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Created October 20, 2014 09:25
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Save chengjun/1b5836a6b617efe98004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# generate a social graph
node_number = 100
g = ; plot(g)
seeds_num = 1
set.seed(2014); diffusers = sample(V(g),seeds_num) ; diffusers
infected =list()
infected[[1]]= diffusers
# for example, set percolation probability
transmission_rate = 0.4
coins = c(1, 0)
probabilities = c(transmission_rate, 1-transmission_rate )
# sample(coins, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=probabilities) # Generate a sequence
# toss the coins
toss = function(freq) {
tossing = NULL
for (i in 1:freq ) tossing[i] = sample(coins, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=probabilities)
tossing = sum(tossing)
return (tossing)
update_diffusers = function(diffusers){
nearest_neighbors = data.frame(table(unlist(neighborhood(g, 1, diffusers))))
nearest_neighbors = subset(nearest_neighbors, !(nearest_neighbors[,1]%in%diffusers))
keep = unlist(lapply(nearest_neighbors[,2], toss))
new_infected = as.numeric(as.character(nearest_neighbors[,1][keep >= 1]))
diffusers = unique(c(diffusers, new_infected))
total_time = 1
while(length(infected[[total_time]]) < node_number){
infected[[total_time+1]] = sort(update_diffusers(infected[[total_time]]))
cat(length(infected[[total_time+1]]), "-->")
total_time = total_time + 1
plot_time_series = function(infected, m){
num_cum = unlist(lapply(1:m,
function(x) length(infected[[x]]) ))
p_cum = num_cum/node_number
p = diff(c(0, p_cum))
time = 1:m
plot(p_cum~time, type = "b",
ylab = "CDF", xlab = "Time",
xlim = c(0,total_time), ylim =c(0,1))
plot_time_series(infected, length(infected))
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When I ran the code I get this error.

> while(length(infected[[total_time]]) < node_number){ 
+   infected[[total_time+1]] = sort(update_diffusers(infected[[total_time]]))
+   cat(length(i .... [TRUNCATED] 
Error in parse_op_args(..., what = "a vertex", is_fun = is_igraph_vs,  : 
  Not a vertex sequence

Not sure if you know where the problem is?

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Hello noppanit,
I stumbled upon this code in my search for simulating transmission in contact networks. I had exactly the same errors as you. Found out that it has to do with that R is trying to compare and find uniques between two different types of objects, namely diffusers = igraph.vs where new_infected is a simple numeric vector.
My solution is to add a new line and change the class of new_infected so:

update_diffusers = function(diffusers){
    nearest_neighbors = data.frame(table(unlist(neighborhood(g, 1, diffusers))));
    nearest_neighbors = subset(nearest_neighbors, !(nearest_neighbors[,1]%in%diffusers))
    keep = unlist(lapply(nearest_neighbors[,2], toss))
    new_infected = as.numeric(as.character(nearest_neighbors[,1][keep >= 1]))
    class(new_infected) <- "igraph.vs"
    diffusers = unique(c(diffusers, new_infected))

This solved all problems for me

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