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Last active August 6, 2018 01:54
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open Result
open TopTypes
open Infix
let extend = (obj, items) => Json.obj(obj) |?>> current => Json.Object(current @ items)
let log = Log.log
let maybeHash = (h, k) => if Hashtbl.mem(h, k) { Some(Hashtbl.find(h, k)) } else { None }
type handler = Handler(string, Json.t => result('a, string), (state, 'a) => result(/state, Json.t/, string)) : handler
let handlers: list(/string, (state, Json.t) => result(/state, Json.t/, string)/) = [
/"textDocument/definition", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try uri = params |> RJson.get("textDocument") |?> RJson.get("uri") |?> RJson.string
let%try position = RJson.get("position", params) |?> Protocol.rgetPosition
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let data = State.getDefinitionData(uri, state, ~package)
let position = Utils.cmtLocFromVscode(position)
open Infix
let%opt /uri, loc/ =
~getModule=State.fileForModule(state, ~package),
Some(Ok(/state, Json.Object([
/"uri", Json.String(uri)/,
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(loc)/,
} |? Ok(/state, Json.Null/)
/** TODO implement */
/"textDocument/signatureHelp", (state, params) => {
Ok(/state, Json.Null/)
/"textDocument/completion", (state, params) => {
let%try /uri, pos/ = Protocol.rPositionParams(params)
let%try /text, verison, isClean/ = maybeHash(state.documentText, uri) |> orError("No document text found")
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try offset = PartialParser.positionToOffset(text, pos) |> orError("invalid offset")
/* TODO get last non-syntax-erroring definitions */
/* let%try (file, extra) = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri) |> orError("No definitions") */
open Rpc.J
let completions = switch PartialParser.findCompletable(text, offset) {
| Nothing => {
Log.log("Nothing completable found :/")
| Labeled(string) => {
Log.log("don't yet support completion for argument labels, but I hope to soon!")
| Lident(string) => {
log("Completing for string " ++ string)
let parts = Str.split(Str.regexp_string("."), string)
let parts = string.[String.length(string) - 1] == '.' ? parts @ [""] : parts
let currentModuleName = String.capitalize(Filename.chop_extension(Filename.basename(uri)))
let opens = PartialParser.findOpens(text, offset)
let {SharedTypes.file, extra} = State.getBestDefinitions(uri, state, ~package)
let useMarkdown = !state.settings.clientNeedsPlainText
let allModules = (
package.localModules |>
) @ (
package.dependencyModules |>
let items = NewCompletions.get(
~full={file, extra},
~getModule=State.fileForModule(state, ~package),
Log.log("Got items: " ++ string_of_int(List.length(items)))
items |., {name: {txt: name, loc: {loc_start: {pos_lnum}}}, deprecated, docstring, contents}/) => o([
/"label", s(name)/,
/"kind", i(NewCompletions.kindToInt(contents))/,
/"detail", NewCompletions.detail(name, contents) |> s/,
s((docstring |? "No docs") ++ "\n\n" ++
uri ++ ":" ++ string_of_int(pos_lnum))/,
/* docstring |?>> Protocol.contentKind(useMarkdown) |? Json.Null), */
/* ("data", switch kind {
| RootModule(cmt, src) => o([("cmt", s(cmt)), ("name", s(label)), ...(fold(src, [], src => [("src", s(src))]))])
| _ => null
}) */
Ok(/state, l(completions)/)
/"completionItem/resolve", (state, params) => {
Ok(/state, Json.Null/)
/* switch (params |> Json.get("documentation") |?> Json.string) {
| Some(_) => Ok((state, params))
| None =>
let result = (params |> Json.get("data")
|?> data => Json.get("cmt", data) |?> Json.string
|?> cmt => Json.get("src", data) |?> Json.string
|?> src => Json.get("name", data) |?> Json.string
|?>> name => {
let (detail, docs) = Completions.getModuleResults(name, state, cmt, Some(src))
open Rpc.J
extend(params, [
("detail", detail |?>> s |? null),
("documentation", docs |?>> Protocol.contentKind(!state.settings.clientNeedsPlainText) |? null),
]) |? params
}) |? params
Ok((state, result))
} */
/"textDocument/documentHighlight", (state, params) => {
let%try /uri, pos/ = Protocol.rPositionParams(params)
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let res = {
let pos = Utils.cmtLocFromVscode(pos)
let%opt /file, extra/ = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri)
let%opt_wrap refs = References.forPos(~file, ~extra, pos)
open Rpc.J
/state, l(refs |> => o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(loc)/,
/"kind", i(2)/
} |? /state, Json.Null/
/"textDocument/references", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try /uri, pos/ = Protocol.rPositionParams(params)
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try_wrap /file, extra/ = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri) |> Result.orError("Could not compile " ++ uri)
open Infix
let%opt /_, loc/ = References.locForPos(~extra, Utils.cmtLocFromVscode(pos))
let allModules = package.localModules |>
let%opt allReferences = References.forLoc(
~getModule=State.fileForModule(state, ~package),
~getExtra=State.extraForModule(state, ~package),
) |> Result.toOptionAndLog
open Rpc.J
l(allReferences |>
(/fname, references/) => (
fname == uri
? List.filter(loc => !Protocol.locationContains(loc, pos), references)
: references
) |> => Protocol.locationOfLoc(~fname, loc))
) |> List.concat)
} |? /state, Json.Null/
/"textDocument/rename", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try /uri, pos/ = Protocol.rPositionParams(params)
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try /file, extra/ = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri) |> Result.orError("Could not compile " ++ uri)
let%try newName = RJson.get("newName", params)
open Infix
let%opt /_, loc/ = References.locForPos(~extra, Utils.cmtLocFromVscode(pos))
let allModules = package.localModules |>
let%opt allReferences = References.forLoc(
~getModule=State.fileForModule(state, ~package),
~getExtra=State.extraForModule(state, ~package),
) |> Result.toOptionAndLog
open Rpc.J
/"changes", o(
allReferences |>, references/) =>
l(references |> => o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(loc)/,
/"newText", newName/,
} |? Ok(/state, Json.Null/)
/"textDocument/codeLens", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try uri = params |> RJson.get("textDocument") |?> RJson.get("uri") |?> RJson.string
/* let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state) */
switch State.getPackage(uri, state) {
| Result.Error(message) => {
let items = [/"Unable to load compilation data: " ++ message, {
Location.loc_start: {Lexing.pos_fname: "", pos_lnum: 1, pos_bol: 0, pos_cnum: 0},
Location.loc_end: {Lexing.pos_fname: "", pos_lnum: 1, pos_bol: 0, pos_cnum: 0},
loc_ghost: false,
open Rpc.J
Ok(/state, l(items |>, loc/) => o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(loc)/,
/"command", o([
/"title", s(text)/,
/"command", s("")/
| Ok(package) =>
Log.log("<< codleens me please")
open Infix
let items = {
let%opt {file, extra} = {
switch State.getCompilationResult(uri, state, ~package) {
| Success(_, full) => {
Log.log("Got a successful compilation result for " ++ uri)
| _ => None
} |?# lazy(State.getLastDefinitions(uri, state))
/* let%opt {file, extra} = State.getLastDefinitions(uri, state) */
Log.log("<< ok fonna do tis")
let showToplevelTypes = state.settings.perValueCodelens /* TODO config option */
let lenses = showToplevelTypes ? file.contents.topLevel |. Belt.List.keepMap(({name: {loc}, contents}) => {
switch contents {
| Value({typ}) => PrintType.default.expr(PrintType.default, typ) |> PrintType.prettyString |> s => Some((s, loc))
| _ => None
}) : []
let showOpens = state.settings.opensCodelens
/* let lenses = showOpens ? lenses @ Definition.opens(moduleData) : lenses */
let lenses = showOpens ? lenses @ {
} : lenses
let showDependencies = state.settings.dependenciesCodelens
let lenses = showDependencies ? [/"Dependencies: " ++ String.concat(", ",
SharedTypes.hashList(extra.externalReferences) |>
), {
Location.loc_start: {Lexing.pos_fname: "", pos_lnum: 1, pos_bol: 0, pos_cnum: 0},
Location.loc_end: {Lexing.pos_fname: "", pos_lnum: 1, pos_bol: 0, pos_cnum: 0},
loc_ghost: false,
}/, ...lenses] : lenses
switch items {
| None => Error("Could not get compilation data")
| Some(items) =>
open Rpc.J
Ok(/state, l(items |>, loc/) => o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(loc)/,
/"command", o([
/"title", s(text)/,
/"command", s("")/
/"textDocument/hover", (state, params) => {
let%try /uri, pos/ = Protocol.rPositionParams(params)
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try /file, extra/ = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri) |> Result.orError("Could not compile " ++ uri)
let pos = Utils.cmtLocFromVscode(pos)
let%opt /location, loc/ = References.locForPos(~extra, pos)
let%opt text = Hover.newHover(
~getModule=State.fileForModule(state, ~package),
open Rpc.J
Some(Ok(/state, o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfLoc(location)/,
/"contents", text |> Protocol.contentKind(!state.settings.clientNeedsPlainText)/
} |? Ok(/state, Json.Null/)
/"textDocument/rangeFormatting", fun (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try uri = params |> RJson.get("textDocument") |?> RJson.get("uri") |?> RJson.string
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try /start, end_/ = RJson.get("range", params) |?> Protocol.rgetRange
let text = State.getContents(uri, state)
open Infix
let maybeResult = {
let%opt startPos = PartialParser.positionToOffset(text, start)
let%opt_wrap endPos = PartialParser.positionToOffset(text, end_)
let substring = String.sub(text, startPos, endPos - startPos)
open Utils
let trailingNewlines = substring |> countTrailing('\n')
let /leadingNewlines, charsToFirstLines/ = {
let splitted = substring |> split_on_char('\n')
let l = List.length(splitted)
let rec loop = (i, leadingLines, skipChars) => {
let line = List.nth(splitted, i)
switch line |> String.trim |> String.length {
| 0 => loop(i + 1, leadingLines + 1, skipChars + (line |> String.length))
| _ => /leadingLines, skipChars + 1/
loop(0, 0, 0)
/* Strip all leading new lines from substring */
let /startPos, substring/ =
if leadingNewlines > 0 {
startPos + leadingNewlines,
String.length(substring) - charsToFirstLines,
} else {
/startPos, substring/
let indent = getFullLineOfPos(startPos, text) |> countLeading(' ')
let cursorToFirstLineSpaces = substring |> countLeading(' ')
let appendIndent = (~firstLineSpaces=?, indent, s) => {
let indentString = repeat(indent, " ")
if indent == 0 {
} else {
split_on_char('\n', s)
|> List.mapi((index, line) =>
switch /index, firstLineSpaces, String.length(line)/ {
| /_, _, 0/ => line
| /0, Some(spaces), _/ => repeat(spaces, " ") ++ line
| _ => indentString ++ line
|> String.concat("\n")
let%try_wrap text = AsYouType.format(~formatWidth=state.settings.formatWidth, substring, package.refmtPath)
open Rpc.J
open Infix
/"range", Json.get("range", params) |! "what"/,
repeat(leadingNewlines, "\n")
++ appendIndent(
++ repeat(trailingNewlines, "\n"),
maybeResult |? Error("Invalid position")
/"textDocument/documentSymbol", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
let%try uri = params |> RJson.get("textDocument") |?> RJson.get("uri") |?> RJson.string
let%try package = State.getPackage(uri, state)
let%try /file, extra/ = State.fileForUri(state, ~package, uri) |> Result.orError("Could not compile " ++ uri)
open SharedTypes
let rec getItems = ({Module.topLevel}) => {
let fn = ({name: {txt, loc}, extentLoc, contents}) => {
let /item, siblings/ = switch contents {
| Module.Value(v) => /Protocol.variableKind(v.typ), []/
| Type(t) => /Protocol.typeKind(t.typ), []/
| Module(Structure(contents)) => /`Module, getItems(contents)/
| Module(Ident(_)) => /`Module, []/
| ModuleType(_) => /`ModuleType, []/
[/txt, extentLoc, item/, ...siblings]
let x = topLevel |. |. List.concat
/getItems(file.contents) |> items => {
open Rpc.J
Ok(/state, l(items |>, loc, typ/) => o([
/"name", s(name)/,
/"kind", i(Protocol.symbolKind(typ))/,
/"location", Protocol.locationOfLoc(loc)/,
/* ("containerName", s(String.concat(".", path))) */
/"textDocument/formatting", (state, params) => {
open InfixResult
params |> RJson.get("textDocument") |?> RJson.get("uri") |?> RJson.string
|?> uri => State.getPackage(uri, state)
|?> package => {
let text = State.getContents(uri, state)
AsYouType.format(~formatWidth=state.settings.formatWidth, text, package.refmtPath) |?>> newText => {
open Rpc.J
/state, text == newText ? Json.Null : l([o([
/"range", Protocol.rangeOfInts(
0, 0,
List.length(Str.split(Str.regexp_string("\n"), text)) + 1, 0
/"newText", s(newText)/
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