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Created August 5, 2014 18:25
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# Copyright 2013 Chen-Pan Liao
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# See
# to learn how to use this function
## main function
bootCI <- function(
alternative=c("t", "l", "g"), # see arg "alternative" in help(t.test)
B=1999, # number of bootstrap samples
quantileAlgorithm = 7 # passed to quantile(type)
if(mode(x) != "numeric"){
stop("mode(x) must be \"numeric\"")
if(class(x) != "numeric" && class(x) != "integer"){
stop("class(x) must be \"numeric\" or \"integer\"")
if(length(x) < 2){
stop("length(x) must be larger than 1")
# initiation
alternative <- alternative[1]
stat.length <- length(x)
stat.mean <- mean(x)
stat.sem <- sqrt(var(x) / stat.length)
# alternative
probs <- c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2)
if(alternative == "l") probs <- c(0, 1-alpha)
if(alternative == "g") probs <- c(alpha, 1)
# bootstrap
boot.mat <- matrix(0.0, B+1, stat.length)
boot.mat[1,] <- x
for (i in 2:(B+1)) {
boot.mat[i,] <- sample(x, replace=T)
# exact (traditional) CI based on t distribution
CI.exact <- stat.mean + qt(probs, stat.length - 1) * stat.sem
names(CI.exact) <- paste(probs*100, "%", sep="")
# basic bootstrap CI
CI.basic <- 2 * stat.mean - quantile(
apply(boot.mat, 1, mean), probs=1-probs, type=quantileAlgorithm
names(CI.basic) <- rev(names(CI.basic))
# percentile bootstrap CI
CI.percentile <- quantile(
apply(boot.mat, 1, mean), probs=probs, type=quantileAlgorithm
# studentized bootstrap CI
tmp.mean <- apply(boot.mat, 1, mean)
tmp.sem <- apply(
boot.mat, 1, function(.){sqrt(var(.) / length(.))}
tmp.t <- (tmp.mean - stat.mean) / tmp.sem
expr <- expression(
CI.studentized <-
stat.mean - quantile(
tmp.t, probs=1-probs, type=quantileAlgorithm
) * stat.sem
a.try <- try(eval(expr), T)
if("try-error" %in% class(a.try)) {
warning("studentized bootstrap CI cannot
be done well due to boostrap sem = 0")
names(CI.studentized) <- rev(names(CI.studentized))
# exceptions of one-tail
if(alternative == "g") {
CI.exact[2] = Inf
CI.basic[2] = Inf
CI.percentile[2] = Inf
CI.studentized[2] = Inf
} else if(alternative == "l") {
CI.exact[1] = -Inf
CI.basic[1] = -Inf
CI.percentile[1] = -Inf
CI.studentized[1] = -Inf
output <- list(
x = x,
alpha = alpha,
alternative = alternative,
B = B,
CI.exact = CI.exact,
CI.basic = CI.basic,
CI.percentile = CI.percentile,
CI.studentized = CI.studentized
class(output) <- "bootCI"
## print function
print.bootCI <- function(w){
cat("Summary of x\n")
cat("CIs of mu\n")
mat <- rbind(w$CI.exact, w$CI.basic, w$CI.percentile, w$CI.studentized)
rownames(mat) <- c("$CI.exact", "$CI.basic", "$CI.percentile", "$CI.studentized")
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