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Created January 30, 2012 06:26
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Thread Network Analysis
CC = Import["D://Mathematica//bbs.xls"]
DD = CC[[1]]
Tally[Transpose[DD][[4]]] // MatrixForm
ListLogLogPlot[Sort[Transpose[Tally[Transpose[DD][[4]]]][[2]], Greater]]
tt = Union[Transpose[DD][[1]]];
First[CC] // TableForm;
thread[n_] := Select[DD, #[[1]] == n &]
k = thread[2]
Transpose[Drop[k, 1]][[3]]
Rule[#, First[k][[3]]] & /@ Transpose[Drop[k, 1]][[3]]
net[m_] := Module[{thread},
thread = Select[DD, #[[1]] == m &];
If[Length[thread] > 1,
Rule[#, First[thread][[3]]] & /@ Transpose[Drop[thread, 1]][[3]], 0]
bbs = Select[Sort[Flatten[net[#] & /@ tt]], Length[#] > 1 &]
fre = Sort[Transpose[Tally[bbs]][[2]], Greater]
ListLogLogPlot[fre, PlotRange -> All]
GraphPlot[bbs, SelfLoopStyle -> None, ImageSize -> 1000,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Red, Text[#3], Arrowheads[{-.01, .01}],
Arrow[#1, 0.01]} &),
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({Blue, Text[Style[#2, 20, Bold], #1]} &)]
GraphPlot[Tally[bbs], ImageSize -> 1000, SelfLoopStyle -> None,
VertexLabeling -> True,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Red, Text[#3, Mean[#1]],
Arrowheads[{-.01, .01}], Arrow[#1, 0.01]} &),
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({Blue, Text[Style[#2, 20, Bold], #1]} &)
GraphPlot[Tally[bbs], ImageSize -> 1000, SelfLoopStyle -> None,
VertexLabeling -> True,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Red, Arrowheads[{-.01, .01}],
Arrow[#1, 0.01]} &),
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({Blue, Text[Style[#2, 20, Bold], #1]} &)
GraphPlot[Tally[bbs], VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 1000,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Red, Text[#3, Mean[#1]],
Arrowheads[{-.01, .01}], Arrow[#1, 0.1], Thickness[2]} &),
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({White, EdgeForm[Black], Blue,
Text[Style[#2, 20, Bold], #1]} &)]
GraphPlot[bbs, VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 1000,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Red, Arrowheads[{-.01, .01}],
Arrow[#1, 0.1], Thickness[2]} &),
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({White, EdgeForm[Black], Blue,
Text[Style[#2, 20, Bold], #1]} &)]
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