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Created March 12, 2018 11:00
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace qqpet
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//code from chenxu's blog :
string html = HttpGetPet("", "", "o0961726194", "@xxxxxxx");
public static string pleaseLogin = "请设置登陆信息!";
public static string petMore = "更多宠物命令请回复“宠物助手”";
/// <summary>
/// 获取宠物基本信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetPetState(string uin, string skey)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "", uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
result += Reg_get(html, "alt=\"QQ宠物\"/></p><p>(?<say>.*?)<", "say").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "宠物名:" + Reg_get(html, "昵称:(?<level>.*?)<", "level").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "等级:" + Reg_get(html, "等级:(?<level>.*?)<", "level").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "状态:" + Reg_get(html, "状态:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "成长值:" + Reg_get(html, "成长值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "饥饿值:" + Reg_get(html, "饥饿值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "清洁值:" + Reg_get(html, "清洁值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "心情:" + Reg_get(html, "心情:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n" + petMore;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 获取宠物详细信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetPetMore(string uin, string skey)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=2", uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
result += "主人昵称:" + Reg_get(html, "主人昵称:(?<name>.*?)&nbsp;", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "宠物性别:" + Reg_get(html, "宠物性别:(?<level>.*?)<", "level").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "生日:" + Reg_get(html, "生日:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "等级:" + Reg_get(html, "等级:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "年龄:" + Reg_get(html, "年龄:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "代数:" + Reg_get(html, "代数:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "成长值:" + Reg_get(html, "成长值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "武力值:" + Reg_get(html, "武力值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "智力值:" + Reg_get(html, "智力值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "魅力值:" + Reg_get(html, "魅力值:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "活跃度:" + Reg_get(html, "活跃度:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ "配偶:" + Reg_get(html, "配偶:(?<now>.*?)<", "now").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n"
+ petMore;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 喂养宠物选择页面
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string FeedPetSelect(string uin, string skey,string page)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=3&page=" + page, uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
result += "我的账户:" + Reg_get(html, "我的账户:(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
int i = 0;
MatchCollection matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "<p>(?<name>.*?)<br");
string[] name = new string[matchs.Count];
string[] id = new string[matchs.Count];
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
name[i++] += item.Groups["name"].Value;
i = 0;
matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "goodid=(?<id>.*?)\"");
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
id[i++] += "物品id:" + item.Groups["id"].Value;
for(int j = 0; j < i;j++)
result += name[j] + "\r\n" + id[j] + "\r\n";
if(Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") != "")
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
return result + petMore;
/// <summary>
/// 清洁宠物选择页面
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string WashPetSelect(string uin, string skey, string page)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=3&page=" + page + "&eatwash=1", uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
result += "我的账户:" + Reg_get(html, "我的账户:(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
int i = 0;
MatchCollection matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "<p>(?<name>.*?)<br");
string[] name = new string[matchs.Count];
string[] id = new string[matchs.Count];
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
name[i++] += item.Groups["name"].Value;
i = 0;
matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "goodid=(?<id>.*?)\"");
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
id[i++] += "物品id:" + item.Groups["id"].Value;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
result += name[j] + "\r\n" + id[j] + "\r\n";
if (Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") != "")
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
return result + petMore;
/// <summary>
/// 治疗宠物选择页面
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string CurePetSelect(string uin, string skey, string page)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=3&page=" + page + "&eatwash=2", uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
result += "我的账户:" + Reg_get(html, "我的账户:(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
int i = 0;
MatchCollection matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "<p>(?<name>.*?)<br");
string[] name = new string[matchs.Count];
string[] id = new string[matchs.Count];
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
name[i++] += item.Groups["name"].Value;
i = 0;
matchs = Reg_solve(Reg_get(html, "元宝(?<name>.*?)上页", "name").Replace(" ", ""), "goodid=(?<id>.*?)\"");
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
id[i++] += "物品id:" + item.Groups["id"].Value;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
result += name[j] + "\r\n" + id[j] + "\r\n";
if (Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") != "")
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页</a>(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
result += "第" + Reg_get(html, "上页(?<name>.*?)/", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页,共"
+ Reg_get(html, "上页(.*?)/(?<name>\\d+)", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "页" + "\r\n";
return result + petMore;
/// <summary>
/// 使用宠物物品
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string UsePet(string uin, string skey, string goodid)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=3&feed=3&goodid=" + goodid, uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
if (html.IndexOf("不合法") != -1)
return "你没有这个东西,使用失败\r\n" + petMore;
result += "物品使用结果:\r\n" + Reg_get(html, "值:(?<name>.*?)<br", "name").Replace(" ", "").Replace("</b>", "") + "\r\n"
+ petMore;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 宠物学习选择页面
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StudyPetSelect()
return "课程id:\r\n小学体育:1\r\n小学劳技:2\r\n小学武术:5\r\n小学语文:4\r\n小学数学:5\r\n小学政治:6\r\n小学美术:7\r\n小学音乐:8\r\n小学礼仪:9\r\n\r\n中学体育:10\r\n中学劳技:11\r\n中学武术:12\r\n中学语文:13\r\n中学数学:14\r\n中学政治:15\r\n中学美术:16\r\n中学音乐:17\r\n中学礼仪:18\r\n\r\n大学体育:19\r\n大学劳技:20\r\n大学武术:21\r\n大学语文:22\r\n大学数学:23\r\n大学政治:24\r\n大学美术:25\r\n大学音乐:26\r\n大学礼仪:27\r\n" + petMore;
/// <summary>
/// 学习宠物课程
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uin"></param>
/// <param name="skey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string StudyPet(string uin, string skey, string classid)
string result = "";
string html = HttpGetPet("", "cmd=5&courseid=" + classid + "&study=2", uin, skey);
html = html.Replace("\r", "");
html = html.Replace("\n", "");
if (html.IndexOf("手机统一登录") != -1)
return pleaseLogin;
if (html.IndexOf("亲爱的") != -1)
result += Reg_get(html, "同学:(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
if (html.IndexOf("您已经完成了") != -1)
result += "您已经完成了" + Reg_get(html, "您已经完成了(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
if (html.IndexOf("你的宠物") != -1)
result += "你的宠物" + Reg_get(html, "你的宠物(?<name>.*?)<", "name").Replace(" ", "") + "\r\n";
return "课程学习结果:\r\n" + result + petMore;
/// <summary>
/// 直接获取正则表达式的最后一组匹配值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <param name="regstr"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string Reg_get(string str, string regstr, string name)
string result = "";
MatchCollection matchs = Reg_solve(str, regstr);
foreach (Match item in matchs)
if (item.Success)
result = item.Groups[name].Value;
return result;
public static MatchCollection Reg_solve(string str, string regstr)
Regex reg = new Regex(regstr, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return reg.Matches(str);
/// <summary>
/// GET 请求与获取结果
/// </summary>
public static string HttpGetPet(string Url, string postDataStr, string uin, string skey)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url + (postDataStr == "" ? "" : "?") + postDataStr);
request.Method = "GET";
request.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8";
request.Headers.Add("cookie", "uin=" + uin + "; skey=" + skey);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
return retString;
catch { }
return "";
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