items: 92, 52, 85, 89, 68, 82\n\
\Operation: new = old * old\n\
\Test: divisible by 2\n\
\If true: throw to monkey 0\n\
\If false: throw to monkey 1\n"
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