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Last active September 24, 2015 11:21
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Save chenpanliao/316e0a2d0443e4b37560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
st <- proc.time()
# given const
N = 50 # grid size
PercSteps= 20 # number of percolation values
pstep = 1/(PercSteps) # density step
reps = 50 # number of repetitions
Perc = matrix(0, PercSteps+1, 3)
# allMap <- vector('list', PercSteps+1)
# allMapN <- 1
# APAN: r 是 1:PercSteps+1 還是 1:(PercSteps+1) ? 我改成後者 1:(PercSteps+1)
for (r in 1:(PercSteps+1)){
# cat("\tr = ", r)
p = pstep*(r-1)
Time = vector(mode = "integer", reps) # 用 integer 即可
for (k in 1:reps){ # k 為完整燒到結束, 共完整燒 reps 次
full = matrix(0L, N+2, N+2) # define running matrix (to set the boundary of the grid with 0, so that the fire wont go out )
# .Random.seed <- 1:1000
full[ 2:(N+1) , 2:(N+1) ] <- rbinom(N**2, 1, p) # 中間填二元亂數
treeLoc <- which(full == 1, # 樹的位置, 後面有用
full[2, (1:N)+1] [full[2, (1:N)+1] == 1] <- 2L # 第一排有火
# allMap[[allMapN]] <- full
count = 0L; # count number of iterations
# while (sum(full==2)>0){
while (any(full == 2)){
count = count + 1L
y <- which(full==2L, # find trees on fire
size = nrow(y)
#### 以下這部份才是重點,也就是算火怎麼傳染的過程
#### 你原本的演算法好懂直覺, 但太多 if() 以及有些不需要的轉換
#### 這也是會很慢的原因
#### 我的方法概念上大概是「每個時刻都找到所有會燒的樹,把它加上1」
#### 經過比較,運算結果和你的版本完全相同,但可快至少一倍
# 往上座標 y - matrix( c(1,0), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T )
# 往下座標 y + matrix( c(1,0), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T )
# 往左座標 y - matrix( c(0,1), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T )
# 往右座標 y + matrix( c(0,1), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T )
fireTreeLoc <- rbind(
y - matrix( c(1,0), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T ),
y + matrix( c(1,0), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T ),
y - matrix( c(0,1), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T ),
y + matrix( c(0,1), ncol=2, nrow=size , byrow=T )
) # 目前和下次會燒起來的座標, 但仍包括沒樹的位置
fireTreeLoc.abs <- (fireTreeLoc[,2] - 1)*(N+2) + fireTreeLoc[,1]
treeLoc.abs <- (treeLoc[,2] - 1)*(N+2) + treeLoc[,1]
addOneLoc <- treeLoc.abs[treeLoc.abs %in% fireTreeLoc.abs]
# addOneLoc <- fireTreeLoc.abs[fireTreeLoc.abs %in% treeLoc.abs] #同義
fireLayer <- matrix(0L, (N+2), (N+2)) ; fireLayer[addOneLoc] <- 1L
full <- full + fireLayer
# full[full > 3] <- 3 # 不必要, 只是把 > 3 的值硬改成 3, 但對運算結果沒作用
# allMap[[allMapN]] <- full
# allMapN <- allMapN + 1
Time[k] = count
Mean_Time = mean(Time)
Error_Time = sd(Time)
Perc[r,1] = p
Perc[r,2] = Mean_Time
Perc[r,3] = Error_Time
print(proc.time() - st)
# setwd("/tmp")
# png(file="fire%05d.png")
# for(i in 10000:11000){
# map <- data.frame(z=c(allMap[[i]]), y=rep(1:52,52) , x=as.numeric(gl(52,52)))
# print(ggplot(map, aes(x=x,y=y,fill=z)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=z)) + scale_fill_gradient(low="green", high="red"))
# }
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