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Created March 5, 2014 09:21
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Save chengui/9363946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import zypp # import the module
#myRepoString = ""
myRepoString = ""
repoTmpPath = "/tmp/repoTmpPath" # temporary Path
myZypp = zypp.ZYppFactory_instance().getZYpp() # create the instance
myTarget = myZypp.initializeTarget(zypp.Pathname(repoTmpPath)) # target (aka "root")
repoManagerOptions = zypp.RepoManagerOptions(zypp.Pathname(repoTmpPath)) # where to store the metadata
repoManager = zypp.RepoManager(repoManagerOptions) # manages multiple repositories
pool = myZypp.pool() # pool of packages
myRepoInfo = zypp.RepoInfo() # constructor
myRepoInfo.addBaseUrl(zypp.Url(myRepoString)) # add URL
myRepoInfo.setAlias("default") # add alias
myRepoInfo.setName("default") # add name
myRepoInfo.setEnabled(True) # enable
myRepoInfo.setType(zypp.RepoType.RPMMD) # for only RPMMD - notice the checkbox ;)
myRepoInfo.setGpgCheck(False) # don't check for now
repoManager.addRepository(myRepoInfo) # add the repoInfo
repoManager.refreshMetadata(myRepoInfo) # fetch metadata
repoManager.buildCache(myRepoInfo) # build cache
repoManager.loadFromCache(myRepoInfo) # load cache
lowerLog = []
for item in pool: # iterate over the pool
msg = ""
if zypp.isKindPackage(item):
msg += "Name: "
msg += str(
msg += " - "
msg += "Version: "
msg += str(zypp.asKindPackage(item).edition())
msg += " - "
msg += "Summary: "
msg += str(zypp.asKindPackage(item).summary())
msg += "\n"
for i in lowerLog:
print i
repoManager.removeRepository(myRepoInfo) # add the repoInfo
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