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Last active April 12, 2023 12:04
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  • Save chenyaofo/114942b667621c729632353e8b48f9ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chenyaofo/114942b667621c729632353e8b48f9ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PyTorch 2,0 Docker
FROM nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04
PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH \
RUN APT_INSTALL="apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests" && \
GIT_CLONE="git clone --depth 10" && \
rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list \
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-ml.list && \
rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean && \
apt-get update && \
# libaio-dev for building deepspeed
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive $APT_INSTALL ca-certificates git wget && \
apt-get clean
RUN wget -O ~/ && \
/bin/bash ~/ -b -p /opt/conda && \
rm ~/ && \
ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ && \
echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo "conda activate dev" >> ~/.bashrc && \
find /opt/conda/ -follow -type f -name '*.a' -delete && \
find /opt/conda/ -follow -type f -name '*' -delete
RUN /opt/conda/bin/mamba create -n dev python=${PYTHON_VERSION} && \
CONDA_INSTALL="/opt/conda/bin/mamba install -n dev -y" && \
/opt/conda/bin/mamba clean -afy && \
echo 'Conda Install Done!'
RUN PIP_INSTALL="/opt/conda/envs/dev/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir" && \
$PIP_INSTALL torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url && \
echo 'PIP Install Done!'
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